ITS: is officially over a year old!

Did you know that it has been over a year since Information Technology Services was officially re-branded as ITS:?  It was the end of January 2014 when the change was announced to the division and by all accounts, the new name, look, and feel has been a success with our campus colleagues!

What do you think?  Has ITS: been a success?  Is your word still working for you?  Have you changed your word since this began last year?  What could we as a division be doing even better as ITS:?

ITS button



ITS:A work in progress; ITS:A group of smart, hardworking, caring people; ITS:Awesome!

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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Baby T is everywhere!

Baby T is everywhere…today, he was caught intently watching the presentation from the Information Security Officer candidate.  You just never know where you’ll see him next!

Everyone has their eyes on Information Security Officer candidate Tom Conley's presentation, including Baby T!

Everyone has their eyes on Information Security Officer candidate Tom Conley’s presentation, including Baby T!

Information security really IS important!

Thanks, Dave A., for the photo!

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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Brocade Office visit on January 23, 2015

Roving reporter Chad Schonewill submitted the following from his visit to the Broomfield, CO, Brocade Office on January 23:

Vish, David Z., Andrew, and Chad took a day trip to the Brocade Office in Broomfield and toured the offices there, focusing on viewing the lab setups that CC can utilize for testing Brocade equipment.  Vish asked the Brocade folks if some Aruba gear could be added to their lab and they agreed to get that set up for us.  Soon, we’ll be able to test both the Brocade and Aruba gear in a nearby location…very exciting!

Brocade also showed the group a “mobile lab” setup in a small cart which was very interesting.  The whole group also discussed CC’s network design and made a few live tweaks to it, as well as did some hands-on work with the test equipment in the same hardware line that the college is purchasing.  All-in-all, it was a productive visit.

Andy Olson (Red Sky, our Brocade partners), Todd Knauf (Brocade), Andrew, Vish, Chad, Kevin Englemann (Brocade), and David Z. take a break to commemorate their first visit to the Broomfield Brocade location.

Andy Olson (Red Sky, our Brocade partners), Todd Knauf (Brocade), Andrew, Vish, Chad, Kevin Englemann (Brocade), and David Z. take a break to commemorate their first visit to the Broomfield Brocade location.

Brocade mobile lab.

Brocade mobile lab.

Thank you, Chad, for your report and pictures; thank you, David Z., for the added commentary!

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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Welcome back everyone!

Welcome back to work everyone!  I know it is already the second week of half-block, but as I haven’t had a chance to see all of you yet, I’m saying welcome back and of course Happy New Year!  I hope you all had wonderful break and that you spent the time doing whatever makes you happiest!

Jim Schulz shared with me a wonderful picture from the holiday luncheon, and I wanted to share it with you here:

The gang's all (almost!) here!

The gang’s all (almost!) here!

I know it shows up a bit small here, so if you’d like to see the bigger version, let me know, and I can share it with you.  It looks like everyone was having a good time!  Thanks for the photo, Jim!

Best wishes to everyone for a marvelous 2015…let’s make it our best year yet!

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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December 11, 2014, ITS:Division Meeting

The ITS:Division met on Thursday, December 11, and discussed the following (please let me know if you have any corrections):

Individual kudos were shared.

Brian provided updates:
1) The direction of the soup kitchen will be changing, with the the new focus, including new location (no longer in Shove Chapel), in place by the end of block eight.  $20,000 has been set aside to help the new program develop.
2) $75,000 in funds will be available for The Big Idea competition in the spring.  This program is part of the Innovation Institute.
3) The 2015-2016 budget process is up and running.  If the college were to fund all of the requests that were submitted from across campus, a 14.8% increase in tuition would be required, so the budget committee is evaluating all requests closely in order to determine what will be put before the trustees in February.  A few other things to note:
a) 5 net new positions in ITS: are part of the college-wide budget requests and include an Office 365 administrator, an applications integrator, an instructional technologist, and two paraprofessional positions in Innovative Technology.
b) The college is aware that ITS: has been under-funded over the last several years.
c) The process for purchasing software and computer hardware continues to be reviewed.

Vish introduced Keith Conger, systems administrator, and Jim Grey, applications programmer/analyst, to the group.  Although Keith has worked for the college for almost 4 months, he just moved to Colorado Springs with his family in early November.  Welcome Keith and Jim…we are glad to have you both on the team!

Vish also congratulated David Ziemba on his promotion to Senior Network Engineer.  Way to go, David!

Open positions update:
1) Information Security Officer – 11 candidates have applied; phone interviews will be done soon.
2) Instructional Technologist – 5 phone interviews were done this week; 3 candidates will come to campus in January.
3) GIS Administrator – 20 candidates have applied; phone interviews will be done soon.

David Ziemba provided an update on the network upgrade, stating that the fine details on the designs are being discussed.  Pre-work on the bore to connect to Internet 2 is in progress.  Prep work for the network upgrade in Loomis Hall, the first building on campus that will receive new equipment, has been done.  The building will be ready for new equipment during half block.  The final decision about which vendors will be used for both the wired and wireless upgrades should be complete by the holiday break.

A Braintrust will be formed to address the new Bradford product.  Chad will be putting this group together following the holiday break.  Please contact Chad if you are interested in participating.

A request was made of the division for each person to bring 2 non-perishable food items to the meeting to donate to Care and Share.  While the initial response was slow, the division kicked into high gear and ultimately brought a total of one moving box full of food to be donated!  Great job, everyone!  We’ll be doing this again next year, so plan ahead!

And per our usual standards, we had some lovely treats during this meeting (thank you Bon Appetit!):

Holiday cupcakes!

Holiday cupcakes!

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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“Able-bodied Disabled”

Did you know that Wednesday, December 3, 2014 was International Day of People with Disability?  I did not, but Vish did.  He shared his thoughts about the day with me, and I wanted to share them with you (with his permission, of course), as I found them to be beautifully-stated and very thought-provoking:

“December 3rd is the International People with Disabilities Day.

I recently attended a seminar related to the topic of so-called ‘disabilities’. The participants were challenged to wrestle with three questions: 1) “What is Disability?”, 2) “What is Ability?”, and 3) “What is normal?”. It was such a thought-provoking discussion. At the end of the debate I was convinced that there is no such thing as a “disabled” person.

Given a specific goal to be accomplished, each of us may have disabilities, each of us may have special abilities and it’s perfectly normal to have such abilities and disabilities. We all have our unique set of challenges that we need to overcome to accomplish goals in our life, and often times we need help from the society and fellow human beings to get through those challenges.

The world is built by us so-called “able-bodied” people, and sometimes it makes it challenging for others who have a different set physical or mental attributes than most of us. That doesn’t make them “disabled”. Such individuals have a right to expect that their special needs be fulfilled so they can fully and productively participate in the social activities in this world we’ve built around us. We as a society need to hold each other’s hands and provide that help, whether the need is temporary or permanent; physical or mental. When innovation, technology and compassion come together there are hardly any special needs that cannot be fulfilled. The last thing those with a different set of physical or mental attributes than most need is pity. They need assistance just as any one of us needs assistance to get through challenges in our lives. OK, now I’ll get off the soapbox.

I came across this interesting video (see the link below) that shows how so called able-bodied people became “disabled” in a town built by people in wheel-chairs. I urge you to spend just 84 seconds of your time to watch video. It may change your perspective just as it did mine.

Here’s wishing everyone a very healthy, productive and normal life.

Let’s all celebrate the International People with Disabilities Day. If it were up to me I would rename it as ‘Normal People Day’. With over a billion people around the world with “disabilities”, it has to be normal.

Video link:

Thank you so much for sharing your perspective on an important day and critical issue, Vish.  Let’s all keep this dialogue going so that we may continue to support and create an inclusive environment in the ITS:Division, as well as the college.

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

Categories: Quotes and Thoughts for the Day | Tags: , , , | 1 Comment

Our smart spaces team at work

On November 25, I had the pleasure of watching a demo of some new smart classroom equipment recently set up in Barnes 219.  Sean and Randy worked with Professor Stephanie Dicenzo and Paraprofessional Sam Kersten in Physics to explain how the new equipment they installed functions.

Randy explains how to turn on the equipment from the smart cart located under the counter as Sam Kersten and Stephanie DiCenzo look on.  Sean lends his support as well.

Randy explains how to turn on the equipment from the smart cart located under the counter as Sam Kersten and Stephanie DiCenzo look on. Sean lends his support as well.

Randy demonstrates how the document camera works.  The images on the screen look just as they are in real life!

Randy demonstrates how the document camera works. The images on the screen depict the item just as it looks in real life!

In addition to the document camera, a new projector that can move to be able to display an image or movies on more than one wall was installed (only one at a time, but the moving projector allows the professors to have flexibility on where to project and also show calculations on the blackboard or something on the document camera at the same time).  Here’s the video to watch it move from one wall to another:

The new projector required a special ceiling mount and instead of purchasing one at a very high cost, Randy crafted one at a considerable cost savings.  Here’s the look of the new mount:

The projector's ceiling mount that was designed and built by Randy.

The projector’s ceiling mount that was designed and built by Randy.

This was not the only time Randy put his ingenuity and fabrication skills to work.  He also built a counterweight contraption for a TV in the men’s hockey locker room at the World Arena.  The coach wanted the ability to move the TV up and out of the way once their film reviews were complete.  The problem was that the device built for such a thing was not rated to lift such a heavy TV and even if it had been, it would not have fit into the tight, awkward space that was available for it.  Once again, Randy designed and built just the right equipment to get the job done.

Randy's initial concept for the device.

Randy’s initial concept for the device.


The contraption itself...note the tight space around the duct work.

The contraption itself…note the tight space around the duct work.

The final product.  The TV moves as it should with no evidence of the really nifty device that makes it run.

The final product. The TV moves as it should with no evidence of the really nifty device that makes it run.  Don’t worry, Randy…we all know it is there!

Thank you, Randy, for your fabulous design and building work…not only did you find solutions to some sticky problems, you also saved the college money!  And thanks to both you and Sean for doing an amazing job with smart classroom installation and demo for the Physics folks.  It was wonderful to get to see you in action and understand a little more about what you do!

Thanks, too, Randy, for the pictures at the World Arena!

And to celebrate these jobs well-done, Sean showed off with his own version of the happy dance:

Way to "bust a move," Sean!

Way to “bust a move,” Sean!  You help put the fun in ITS:Fun!

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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So long and farewell

The Enterprise Technology team took outgoing team member Tracey Tilton to lunch on Tuesday this week to wish her well on her adventures after CC.  Tracey’s last day is officially Friday, November 28, and her teammates wanted to make sure she had a proper send-off before the Thanksgiving holiday.

Manuel, Jim, Liz, Vish, and Tracey share a meal before Tracey's departure from the college.

Manuel, Jim, Liz, Vish, and Tracey share a meal before Tracey’s departure from the college.

Good luck and best wishes to you, Tracey; it has been a pleasure working with you!

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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Smash Bash is a smashing success!

ITS: hosted its first “Smash Bash” video game tournament on Friday, November 21 from 1:00 until 4:00 in the Cornerstone Arts Center screening room.  Roving Reporter Chad Schonewill filed this update:

“Smash Bash was definitely a hit today.  32 students attended (more than RSVPed), and John Lauer even came for a few minutes (both his sons were there for the whole event).

One student gave me a fist bump as he walked in and said “I love ITS: man!”  Some other student comments:

  • “There are more people in this theater right now than there were in Rastall at lunch today.”
  • “It’s so cool that you are doing this, can we do it again?”
  • “If you did this during the block, every seat in the screening room would be filled.”

Students loved playing on the big screen – they laughed, applauded, and they cheered… they were more into it than I’ve seen people into football games.  They were very animated and engaged in the event and also very grateful.  They ate all the food, and I think this is actually the first time I have ever seen a CC event with absolutely zero leftover food. =)

I tried to take some decent pictures and videos, but of course we had the lights down so many of them didn’t come out too well.  The students have a video message they wanted us to pass along to Brian…

It gets a little cut off at the beginning, but Leo asked “Should we do this again?”

Here are a few pictures from the event:

The students are ready for the tournament to begin!

Everyone is ready for the tournament to begin!

The snack table before everyone arrives.

The snack table before everyone arrives.


The food disappeared!  At least the participants left the dishes behind!

The food disappeared! At least the participants left the dishes behind!

Thank you, Chad, for the report and the pictures!

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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It’s cold in here!

Last week’s cold snap brought unusually chilly temperatures…to Dave Armstrong’s office.  Take a look:

Yep, that's cold!

Yep, that’s cold!

Not only is the thermometer registering a temperature below 40 degrees by Dave’s window, it was cold enough at one point to freeze the bottle of water.  Brrrr!  And you thought having an office in the basement had its drawbacks!

Fortunately, Facilities came by to better secure Dave’s window (as it doesn’t sit correctly in its frame, it wasn’t able to close all the way) and the temperatures quickly adjusted to a more normal level.  Thank goodness for our Facilities Department!

Thanks for the picture, Dave…I’m glad things are a bit more balmy for you now!

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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