General Fun
ITS: is officially over a year old!
Did you know that it has been over a year since Information Technology Services was officially re-branded as ITS:? It was the end of January 2014 when the change was announced to the division and by all accounts, the new name, look, and feel has been a success with our campus colleagues! What do you … Continue reading
Baby T is everywhere!
Baby T is everywhere…today, he was caught intently watching the presentation from the Information Security Officer candidate. You just never know where you’ll see him next! Information security really IS important! Thanks, Dave A., for the photo! ITS:Always fun, never boring Respectfully submitted, Linda Petro
Welcome back everyone!
Welcome back to work everyone! I know it is already the second week of half-block, but as I haven’t had a chance to see all of you yet, I’m saying welcome back and of course Happy New Year! I hope you all had wonderful break and that you spent the time doing whatever makes you … Continue reading
It’s cold in here!
Last week’s cold snap brought unusually chilly temperatures…to Dave Armstrong’s office. Take a look: Not only is the thermometer registering a temperature below 40 degrees by Dave’s window, it was cold enough at one point to freeze the bottle of water. Brrrr! And you thought having an office in the basement had its drawbacks! Fortunately, … Continue reading
Chad surprised the library staff on Friday with a yummy treat to thank them for all of their help with the Papercut roll out: What a great thing to do, Chad! Thanks for honoring your fellow colleagues and for sharing the pictures! ITS:Always fun, never boring Respectfully submitted, Linda Petro
You just never know…
…what kind of device someone will bring to a meeting any more: Who knew loaves of bread were coming with USB ports nowadays?! Thanks, Chad, for providing the picture! ITS:Always fun, never boring Respectfully submitted, Linda Petro
One more Office 365 conversion!
A few weeks ago, Facilities Services moved to Office 365 and Chad and David White were on hand to help see that the conversion was a success. Facilities is just one of many departments that has moved successfully to Office 365. At this point more than 4800 mailboxes (including students) are in Office 365, leaving … Continue reading
Spencer Center – Preparations for Occupancy!
David Ziemba has been hard at work making sure that the Spencer Center’s network installation is complete in preparation for the building’s occupancy next week. Here he is, working hard, but still finding time to smile for the camera! David has also been installing the wireless access points in Spencer. Check out this video of … Continue reading