Save the Date for the Harold D. and Rhoda N. Roberts Memorial Lecture on February 22

Register Today for “What Society Needs from the Higher Education Classroom”

Join us Thursday, Feb. 22 from 4-6 p.m. for a presentation by Bryan Dewsbury, Associate Professor of Biological Science at Florida International University. Enjoy light refreshments in Cornerstone Main Space from 4-5 p.m. before heading to the lecture in Celeste Theatre from 5-6 p.m.

Dewsbury’s talk, “What Society Needs from the Higher Education Classroom,” will explore how institutions of higher education can be more than just vehicles for social and economic promotion. For the democratic ideals of society to be realized, they must be spaces that are connected to, respectful of, and in community with the society they pledge to serve. Dewsbury will discuss the challenges and possibilities associated with this view, and the role that each of us can play in ensuring the viability and sustainability of this relationship.

This talk is generously supported through the Harold D. and Rhoda N. Roberts Memorial Lecture in the Natural Sciences endowment, which supports and enhances the teaching of science at CC.

Registration is encouraged by Monday, Feb. 19.

To learn more about the speaker, visit the event page.

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A Daily Digest for Colorado College

Today at CC Digest

A Daily Digest for Colorado College

Message from the President and Board of Trustees about College Leadership

Dear CC Community,

I write today to share a decision I have made about my future with the college. Following careful contemplation and with the deepest respect for this extraordinary place and its future, I have decided to return to my role as a professor of law at the University of California, Irvine School of Law, and to launch an Institute focused on equity, opportunity, and leadership. 

Words cannot express how difficult it is to choose to leave this beautiful and vital college community. My legal and academic career has focused on the pursuit of equity and fairness. As our national dialogue about these topics continues to intensify, I find myself increasingly torn between my desire to pursue that work as an academic with the freedom to fully engage in these debates, express my personal views, and challenge the status quo, and my responsibilities to CC as president. I have concluded that I must follow the moral obligation I feel to engage in these deeply challenging conversations as a law professor, scholar, and director of an Institute. I have informed Board Chair Jeff Keller and the Board of Trustees of my decision to step down effective June 30, 2024, and return to my faculty appointment at UC Irvine. I am grateful to the board for their understanding.

When I came to Colorado College, I intended to serve for many years if the board so desired. I did not anticipate how much the calling to pursue academic work and to lead an Institute focused on the issues that have motivated my entire career first as a lawyer and then as an academic would grow in the current moment. The board’s support, and their graciousness about my decision, have only made me appreciate the board and its leadership more.

The exciting news is that the board has already identified an exceptional leader to step in upon my departure, as Chair Keller explains below. I could not endorse the board’s choice with more enthusiasm or with greater confidence in her leadership, integrity, and capabilities. I know this community will rally around her as they did me, and that she will make you proud.

We have much work to do in the months ahead, and we will do it together. When I leave Colorado College, it will be with love and appreciation that will stay with me all my life. Together, we have established a vision and accomplished so much, including record-breaking fundraising, enhanced access for talented students, and innovative new courses and programs capitalizing on the flexibility of the Block. We have also set ambitious goals that put CC on a path of continued success, service, and impact worthy of its brilliant people. With the leadership of this board, your next president, the cabinet, and the continued support of this community, I know my departure will not disrupt our progress but will, rather, create new opportunities to take CC forward. 

It has been the honor of my career to have played a part in the arc of this college’s powerful story. I look forward to continuing to serve as your president and learn alongside you for the remainder of this semester as we prepare for the future. 

L. Song Richardson


Message from Board of Trustees Chair Jeff Keller

Dear CC Community,

I am writing today to share with you my gratitude to President Richardson and our plans for the future. The moral drive that has called President Richardson to refocus her passion and talents on her scholarship and teaching is consistent with the principled leader we have come to appreciate and admire. While her tenure will end far earlier than the board and I had hoped, CC is demonstrably better and stronger because of her leadership. 

From the start and throughout her tenure, President Richardson has challenged the CC community to ask ourselves how we can do what we do better during a transitional moment for higher education. Just two months into her term, she launched Project 2024, an ambitious strategic planning process that has engaged hundreds of CC voices to identify the decisions, investments, and commitments the college must take to position itself for its next 150 years. 

That successful effort is igniting a series of initiatives to support two priority areas: reinforcing liberal learning and valuing our people, while preparing CC to address the major challenges facing higher education. As president, Song articulated the four pillars that support our mission and are foundational to our students’ experience and all we do at CC. She also led the way in defining the three lenses–sustainability, mental health and wellness, and antiracism–that we now use to consider all decisions and actions. I look forward to celebrating these achievements and her many other contributions to CC with you later this semester.

To ensure the college’s forward momentum in implementing President Richardson’s vision, I am proud and grateful to announce that Dr. Manya Whitaker, Executive Vice President and Chief of Staff, has accepted the board’s request to serve as interim president for the next two years, effective July 1. The reasons for our appointment of Dr. Whitaker are many, and are grounded in her knowledge of CC, her commitment to its mission, and the drive and skill that have earned her the respect of the board and people across our campus community.

Since joining the college in 2011, Dr. Whitaker has served in multiple critical roles that have given her a broad and deep understanding of CC and its goals. In addition to serving as an esteemed member of our faculty and as executive VP and chief of staff, she has also been director of the Crown Faculty Center, director of Graduate Studies and Chair of Education, and interim director of the Butler Center. 

Dr. Whitaker has been President Richardson’s partner in the development of Project 2024, our four pillars, and the lenses that guide us, putting her in a unique position to lead the implementation of these efforts. In addition, through her scholarship in higher education, she brings in-depth knowledge of the liberal arts and the challenges educational institutions like CC face today. Perhaps most importantly, Dr. Whitaker is widely recognized for her collaborative leadership style, the confidence and support she has earned from her fellow faculty, and the close working relationship she has built with our students and staff. The board and I are unanimous in our conviction that she is the ideal person to serve as interim president and advance the college’s goals over these next two critical years. 

While change of this magnitude can be a challenge, we are fortunate that we have two outstanding leaders so well aligned and so deeply committed to this college and its future. We will work closely with President Richardson and Dr. Whitaker to ensure a seamless transition as this work takes its next steps forward. Should you have questions about this transition, I encourage you to let us know at We will do our best to respond promptly.

As we prepare to make this transition amid our 150th anniversary, our college stands poised for progress of vital importance and meaning to our students and the wider community we serve. Your engagement will make all the difference, and we look forward to all that we as a community will do together in the months and years ahead to strengthen and advance CC and its mission.

Jeff Keller

Chair of the Board of Trustees

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Career Center Newsletter 2/7/24

Career Center Highlights

Questions Corner: Your Questions Answered!

This week’s question is:  How do I learn about Career Fairs? 
The best place to find out about events will be by looking at Handshake’s Events page. You will see events posted by the Career Center and by companies! CareerEco is a great site that hosts virtual career fairs for a variety of industries. Pikes Peak Workforce Center also offers a variety of in-person career fairs, you can check them out here.

Highlighted Resources

Pathway U

Exploring career options and deciding on a direction can be overwhelming, particularly when you have diverse interests. Thankfully, PathwayU simplifies the process. In just 20-25 minutes, it assesses your interests, values, personality, and workplace preferences. Afterward, you receive a comprehensive explanation of your results and guidance for future career planning. 
  • For PathwayU platform guidance, watch this video.
  • After you complete PathwayU, check out the Career Center to learn more about our resources.  

Have more questions?

Attend drop-in hours between 1-4pm Monday-Thursday or schedule an appointment on Handshake to meet with our Career Consultants!

Emma Fairburn, Megan Mrkonjich, Sarah Reinbrecht, and Leah Brown (Left to Right)

Emma: Arts, Media, and Communications  
Megan: Science, Research, Outdoor Industry 
Sarah: Competitve Business and Technology 
Leah: Careers for the Common Good (Education, Non-Profit, Government, International Careers, and Service)

Public Interest Fellowship Program (PIFP)

Check out the job postings and get your application submitted this week.

The Summer Fellowship is open to all CC students.

The Yearlong Fellowship is open to August 2023, December 2023, and May 2024 CC graduates.

Check out the available fellowships at:
Questions? Reach out: 

Summer Internship Funding

Apply for a Summer Internship Funding Award to make unpaid (or underpaid) internships more financially possible. Your internship does not need to be accepted prior to applying for funding. 

Eligible internships could receive:
• A minimum of 8 weeks & 240 hours = $2500
• A minimum of 10 weeks & 400 hours = $4000
Details about eligibility and expectations can be found on the Funding

Poster Contest

Have an eye for design? Want to create something that can go in your portfolio and maybe win a gift card along the way? Enter the Career Center Poster Contest. More details can be found here

Upcoming Events

FBI Internship Information Session

Date: Thursday, February 8, 2024; 3:30-5 p.m. 
Location: Palmer Hall, Palmer 17

Join three U.S. Department of State panelists to discuss their career journeys and answer questions about careers with the Department. Panelists include the Diplomat in Residence of the Rocky Mountains, Air Force Academy Department of State Visiting Professor in the Department of Political Science, and Colorado College alum and Foreign Service Officer, Brian Hall ’08. All majors are encouraged to attend, as roles search for candidates with skills from many disciplines. Lunch will be provided. RSVP Now! 

Generation Teach

Date: Tuesday, February 20, 2024; 2:00-3:00 p.m. 

Location: Mierow House
During the Teaching Fellowship Informational session, we can discuss details of the fellowship, how to apply, and the benefits of joining.

Panelist to Action Workshop Series
  • Panel #1: Community Partner Panel 
Date: Tuesday, February 20, 2024; 5:30-7 p.m. 
Location: Tutt Library, Room 201
Arts & Crafts, Office of Sustainability, and the Career Center are teaming up to bring you a 3 part series on building a sustainable creative career! Join us for Workshop #1 as we bring local community partners (Concrete Couch & Who Gives a Scrap) to campus and start to dive into the possibilities of incorporating creativity into your career. Register on Handshake!
  • Panel #2: Alumni Panel
Date: Thursday, February 22, 2024; 5:30-7 p.m. 
Location: Cornerstone Arts Center, Screening Room 131
Join us for Workshop #2 as we welcome alumni who are working in the intersection of arts and sustainability. Hear from Han Santana-Sayles, Roo Smith, Luka Carter, Mary Alice Ewing, and Sam Cadigan about their experience at CC and how they’ve been able to create careers in the arts and sustainability. Register on Handshake!
  • Panel #3: Putting It All Together 
Date: Tuesday, February 27, 2024; 6:30-7:30 p.m. 
Location: Career Center Carriage House
Join us for the last workshop of the series where we talk about portfolio development, documenting your work, and professional practices. Register on Handshake!

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Today at CC Digest for Students

A Daily Digest for Colorado College

Today at CC Digest

A Daily Digest for Colorado College

Save the Date for the Board of Trustees Virtual Townhall

Mark your calendars for the Board of Trustees Townhall.

The Board of Trustees will join President L. Song Richardson for a virtual town hall on Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2:30-3:30 p.m., to share an update from their February meeting. Please register in advance to participate. Once you have registered, the Zoom link will be sent in the confirmation email.

The town hall will be recorded and shared with the campus community the week after the event. 

The Work of the College Series is a year-long program of events with four goals: (1) clarify organizational structures and decision-making processes; (2) offer campus constituencies the opportunity to dialogue with leadership about campus affairs; (3) increase decision-making transparency in hopes of building trust; and (4) build community.

The Work of the CollegSeries consists of:

  • Community Conversations (dialogue about specific topics)
  • Roadshows (presentations and Q&As)
  • Board of Trustees Town Halls (informational updates)
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Today at CC Digest for Students

A Daily Digest for Colorado College

Today at CC Digest

A Daily Digest for Colorado College
