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TED O’clock on February 19, 2016 – The Power of Introverts

In this edition of TED O’clock, we watched Susan Cain discuss “The Power of Introverts.”  Here were a few takeaways from the discussion that followed: 1) We need to make sure we are accommodating a wide range of needs when designing spaces or scheduling meetings (not just for introverts, but for all people) and that … Continue reading »

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Minutes from the January 27, 2016 ITS:Division Meeting

Below are the notes from the January 27, 2016 division meeting: Agenda Paul Kuerbis – Ombudsperson to introduce himself and talk a little about the ombuds office Budget – Brian ITS: Interview – Angie will be sharing her summary about Randy Babb Negotiation Training Overview – Vish will share what he learned at a recent … Continue reading »

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TED O’clock on January 22, 2016 – Dare to Disagree

On January 22, 2016, ITS: gathered once again for TED O’clock, this time watching Margaret Heffernan’s talk, “Dare to Disagree.”  Here were some of the comments from the discussion that followed: 1) We need to become more afraid of silence than conflict. 2) Creating an open, safe environment is just the beginning. 3) People that … Continue reading »

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That’s absurd, but really fun!

Today’s TED O’clock focused on the absurd, but in a really fun way: Charlie Todd: The Shared Experience of Absurdity Here are some of the comments that were shared after the group watched the talk: 1) We all need to look up more and take notice of the things going on around us. 2) The … Continue reading »

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ITS:Division Meeting Notes from Friday, December 4, 2015

Thank you, Angie, for providing the minutes below: Agenda Discussion Topic: What Do You Want/Need from Division Meetings – Linda Petro Update on open positions – Linda Petro Changes in the Audio Visual area of Frontline Services – Joseph Sharman Coverage over winter break – Linda Petro All day maintenance day reminder – Linda Petro … Continue reading »

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TED O’clock on November 20, 2015

Thank you to everyone who attended our second “TED O’clock” event on November 20, 2015!  We had another great turnout! This time, we watched Tim Harford’s “Trial, Error, and the God Complex.”  Here were a few of the thoughts shared afterward: 1) Focus, but don’t get hung up on one idea, especially if it doesn’t … Continue reading »

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B4, I25, and other fun “Bingo Lingo”

To celebrate making it to the end of block 3, the ITS: crew got together for some breakfast and bingo on Friday, November 13.  It turned out to be a lucky day for Vineesh Konda, Jim Grey, Weston Taylor, Angie Bardsley, Liz Scherkenbach, Danna Duncan, David White, and Joe Hinson, as they all won some … Continue reading »

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Multi-School IT Meeting at CC

A week ago, ITS: hosted our counterparts from Colorado State University-Pueblo, Pikes Peak Community College, and University of Colorado at Colorado Springs on campus in the Spencer Center Board Room.  The group discussed the good, the okay, and the challenging with regard to customer service in IT.  Our own Jim Schulz caught a more relaxing … Continue reading »

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ITS:Division Meeting Notes from Monday, November 2, 2015

Thanks once again to Dave Armstrong for taking notes at Monday’s division meeting! And now, the notes: Vish led the meeting. Campus Safety Update – Maggie Santos, new Director of Campus Safety spoke Thanks to Eric for his tech support thus far. Thanks for getting the camera systems – have helped to solve 3-5 crimes/month. … Continue reading »

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Intro to AV

Over this most recent block break, Sean taught an “Intro to AV” course for several folks within ITS:.  His hope is to do a broader invite and offer both “Intro” and “Advanced” classes for those who may need or want cross-training in the future.  Great news! Thanks, Sean, for putting these important training sessions together … Continue reading »

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