The ITS:Division met on Wednesday, April 22, and discussed the following (please let me know if you have any corrections):
Patrick Bultema, Executive Director of the Innovation Institute, along with Jill Lange (the institute’s program manager), provided an overview of the institute’s mission and vision, as well as shared information about the programs that are a part of it (The Big Idea, Public Interest Fellowship Program, Ashoka, IDEA Space, Keller Family Venture Grant Program, and State of the Rockies).
Individual kudos were shared.
Linda introduced Angie Duff, the division’s new information security officer. Linda also stated that the database and system administrator search committee would be bringing in another candidate for an on-campus interview. Matt noted that Beth Scaffidi, the new GIS administrator, would start on May 1, and Danna Duncan, the new instructional technologist, would start on June 1.
Brian shared the following with regard to the evaluation process:
1) It is extremely tough to be ranked in the top category (met goals and expectations in all areas of performance and made significant additional contributions to the college).
2) The second highest rank (met goals and expectations in all areas of performance) is also tough.
3) The expectation is that for the entire campus only 10 to 15 percent of employees will fall into the top two categories.
4) It is important that as we fill in our evaluations and have discussions with our supervisors, we need to really reflect on what these categories mean.
5) The college has not yet determined what percent salary increases go with each ranking.
6) Feedback is provided because we care.
Brian updated the division about the ITS: budget, stating that we will receive an additional $917,000 in ongoing operating budget money beginning in 2015-2016 (this additional money does not impact what we will receive for the network upgrade). He added that ITS: and the college’s strategic goals received 78 percent of the additional budget allocation for 2015-2016. Brian remarked that all eyes will be on us because of this increase in funds. He continues to work on budget issues, including the life cycle replacement funds, moving forward. He also reminded the group that we will always do the right thing to support the educational mission.
David Ziemba provided a brief update on the network upgrade and announced that he and others are currently working on getting Clear Pass installed. Please talk to Dan Raney if you have any weird devices that will access the network.
ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro