Here are the minutes from the March 30, 2016, division meeting:
In December, we discussed team members taking turns interviewing each other and sharing summaries at division meetings. For our first interview, Angie shared her summary about Randy Babb. Brian will conduct the next interview and present his summary at the next division meeting.
Kudos were shared. We tried something a little new this time, with team members not only spontaneously sharing kudos at the meeting, but sending them to Linda in advance so that they can be read at the meeting. Linda received two kudos in advance and read them at the meeting.
Brian briefly shared a couple of additional thoughts about ITS:’s workplace survey results, specifically about the new questions that appeared on the survey in 2015 and how to better interpret the numbers in the results. He will be sending the survey results presentation to everyone after the meeting. Team members are welcome to ask Brian questions or meet with him to discuss the results.
Vish led a negotiation skills exercise and shared tips for negotiating, as well as what characteristics make a good negotiator. The information he shared came from a class he participated in at the end of 2015.
As a follow-up to the workplace survey discussion, Brian shared a set of questions created by Gallup to gauge a person’s satisfaction with their workplace and teammates. As there will be three years before the next college-wide workplace survey takes place, Brian proposed that ITS: take the Gallup survey annually to keep updated on how things are going with the team. Those in attendance at the meeting agreed that this was a good idea.
Submitted by
Angie Bardsley
Administrative Assistant
Thank you, Angie, for your notes!
ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro