The Griffith Observatory is raised high above LA, so we ran around and gaped at the miles of sprawl below us. From it, one can clearly see the white block letters outlining the most recognized word in the world, “Hollywood”. The notorious sign rests on the hillside above everything else, branding the geography as the land of opportunity, fame and stardom but also of flops, failures and falsehood. It stands as a metal monument to the U.S. movie industry and maybe as marker for the start of our careers.
The truth is, sometimes it feels like a gravestone commemorating all the filmmakers and talent that came before us. Maybe Hollywood is dying. People seem to be scrambling at the liquidating industry beneath their feet. High quality cameras and equipment are more accessible now that ever before in the history of filmmaking. Youtube stars have become more valuable to productions than famous names of past films. Content is put straight online without any gatekeepers to prevent the world from viewing it with one easy click. Hollywood may not truly die, but things are definitely changing and they are changing fast. Our generation is in a whole new wave of access and technology. To be honest, I feel like the change in the industry is on my side.
Taking the Hollywood block has opened my eyes. We always joke that CC can be a bubble because school can be so detached from the real world. However, this class has popped the bubble just enough to make me realize that college is the perfect opportunity to take huge risks, and then push even further. We are in a moment of our lives where if we reach out and fail, we will end up exactly where we are. I’ve never seen all the sides to the bubble. It’s an environment where we can push boundaries and fail. The further in life we get, the more limitations and things to actually lose we will acquire (good or bad). Right now we have everything to gain and nothing to loose.
It is incredible to be here in LA actually experiencing the industry first hand. There are aspects of culture that cannot be read but must be experienced. I feel like I have a much greater understanding of film as a medium of communication. I am excited to play with it and use my understanding of the industry to try to create deeper truths that pertain to my own path and career. Thank you Clay and Dylan for this wonderful opportunity and experience that will alter the course of my life. As Steve Jobs once said, “the dots connect in hindsight,” but I can already feel the change in me.