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Author Archives: Linda

March 11, 2015, ITS:Division Meeting

The ITS:Division met on Wednesday, March 11, and discussed the following (please let me know if you have any corrections): Brian provided updates: 1) He shared information from the latest Board meeting.  Please look here for the official information noted on the Board of Trustees website. 2) The campus budget committee will be meeting in April to … Continue reading »

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Interview with: David Ziemba, Senior Network Engineer

My latest interviewee was David Ziemba: 1) What brought you to CC? I found an ad in the paper (back when everything was still in the paper) for a part-time Help Desk person.  I applied while I was still in school and got the job. 2) How long have you worked here? Fifteen years in … Continue reading »

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Space people (actually, person) doing good work

The space people are at it again!  No, aliens have not taken over ITS:, but Randy Babb, our lead smart spaces innovator, is busy helping the Economics and Business Department plan out some new uses for their space in Palmer. Thanks, Matt, for the picture!  Randy, we look forward to hearing more about this project … Continue reading »

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Loomis Hall – puzzle pieces 1 and 2 are complete for the new network!

David Ziemba gave Chad and I a quick tour around Loomis Hall to see the awesome new equipment that has been installed, completing puzzle pieces 1 and 2 of the new network in that building!  (If you’re not sure what puzzle pieces 1 and 2 are, check out the network upgrade info here.) It was … Continue reading »

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ITS: is officially over a year old!

Did you know that it has been over a year since Information Technology Services was officially re-branded as ITS:?  It was the end of January 2014 when the change was announced to the division and by all accounts, the new name, look, and feel has been a success with our campus colleagues! What do you … Continue reading »

Categories: General Fun, Uncategorized | Tags: , | Leave a comment

Baby T is everywhere!

Baby T is everywhere…today, he was caught intently watching the presentation from the Information Security Officer candidate.  You just never know where you’ll see him next! Information security really IS important! Thanks, Dave A., for the photo! ITS:Always fun, never boring Respectfully submitted, Linda Petro

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Brocade Office visit on January 23, 2015

Roving reporter Chad Schonewill submitted the following from his visit to the Broomfield, CO, Brocade Office on January 23: Vish, David Z., Andrew, and Chad took a day trip to the Brocade Office in Broomfield and toured the offices there, focusing on viewing the lab setups that CC can utilize for testing Brocade equipment.  Vish … Continue reading »

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Welcome back everyone!

Welcome back to work everyone!  I know it is already the second week of half-block, but as I haven’t had a chance to see all of you yet, I’m saying welcome back and of course Happy New Year!  I hope you all had wonderful break and that you spent the time doing whatever makes you … Continue reading »

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December 11, 2014, ITS:Division Meeting

The ITS:Division met on Thursday, December 11, and discussed the following (please let me know if you have any corrections): Individual kudos were shared. Brian provided updates: 1) The direction of the soup kitchen will be changing, with the the new focus, including new location (no longer in Shove Chapel), in place by the end … Continue reading »

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“Able-bodied Disabled”

Did you know that Wednesday, December 3, 2014 was International Day of People with Disability?  I did not, but Vish did.  He shared his thoughts about the day with me, and I wanted to share them with you (with his permission, of course), as I found them to be beautifully-stated and very thought-provoking: “December 3rd … Continue reading »

Categories: Quotes and Thoughts for the Day | Tags: , , , | 1 Comment