Administrative Calendar for 2015-2016

Have you seen the new Administrative Calendar for 2015-2016?  If not, here it is:

Colorado College Administrative Calendar
July 1, 2015- June 30, 2016

The college recognizes the following holidays and events:

Independence Day –  Friday, July 3, 2015
Return from Summer Schedule ** –  Monday, August 17, 2015
Fall Conference – Thursday, August 20, 2015
Fall Break – Monday, November 23, 2015 – Friday, November 27, 2015
Thanksgiving – Wednesday, November 25, 2015 – Friday, November 27, 2015
Winter Break (college is closed) –  Monday, December 21, 2015 – January 1, 2016
2016 Return – Monday, January 4, 2016
Spring Break (college remains open) –  Thursday, March 10, 2016 – Friday, March 18, 2016
Commencement 2016 – Monday, May 16, 2016
Year End Celebration – Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Summer Schedule 2016 (9 mo)** – Wednesday, May 18, 2016 – Friday, August 12, 2016
Memorial Day 2016 – Monday, May 30, 2016

NOTE: Supervisors and department heads will inform staff of their 2016 return date if it is earlier
than January 4, 2016 and work schedule if they are expected to work during winter break.

** The summer schedule start date may be different for academic offices based on arrangements made
with the Dean’s Office.

Holiday Leave Information

• Memorial Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, New Year’s Day – Full-time and part-time
benefit-eligible non-exempt staff who are required to work on these holidays, are paid their
regular rate of pay plus one and a half times their regular rate for hours worked OR will be given
equivalent time off during the next pay period or an agreed upon future date within the current
fiscal year. The immediate supervisor will determine which option is selected.

• Independence Day – Full-time and part-time benefit-eligible non-exempt staff who are required
to work on this holiday will receive their regular rate of pay and will take equivalent time off
during the next pay period or an agreed upon future date within the current fiscal year.

• Wednesday before and Friday after Thanksgiving, Winter Break (other than Christmas and New
Year’s) – Full- and part time benefit-eligible non-exempt staff who are required to work on these
days will be paid one-time their regular rate of pay for hours worked OR given equivalent time
off during the next pay period or an agreed upon future date within the current fiscal
year.The immediate supervisor will determine which option is selected.

• Full-time benefit-eligible exempt and non-exempt staff are paid their regular scheduled hours
for the remaining days during winter break. Staff must return to work for at least 5 business days
following winter break to be eligible for winter break pay.

• All non-exempt staff enters hours worked on Self-Service Banner using the appropriate earn
codes. The payroll department will provide information to enter data before winter break.

Commencement Information
All administrative offices are closed Monday, May 16, 2016, Commencement day from 8:30 to 1:00 pm.
While work duties and priorities may prevent the entire campus from participating, attendance is
encouraged to celebrate the Class of 2016.

Summer Schedule Information
The College’s official summer hours of operation are 8:30am to 5:00pm. Staff are expected to follow
their established summer work schedules. Department heads may arrange with staff to consider
alternative or flexible work schedules to meet the needs of the department. Non-exempt staff will
not be asked to work more than their normally scheduled number of hours per year, but may be asked
to work these hours in a more flexible schedule.

• Any changes to the established summer work schedule for staff must be discussed with Human
Resources prior to implementation. Any changes to the summer work schedule must stay within the
established budget for the position.

• Nine-month non-exempt staff follow the summer schedule dates unless the department
chair/supervisor determines other arrangements and it has been coordinated with Human Resources.

All departments that directly support Summer Programs will be open on Memorial and
Independence Days. Departments that do not directly support Summer Programs will be closed.

ITS:Always fun, never boring (and ALWAYS informative!)
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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What is hope?

Need a bit of inspiration?  Take a look at this video with Brene Brown…it will make you think differently about what hope is and what failure is not.

Thanks, Max, for sharing the link!

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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Life is like coffee.

Here’s your daily dose of inspiration today…I hope you enjoy it!

Life is like coffee.

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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The good ol’ hockey game: ITS: vs. Admission!

ITS: and the Admission Office squared off in a our first-ever hockey game on Wednesday, May 20.  Roving reporter Gerald Mondragon stated that while Admission had the upper hand early-on, ITS:, specifically Katharina (who scored most all of ITS:’s goals!), came roaring back to make it a close game. While we ended up losing by one point, everyone had a good time.  Unfortunately, two injuries were suffered (Chad with whiplash and Katharina with a broken tailbone), so Brian suggests that moving forward, we stick to bowling and miniature golf tournaments instead.  🙂

Here are few snaps of the pre-game festivities, as well as the game and our fabulous ITS:Fans:

The two team captains swap some trash talk before the game.

The two team captains swap some trash talk before the game.

The teams get ready for the game.

The teams get ready for the game.


Just before the puck drops on the first face-off.

Just before the puck drops for the first face-off.

Rossie is ready for some serious hockey action!

Rossie is ready for some serious hockey action!


Jeff shares a big smile as he expertly skates the length of the ice.

Jeff shares a big smile as he expertly skates the length of the ice.

Liz leads the fabulous fans in cheering on the ITS: team.

Liz leads the fabulous fans in cheering on the ITS: team.


Go ITS:!

Go ITS:!

The on-ice action.

The on-ice action.

Thanks to Gerald and Jim Schulz for the great pictures; thanks, too, to everyone who played and cheered for making it an event to remember!

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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Commencement 2015

For the first time in many years, Colorado College had to move Commencement to the World Arena because of the soggy weather.  Our ITS: Frontline Services and Innovative Technology folks (Dave McCann, Don Herbst, Mike Smargie, Evan Cole, Dan Wiencek, Zachary Snyder, Randy Babb, and Sean Roberts) jumped right in and made the move appear seamless and well-planned.  Great job and thank you to all who made Commencement 2015 a great success!  Here’s a view of commencement that few see (thank you Randy for sending the picture to Dave Armstrong who shared it with me!):

Commencement view from the sound board.

Commencement view from the sound board.

Now it is on to our summer project list to prepare for the 2015-2016 school year!

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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Interview with: Katharina Groves, Server Applications Specialist

My latest interviewee was Katharina Groves:

Katharina and her husband, Craig

Katharina and her husband, Craig


1) What brought you to CC?

I moved back to Colorado Springs a few months before the CC website started it’s makeover.  Because I grew up in the Colorado College community and because I had web experience, it was an offer I couldn’t refuse.

2) How long have you worked here?

4 years.

3) Give a brief description of what it is you do here.

I help with applications that are utilized by multiple people from various offices, departments, or campus-wide (as opposed to desktop applications used by one person at a time).  These applications are usually hosted on a server here on campus or off campus in a datacenter owned by the companies that develop them.

4) What’s your ITS: word (or words) and why?

My ITS: word is “accessible”.  The information technology industry can seem pretty nebulous to many people and they hesitate to work with IT professionals or take advantage of technology.  I believe ITS: should be an “accessible” team that people are comfortable approaching for assistance.  Part of that is being visible and making it easier to understand what it is we do and how we can help.  My goal is to help people understand technology and use it to their benefit, so transparency and approachability are important to me.

5) Who’s your hero and why?

My dad has always been my hero; I’ve learned so much from him.  One concept he always demonstrates to me is the importance of integrity.  Activities and relationships, when undertaken with integrity, will benefit from dedication, selflessness, and honesty.  Living with integrity is working hard every day, being true to yourself and your beliefs, and going to bed with a clear conscience.  No one does it perfectly, but it’s something to strive for.

6) What sound or noise do you love?

I love wind in the trees.  Unfortunately, I live on the east edge of Colorado Springs, also known as Kansas, so we don’t have many trees.

7) What sound or noise do you hate?

I hate what I consider to be obnoxious white noise, like the sounds refrigerators make or a computer that sounds like it’s taxiing for take off.

8) Name one or two of your hobbies.

I love reading, building things with Nanoblocks, and spending time with my family.

9) When others describe you, what do they say?

I’m not very good at deciphering what others are thinking or feeling if they don’t just flat out tell me, so I’m not entirely sure.  Which leads me to the answer of the next question…

10)   If you could have a super-power, what would it be?

I’d have the ability to read minds, but only when I choose to.  Sometimes I can’t think of anything that would be more useful and other times I’m pretty sure I don’t want to know what people are thinking.

11) How would you use that super-power in ITS:?

There are times when I am trying to help someone and I honestly misunderstand what they want.  Good communication is difficult enough in any situation, but communicating about technology from two different points of view can be even more difficult.

Thanks, Katharina, for being a willing participate in the interview and a terrific colleague!

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…

…well…actually…just yesterday across campus, ITS: got together to celebrate a very important holiday…May the 4th, otherwise known as Star Wars Day (May the 4th be with you!)!  We had Star Wars-themed food, a raffle for the Millennium Falcon (congratulations, Randy!), and our very own Jedi Knight (great costume, Jim Schulz!).

Wookie Pops (who doesn't need a Wookie Pop?!)

Wookie Pops (who doesn’t need a Wookie Pop?!)

Princess Leia Rolls (while the spelling wasn't quite right, the spirit sure was!)

Princess Leia Rolls (while the spelling wasn’t quite right, the spirit sure was!)


Obi Wan Kabobies - health food with a little wisdom attached!

Obi Wan Kabobies – health food with a little wisdom attached!


Vaderaide and Yoda Soda...for the bad and good in all of us!

Vaderaide and Yoda Soda…for the bad and good in all of us!


ITS:'s very own Jedi Knight, Jim Schulz!  He takes participation in an event to a whole new level!  Thanks, Jim, for your enthusiasm!

ITS:’s very own Jedi Knight, Jim Schulz! He takes participation in an event to a whole new level! Thanks, Jim, for your enthusiasm!

For those who prefer a more subtle approach to celebration, Rossie models the latest in Storm Trooper apparel.

For those who prefer a more subtle approach to celebration, Rossie models the latest in Storm Trooper apparel.

It was a fun, “far out” celebration giving all who attended just a little break from reality.  Thanks to everyone who attended…you all made the event a great success!

May the 4th be with you…always!!

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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April 22, 2015, ITS:Division Meeting

The ITS:Division met on Wednesday, April 22, and discussed the following (please let me know if you have any corrections):

Patrick Bultema, Executive Director of the Innovation Institute, along with Jill Lange (the institute’s program manager), provided an overview of the institute’s mission and vision, as well as shared information about the programs that are a part of it (The Big Idea, Public Interest Fellowship Program, Ashoka, IDEA Space, Keller Family Venture Grant Program, and State of the Rockies).

Individual kudos were shared.

Linda introduced Angie Duff, the division’s new information security officer.  Linda also stated that the database and system administrator search committee would be bringing in another candidate for an on-campus interview.  Matt noted that Beth Scaffidi, the new GIS administrator, would start on May 1, and Danna Duncan, the new instructional technologist, would start on June 1.

Brian shared the following with regard to the evaluation process:

1) It is extremely tough to be ranked in the top category (met goals and expectations in all areas of performance and made significant additional contributions to the college).
2) The second highest rank (met goals and expectations in all areas of performance) is also tough.
3) The expectation is that for the entire campus only 10 to 15 percent of employees will fall into the top two categories.
4) It is important that as we fill in our evaluations and have discussions with our supervisors, we need to really reflect on what these categories mean.
5) The college has not yet determined what percent salary increases go with each ranking.
6) Feedback is provided because we care.

Brian updated the division about the ITS: budget, stating that we will receive an additional $917,000 in ongoing operating budget money beginning in 2015-2016 (this additional money does not impact what we will receive for the network upgrade).  He added that ITS: and the college’s strategic goals received 78 percent of the additional budget allocation for 2015-2016.  Brian remarked that all eyes will be on us because of this increase in funds.  He continues to work on budget issues, including the life cycle replacement funds, moving forward.  He also reminded the group that we will always do the right thing to support the educational mission.

David Ziemba provided a brief update on the network upgrade and announced that he and others are currently working on getting Clear Pass installed.  Please talk to Dan Raney if you have any weird devices that will access the network.

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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The ITS: iPad cart in action!

Roving reporter Jennifer Golightly had the following to share about the recent use of one of the ITS: iPad carts in the classroom (used last week):

After the Apple Play Date for faculty hosted by ITS:, Rebecca Tucker in Art History contacted Jennifer Golightly to ask about using iPads, Apple TV, and Airplay in her Block 8 Art History course.  While Jennifer worked to set up the iPads with the apps that Rebecca wanted, Randy Babb and Sean Roberts installed an Apple TV device in Rebecca’s classroom for the block, and David Ziemba installed a network access point in the classroom to ensure a strong network signal for the devices.  The class used the iPads to find various supplemental texts during the course of the lecture, but the students seemed most excited about their ability to use the iPads and the Airplay feature to search for images of Baroque sculptures from various angles and project them on the wall for discussion.

Here are some photos of the iPads in action as Rebecca Tucker teaches her course:

The iPads in action in Rebecca Tucker's class.

Adjusted pic Rebecca Tucker's class 2 - 4-15

Adjusted pic Rebecca Tucker's class 3 - 4-15

It sounds like the iPad cart, along with the Apple TV and Airplay, were a great success!  In case you didn’t know, ITS: (specifically the Innovative Technology Team) has two of these iPad carts for use in the classroom or elsewhere on campus.  If you hear of someone who is interested in checking one out, please have that person contact Matt Gottfried (or anyone in Innovative Technology) to find out how to do so.  Once our new Instructional Technologist, Danna Duncan, starts, she will be the contact person for them.

Great job to everyone who was involved with this success!  Also, thank you, Jennifer, for the story and pictures!

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro


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More from the Ellucian Conference

Jim Schulz shared a few more pictures from the Ellucian conference:

Baby T WAS awake for the conference!  It is nice to see that he didn't let his fun interfere with attending the conference.

Baby T WAS awake for the conference! It is nice to see that he didn’t let his fun interfere with his attendance at the conference.

A panorama shot of the dining hall at the Ellucian conference.  8,000 people were served for each meal, with service happening very quickly.  Amazing!

A panorama shot of the dining hall at the Ellucian conference. 8,000 people were served for each meal, with service happening very quickly. Amazing! (Pam Butler from HR and Liz Scherkenbach can be seen in the lower left corner.)


The Ellucian Live crew from left to right: Jim Schulz, Matt Cherry (HR), Carolyn Dickerson (Advancement), Lori Cowan (Finance), Liz Scherkenbach, Pam Butler (HR), Enid Ruiz-Mattei (Finance), Molly Bodnar (Advancement; in front of Enid), and Vish Paradkar.  Great group of people!

The Ellucian Live crew from left to right: Jim Schulz, Matt Cherry (HR), Carolyn Dickerson (Advancement), Lori Cowan (Finance), Liz Scherkenbach, Pam Butler (HR), Enid Ruiz-Mattei (Finance), Molly Bodnar (Advancement; in front of Enid), and Vish Paradkar. What a great group of people!

Thanks for the photos, Jim!

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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