Here are the notes from the May 4, 2016, division meeting:
- Kudos were shared.
- Brian spoke about the extraordinary merit process for this year. The leadership team met and put together a list of names and reasons for their consideration. Brian will share the list with the cabinet on May 17 and get any feedback they have to offer. The final recipients’ names will not be shared with the division; however, recipients are free to share the information if they choose to do so.
- Linda shared a list of potential focus items ITS: team members suggested after reviewing the Modern Think survey results. A horizontal team of division volunteers, led by Linda, will focus on recognition and one other item from the list this coming fiscal year. If you are interested in being a part of this team, please reach out to Linda.
- Chad and Weston are part of Team Tutt, a group that’s handling the logistics and communication for the library’s transition year. The group will have a section in the CC app, as well as a website that everyone can all use to find information about the transition. The groundbreaking for the remodeled library will occur after commencement.
- Linda is starting to work on the annual report for 2015-2016 and plans to have it ready to share in September. The annual report is a good opportunity to highlight the work ITS: does, so if you have suggestions about what could or should be included, please let Linda know.
- Linda shared that the information security engineer search is in the final stages, with references currently being checked. The database administrator position was failed due to being unable to meet the candidates’ salary expectations. The director of frontline services committee has completed the first round of Skype interviews and will be inviting three candidates for on-campus interviews. Matt also shared that the instructional technologist – multimedia lab support position in the Cornerstone Arts Center, a new position in ITS:, will be posted soon.
- Brian shared his interview with Eric. Dan Raney volunteered to do the next interview.
- Brian stated that the fiscal year budget for 2016-2017 has been finalized. A net new amount to the ITS: budget of $400,000 was added. Leadership will decide how those funds will be distributed. This amount is in addition to the $917,000 in permanent additional funds that was added in 2015-2016.
- Additional updates: David W. now has a Microsoft HoloLens; the honors convocation live streaming went well; and wireless access points are now being installed in El Pomar and the Cornerstone Arts Center.
Submitted by
Angie Bardsley
Administrative Assistant
As always, thank you Angie for taking good notes for all of us!
ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro