Notes from the Thursday, June 29, 2017, ITS: Division Meeting
Rebecca Tucker, Museum Director at the Fine Arts Center (FAC), shared information about the FAC’s history and upcoming exhibits. Kristin Love from the Advancement Office spoke about the faculty and staff giving campaign. Brian issued a challenge and will make an additional contribution to the campaign if 100% of ITS: staff participate. Linda gave an … Continue reading
Notes from the Thursday, May 11, 2017, ITS: Division Meeting
Laurie Mozingo from Human Resources attended today’s meeting and provided information about benefits and the current open enrollment period. Tulio spoke on behalf of Staff Council and stated that the lunch box program at Rastall is undergoing changes due to some people taking advantage of it. The to-go lunch boxes will no longer be available, … Continue reading
TED O’clock – Frustration can lead to more creative solutions – April 28, 2017
In Friday’s TED O’clock, the ITS: Team watched Tim Harford’s discussion on “How Frustration Can Make Us More Creative.” Throughout his talk, Mr. Harford provides several examples of how a messy situation created a unique solution, one that may not have arisen if the mess had not been in place. The group then discussed how … Continue reading
Notes from the Thursday, April 13, 2017, ITS: Division Meeting
Jake shared information about the Quad Innovative Partnership program involving Colorado College, the Air Force Academy, University of Colorado-Colorado Springs, and Pikes Peak Community College. He also spoke about the microfinance work he is doing in Uganda. West and Angie spoke about the two action items from the ITS: survey team which are: 1) quarterly … Continue reading
TED O’clock – Extend Your Life by 10 Years! – March 31, 2017
Angie Bardsley, our amazing administrative assistant, shared one of her favorite TED talks with the group, showing Jane McGonigal’s “The Game That Can Give You 10 Extra Years of Life.” Her talk begins by discussing the five most common regrets of the dying and making the case for the importance of how play, including playing … Continue reading
Notes from the Thursday, March 9, 2017, ITS: Division Meeting
Jan Edwards gave an overview of the students that Accessibility Resources serves as well as universal design points to consider when creating any campus space or computer-related activity. One way ITS: can help Accessibility Resources is to assist in making CC’s different web pages accessible, which includes details such as tagging photos. Kudos were shared. … Continue reading
TED O’clock – How Great Leaders Inspire Action – February 24, 2017
Danna Duncan, instructional technologist extraordinaire, presented this edition of TED O’clock and showed Simon Sinek’s “How Great Leaders Inspire Action.” In his talk, Mr. Sinek discusses the premise of how people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it. This is applicable whether you are marketing a product (like Apple) or a … Continue reading
Notes from the Thursday, February 9, 2017, ITS:Division Meeting
Below are the notes from the Thursday, February 9, 2017, ITS:Division meeting: Kudos were shared. Katharina announced that Drew Bodker will join the Server Applications and Security team soon as a part-time/on-call employee. He will be helping KRCC with applications and hardware as they move from their current location to 720 N. Tejon. Jeff M. … Continue reading
TED O’clock – 404, The Story of a Page Not Found – January 13, 2017
Welcome to the new year everyone! I hope 2017 is your best year yet! ITS: met on Friday the 13th of January (nope, no superstitions here!) for TED O’clock and watched Renny Gleeson’s talk about “404, The Story of a Page Not Found.” It was a short and succinct discussion that boiled down to this: … Continue reading
Notes from the December 15, 2016, ITS:Division Meeting
Here are the notes from the December 15, 2016, ITS:Division meeting: Assistant Vice President and Director of the Butler Center Paul Buckley shared an overview about the campus Butler Center, which focuses on campus-wide equity and inclusion, as well as student development through student groups and one-on-one mentoring, teaching and learning through programs like the … Continue reading