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Author Archives: Linda

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…

…well…actually…just yesterday across campus, ITS: got together to celebrate a very important holiday…May the 4th, otherwise known as Star Wars Day (May the 4th be with you!)!  We had Star Wars-themed food, a raffle for the Millennium Falcon (congratulations, Randy!), and our very own Jedi Knight (great costume, Jim Schulz!).       It was … Continue reading »

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April 22, 2015, ITS:Division Meeting

The ITS:Division met on Wednesday, April 22, and discussed the following (please let me know if you have any corrections): Patrick Bultema, Executive Director of the Innovation Institute, along with Jill Lange (the institute’s program manager), provided an overview of the institute’s mission and vision, as well as shared information about the programs that are … Continue reading »

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The ITS: iPad cart in action!

Roving reporter Jennifer Golightly had the following to share about the recent use of one of the ITS: iPad carts in the classroom (used last week): After the Apple Play Date for faculty hosted by ITS:, Rebecca Tucker in Art History contacted Jennifer Golightly to ask about using iPads, Apple TV, and Airplay in her … Continue reading »

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More from the Ellucian Conference

Jim Schulz shared a few more pictures from the Ellucian conference:   Thanks for the photos, Jim! ITS:Always fun, never boring Respectfully submitted, Linda Petro

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Baby T takes over New Orleans

Vish, Liz, and Jim S. traveled to New Orleans last week to participate in the Ellucian conference, and Jim S. got some great pictures of Baby T enjoying himself on the trip (does Mama T know about this?!):   Looks like Baby T really got around on this trip…I wonder if he slept through all … Continue reading »

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Taking New Orleans by storm (with a little help from the minions)

Roving reporter Vish Paradkar had this to say about the Ellucian conference in New Orleans:: “It’s hot, it’s humid, it’s raining, but I love this city!  I’m really enjoying (and benefiting) from this Ellucian conference.” It’s obvious he and Liz are enjoying themselves; perhaps they will bring home minions to help with all of the … Continue reading »

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What’s the Big Idea?

The Big Idea student innovation and entrepreneurship pitch competition was held yesterday in the Celeste Theater of the Cornerstone Arts Center.  While I didn’t get to see the entire competition, the two student group presentations I did see were quite impressive.  All of the pitches featured a strong component of technology whether it revolved around … Continue reading »

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April Fool’s fun

Someone got a little creative with Jeff Black’s workstation for April Fool’s Day last week… I don’t believe Jeff appreciated the efforts of the artist too much.  🙂  I hope it wasn’t too hard to put back together properly, Jeff! Thanks for the photo, Chad! ITS:Always fun, never boring Respectfully submitted, Linda Petro

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Good on so many levels!

I just watched this TED talk…funny, uplifting, and definitely worth a few minutes of your time.  You’ll laugh, you’ll be inspired, and you’ll never look at a “disabled” person the same way again (talk about diversity and inclusion!).  Enjoy! Maysoon Zayid: I got 99 problems…palsy is just one Have you seen or read something lately … Continue reading »

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Interview with: Jennifer Golightly, Instructional Technologist/Trainer

My latest interviewee was Jennifer Golightly: 1) What brought you to CC? I had a full-time position as an academic trainer and consultant at Pearson eCollege from 2010-2013.  In June 2013, the University of Denver’s English Department invited me to apply to teach literature as a full-time instructor in a one-year position, so I transitioned … Continue reading »

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