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Author Archives: Linda

When boring is exciting

Thanks, Dave Armstrong, for these pictures of the bore under I-25 and the railroad to connect us to Internet2, as well as the clever title for the post! ITS:Always fun, never boring (unless we’re boring under I-25!) Respectfully submitted, Linda Petro

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ITS:Division Meeting Notes from Monday, September 14, 2015

A big thanks to Dave Armstrong for taking notes at last week’s division meeting!  By the way, Dave, I hope no one was rowdy enough to get thrown out of the meeting…I’d hate for your turn as “Sargent-at-Arms” to be marred with such complications!  🙂 And now, the notes: Joseph lead the meeting. 1)      Kudos … Continue reading »

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I found this video on teamwork quite interesting.  It is a quick watch (about 3 minutes), but well worth the time. Let me know what you all think! ITS:Always fun, never boring Respectfully submitted, Linda Petro

Categories: Quotes and Thoughts for the Day | Tags: , | Leave a comment

Thank you!

A big thank you to everyone who participated in the NSO/Move-in days weekends on campus!  Several in this group met at Panino’s this past Wednesday to kick back, relax, and have some good food and beverages to celebrate the success. Here’s the full list of folks that helped out on those weekends: Dave Armstrong Jeff … Continue reading »

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Fall Conference: “Video without a Camera”

Roving reporter, Chad Schonewill, turned in the following regarding his Fall Conference experience: Danna and I co-presented a very successful Fall Conference session today (August 20) called “Video without a camera.”  Sean was also key in helping us get the room set up, including a custom wiring situation so we could get sound working. We … Continue reading »

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ITS:’s very own Indiana Jones

Beth Scaffidi, our GIS Administrator, recently traveled to Peru to continue work on her PhD archeology project.  While she took Baby T with her (he was very happy to go to another exotic locale!), the pictures she took with him were left behind with the project.  While we’re sad we don’t get to see him … Continue reading »

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You oughta be in pictures (or at least take them!)!

Wednesday, August 19 is Photography Day, so I’d like to challenge all of you to take pictures while you are out and about on campus or while you are working diligently at your desk.  Let’s capture a day in the life of our ITS:Team from everyone’s perspective!  So what kinds of pictures should you take? … Continue reading »

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You know you have worked together a long time…

…when you spontaneously come to work and your clothing closely matches your co-workers: Great minds think alike!  Now we just need to get them all to smile…I know working at the Help Desk is hard work, but…  🙂 Thanks, Chad, for the photo! ITS:Always fun, never boring Respectfully submitted, Linda Petro

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Year-end celebration!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015 was a day to celebrate a productive and successful 2014-2015 year with our ITS: colleagues and family members at Stewart House.  I was able to get some good pictures of the festivities:     My thanks to everyone who helped make this a great event, from Bon Appetit, to our set-up … Continue reading »

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Caitlin Taber, computer ninja

Our very own student worker Caitlin Taber has been hard at work at the Help Desk lately…can you spot all eight computers that she is managing?   First one to give me the correct response as to where all eight of them are  (without going to the Help Desk to count them in person!) will … Continue reading »

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