International Conference on Romanticism
September 18-21, 2025 
Colorado College 
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Call for Papers

We convene the 34th annual International Conference on Romanticism in the spirit of its  founding as an organization devoted to the consideration of Romanticism “as a whole, in all its  multi-linguistic, cross-cultural, and interdisciplinary manifestations,” as long-time Executive  Director, President, and founding member, Larry Peer, put it. We thus deploy “trans” in a broad  sense that includes its contemporary usage as a prefix denoting transcending or decentering—as  in “transgender” or “transhuman”—as well as usages related to the original Latin preposition  with its meaning of “across or over, also through, to the other side of, beyond” (Oxford Latin  Dictionary). Although the ICR always supports the study of literary Romanticism, with this  conference theme we also hope to capture the sense of “transdisciplinary,” hoping for  submissions that encounter Romanticism beyond literary studies narrowly defined, and across  disciplines such as musicology, philosophy, religion, history, art history, performance, and  beyond.  

Avenues of investigation might include, but are not limited to:

Translation, from one language, genre, or medium to another 
Transgender, queer, and nonbinary Romanticism 
Transnational, including transatlantic, Romanticism 
Transglobal: Romanticism in the context of World Literature 
Romantic materialisms, metamorphoses, and transformations 
Posthuman/Transhuman Romanticism 
Romantic natural science, chemistry, physics, medicine 
Romantic myth making 
Romanticism in the digital world 
Romantic societies, salons, and organizations 

Keynote Speaker:
Jan Mieszkowski
Reginald F. Arragon Professor of German and Humanities
Program in Comparative Literature
Reed College

Please send 300 word abstracts and a short biographical sketch
by April 30, 2025 to William  Davis at
