October 31 Division Meeting

The division met on Friday, October 31, and discussed the following:

Individual kudos were shared.  Brian also thanked the group for their great performance over the past weeks and stated that while we have had failures, they have not been the same ones over and over.  We are learning and improving each time!

David Ziemba provided a network upgrade update, stating that Loomis Hall would be upgraded first as a trial for the new system, we are in the final negotiations with the wireless and wired companies, and that we have recently joined the Front Range GigaPop consortium.

Matt provided a Canvas update, stating that the transfer to Canvas is going well, Jennifer Golightly was hired as the new LMS Instructional Technologist, and Jennifer’s training sessions during the first block break were successful.  Jennifer noted that Canvas currently has 216 courses, and she is working on transferring the tenure review process into Canvas.

Jeff provided an Office 365 update, stating that 5,109 mailboxes were now in the cloud, most academic departments have been moved, and the goal of having all mailboxes converted by the winter break should be accomplished.

Vish provided a single sign-in update, stating that the effort to roll out the new system was a great collaborative effort across teams and difficulties were quickly rectified upon its release.  Password reset for more functionality and revised Banner buttons will be added sometime in November.  The team will begin to work on adding Summit and the library system to single sign-in in the spring.

Matt provided an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) update, stating that the two copters and one plane they have are currently grounded.  An NSF grant is being pursued to purchase a larger UAV, community outreach regarding the project is underway, and an independent study is going on right now regarding best practices.

Chad provided a Managed Print/PaperCut update, stating that although the initial roll-out of PaperCut was rocky, there are currently no known issues with the system.  PaperCut saved 77 reams of paper from being printed in block two.  Further environmental and cost-savings information for PaperCut will be provided soon.

Linda provided a retreat update, stating that the two new assessments need to be completed by November 7, and the retreat on November 20 is scheduled to begin at 10:00.  More details regarding place and specific agenda will follow soon.  Linda will also be creating a document that shows the summary of the Strengths Finders and Kolbe assessments for everyone in one place.

The group discussed the meeting manual.  The document will be altered based on the conversation and shared with the group soon.

The idea of a braintrust, or feedback system (defined in the book, Creativity, Inc.), was discussed.   ITS: will brainstorm possible braintrust ideas and test the system on those ideas, sharing the results with the group.

Brian noted that the Molecular Biology Department has expressed an interest in having the ITS: space in Barnes.  No one will be moving from Barnes until we have an appropriate space for those ITS: people to move to.  He also mentioned that the Innovation Institute is located in the Morreale Carriage House and has hired a program manager.  While the Innovation Institute is not part of ITS:, the director, Patrick Bultema, does report to Brian.

To celebrate the holiday, anyone who arrived in any sort of costume was awarded a prize.  I gave out a lot of prizes that day for some really great costumes!

Chad "The Cat" Schonewill

Chad “The Cat” Schonewill

Jennifer shows she's a little devil at heart.

What a devilishly clever costume, Jennifer!


Leo (Rorschach from the Watchmen) and Weston (Emmet from The Lego Movie) talk about how "everything is awesome" in ITS:.

Leo (Rorschach from the Watchmen) and Weston (Emmet from The Lego Movie) talk about how “everything is awesome” in ITS:.


Dan, is that you?  I didn't recognize you with that mustache!

Dan, is that you? I didn’t recognize you with that mustache!

Jim as Captain Jack Sparrow.  I can tell he is up to no good!

Jim as Captain Jack Sparrow. I can tell he is up to no good!


Vish made me "Scream" in terror!

Vish made me “Scream” in terror!

The 1980s version of Dave Armstrong...you're looking fabulous, Dave!

The 1980s version of Dave Armstrong…you’re looking totally radical, Dave!


I think Rossie has a particular treat in mind...can you guess what it is?

I think Rossie has a particular treat in mind…can you guess what it is?!

I wonder if Liz yells "Boo-ya!" when Joseph scores a goal?!

I wonder if Liz yells “Boo-ya!” when Joseph scores a goal?!


I swear...Manuel's always horsing around.  Can't he be more serious?!

I swear…Manuel’s always horsing around. Can’t he be more serious?!

Yep, I am always having to add some color wherever I go.

Yep, I am always having to add some color wherever I go.


The gang's all here!

The gang’s all here!

Thanks to everyone who provided updates and participated in the meeting.  A special thanks to all of you who shared the “spirit” of the holiday with your costumes…you all looked marvelous!

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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Surprise for The Smash Bash Tournament

A big thank you to ITS:’s anonymous friend for donating the new Wii U system and controllers for the upcoming (and hopefully ongoing) Smash Bash Tournament!  What is the Smash Bash Tournament you ask?  Here’s the descriptor from the CC website:

If you are an avid gamer, staying on campus for block break, or just want to have fun, on November 21 beginning at 1:00 pm in the Cornerstone Screening Room, ITS: will be sponsoring The Smash Bash Tournament.  Gamers will be playing the new Super Smash Bros for the Wii U, which is released the day of the competition.  Novices and experts alike are welcome to put their gaming skills (or lack thereof) to the test and compete against fellow students and ITS: staff.  The victor(s) are awarded with prizes!

The tournament would have taken place without the donation, but the new equipment makes it possible to go on without anyone having to bring in their own personal system.  Thank you, anonymous donor!  Here’s the new loot:

The new ITS: Wii U and controllers, kitties not included.

The new ITS: Wii U and controllers.  Kitties not included.

If you have questions about the tournament, be sure to check with Leo or Chad (thanks for the photo, Chad!) at the Help Desk.  They’d be glad to help!

No kitties were harmed in the picture-taking or writing of this blog.

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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Baby T’s Florida Adventures

Baby T was on the road again this month, traveling with me and my husband, Joe, to Florida.  Yes, I said husband…in case you didn’t know, Joe and I made it official on October 17!  We traveled to Florida for our honeymoon and thought Baby T would enjoy the beach air as much as we would, so took him along.

A pier on the Atlantic Ocean at Lauderdale-on-the-Beach.  Baby T was very content watching the waves roll in and out (and unlike the trip to Washington, he didn't try to jump into the water!).

A pier on the Atlantic Ocean at Lauderdale-by-the-Sea, Florida. Baby T was very content watching the waves roll in and out (and unlike our trip to Washington, he didn’t try to jump into the water!).

Baby T surveys the vast Florida Everglades, as Joe and I make our way from the Atlantic coast to the Gulf coast.

Baby T surveys the vast Florida Everglades, as Joe and I make our way from the Atlantic Coast to the Gulf Coast.


Baby T on the Gulf Coast's Sanibel Island, the seashell capital of the world.  Watch out, those shells are tough on the toes!

Baby T on the Gulf Coast’s Sanibel Island, the seashell capital of the world. Watch out, those shells are tough on the toes!

The beach air and relaxing time away did all of us some good and now we’re ready to take on our next adventures.  Where will Baby T go next?  Who knows, but I know he and Mama T are up for anything!

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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Interview with: Jeff Black, User Support Specialist – Cloud Support

Jeff Black is my latest interviewee:

Jeff Black

Jeff Black

1)     What brought you to CC?

I had heard a lot about CC from Tulio, and it sounded like a great place to work. I jumped at the opportunity when he told me a position opened up. I had done a lot of customer service work in the past, and have always been working on computers, so I thought it would be a good fit.

2)     How long have you worked here?

Almost three years. I started in January 2012.

3)     Give a brief description of what it is you do here.

I provide excellent service in fixing anything (yes, anything) people bring to me. I’m a generalist, and I know something about everything so that I can solve most of the problems people have. I still do advanced troubleshooting, but for some of the more technical problems I need to rely on the specialists in our department. Still, I strive to solve most of the problems here at the Help Desk without sending people somewhere else. It provides the best experience.

4)     What’s your ITS: word (or words) and why?

I picked one – Service. I feel it really is at the center of everything I do. The goal is not to just fix the problem, rather it’s to meet the needs of the customer. Sometimes that is fixing a problem. Sometimes it’s posing an entirely new solution. Sometimes it’s just being here to really listen. At the end of the day things need to be fixed, but the job is much more than just that.

5)     Who’s your hero and why?

My Aunt Sue is my biggest hero. She moved here to raise my brother and myself, eventually retiring from her job at Jet Propulsion Laboratories in California to do so. She’s been through more than I can really describe to take care of us, and there is no one that I look up to or trust more. She’s brilliant, determined, and is always learning and growing.

6)     What sound or noise do you love?

The sound, or lack thereof, made by falling snow. I live out in Falcon, and I love the peace and quiet.

7)     What sound or noise do you hate?

Alarms. Of any sort. Alarm clocks are the worst.

8)     Name one or two of your hobbies.

I enjoy gaming (any sort of game, so long as it’s fun), and I like to tinker with mechanical stuff. I have an old motorcycle (1980 CB650) that I recently finished for next summer. It was sitting in a friend’s yard for probably a decade, and he said I could take it if I could get it out of there. I’m looking forward to the next project, and I’m hoping to start on a small 4×4 so that I have something nice to drive during the winters here. I love older stuff.

9)     When others describe you, what do they say?

They usually say something about me being happy or cheerful. It’s hard to say what people really notice. There are a lot of sides to me that many people just don’t see.

10)  If you could have a super-power, what would it be?

Infinite wisdom. I can’t imagine anything more powerful.

11)  How would you use that super-power in ITS:?

I’d be able to discern what our problems really are, and the best course of action to solving them. I’d be able to figure out how to prevent them from happening again. The possibilities are endless when you have a power like that.

Thank you, Jeff, for being willing to be interviewed for the blog…I’m glad we’ve had this opportunity to get to know a little more about you!  ITS: is grateful to have you as part of the team, and I know many of our colleagues across campus feel the same way.

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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Chad surprised the library staff on Friday with a yummy treat to thank them for all of their help with the Papercut roll out:

Cakercut for helping with Papercut...awesome!

Cakercut for helping with Papercut…awesome!

Happy library staff with their Cakercut.

Happy library staff with their Cakercut.

What a great thing to do, Chad!  Thanks for honoring your fellow colleagues and for sharing the pictures!

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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Road trip for Baby T!

While it has been fun chronicling Mama T’s and Baby T’s travel adventures, I must admit I have been a little jealous.  I didn’t want to just write about their adventures, I wanted to take one of them with me on my own adventure!  I finally got my wish in early September when Joe and I had the opportunity to take a road trip to visit my parents in Washington state (driving out and flying back).  We drove through Wyoming (including Yellowstone!), Montana, Idaho, and of course, Washington.  Here are a few pictures from our travels:

The adventure begins in Wyoming...wide open spaces with a wee tiger on the loose!

The adventure begins in Wyoming…wide open spaces with a wee tiger on the loose!

Oh boy...Old Faithful at last (trust me, it was a long, out-of-the-way drive to get here!)!

Oh boy…Old Faithful at last (trust me, it was a long, out-of-the-way drive to get here!)!

Wow...Old Faithful is just as reliable as they said...and just as beautiful!

Wow…Old Faithful is just as reliable as they said…and just as beautiful!

I see all of the water, but where are the trees?  Isn't this the Evergreen State? (Pictured is the Columbia River in Washington State.  Eastern and middle Washington are rather barren.)

I see all of the water, but where are the trees? Isn’t this the Evergreen State? (Pictured is the Columbia River in Washington State. Eastern and middle Washington are rather barren.)


Ah...here is where all of the trees went! (Pictured is Snoqualmie Falls in Washington State.)

Ah…here is where all of the trees went! (Pictured is Snoqualmie Falls in Washington State.  Thanks to Joe for holding Baby T…Baby T was so excited he almost fell into the falls [really!]!)

Baby T watches a ferry arriving at the dock in Seattle on the Pudget Sound (another close call for Baby T, too...he sure likes the water!).

Baby T watches a ferry arriving at the dock in Seattle on the Pudget Sound (another close call for Baby T, too…he sure likes the water!).


The Seattle skyline from the ferry as we begin our journey across the Sound to Bremerton.

The Seattle skyline from the ferry as we begin our journey across the Sound to Bremerton.  The sun DOES shine in Seattle!

After much fun in Washington, Baby T says goodbye as we fly back home to Colorado (flying past Mt. Rainier).

After much fun in Washington, Baby T says goodbye as we fly back home to Colorado (flying past Mt. Rainier).

I think Baby T enjoyed his trip, but is glad to be home.  A warning to future travelers who take Baby T with them…be sure to hold on tight…he likes to attempt to jump into any water he sees!

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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Congratulations, Dave Armstrong!

Dave Armstrong’s collage, entitled “The Archive of Stories Left Untold,” has been selected to appear in the “Greater Than the Sum: National Collage Society Annual Juried Exhibition”!

The Archive of Stories Left Untold - Dave Armstrong - 9-18-14


The piece will be on display from November 21, 2014 through January 24, 2015 at the Center for Visual Art, Metropolitan State University of Denver in Denver.

You can find out more about the National Collage Society here:  http://www.nationalcollage.com/index.html.

Thanks for sharing this great news with us, Dave, and congratulations!

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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Kansas City, here she comes!

Mama T took time out to visit Kansas City, KS, in early September with Jim Schulz and Jim’s lovely significant other.  Jim was attending the 34th National Narrow Gauge Convention, a model railroad event where attendees bring their portable model railroad layouts for display and visit permanent railroad layouts in the area.  The event also has a contest room where many contest models are entered, and model railroad vendors and manufacturers sell their wares.

Jim was able to catch Mama T enjoying the sites:

Mama T enjoys the skyline view of Kansas City.

Mama T admires the skyline view of Kansas City.

Jim was also able to find a portable model train layout called “Sundance Central” (an Fn3 layout) that was perfectly sized for Mama T:

Mama T is not too sure about the odd-looking metal pieces on the ground in front of her.

Mama T is not too sure about the odd-looking metal pieces on the ground in front of her.

Mama T completely missed out on visiting the horses behind her.

Mama T completely missed out on lunch visiting with the horses behind her.

"Ah, a perfect place for a swim!"

“Ah, a perfect place for a swim!

How fun to see Mama T in an environment that was made for her (even though she was just a little out of place in the location!)!  Thanks, Jim, for taking good care of her and bringing back some great pictures!

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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You just never know…

…what kind of device someone will bring to a meeting any more:



Who knew loaves of bread were coming with USB ports nowadays?!

Thanks, Chad, for providing the picture!

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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August 21, 2014 Retreat

The ITS:Team got away from it all on August 21, gathering at Glen Eyrie for the annual retreat.  The day focused on creativity, ITS:’s values, and the Kolbe and Strengths Finders assessments everyone took prior to the retreat.  By all accounts, it was a successful day with many sharing stories, ideas, and insights into all things ITS:Team-related (and in some cases, non-ITS:Team-related).

Breakfast and conversation before the retreat begins.

Breakfast and conversation before the retreat begins.

Matt and Professor Jane Hilberry have a chat prior to the retreat.

Matt and Professor Jane Hilberry have a chat prior to the beginning of the retreat.

Brian welcomes the team to the retreat.

Brian welcomes the team to the retreat.

Professor Jane Hilberry discusses how metaphors can help us think creatively.

Professor Jane Hilberry discusses how metaphors can help us think creatively.

The goody table - let the metaphors begin!

The goody table – let the metaphors begin!

A picture is worth a thousand words, or at least a solution to a problem.

A picture is worth a thousand words, or at least a solution to a problem.

Choosing items for the metaphor exercise - choose wisely!

Choosing items for the metaphor exercise – choose wisely!

Gerald and David White picking out pictures for the next round in the creativity exercise.

Gerald and David White picking out pictures for the next round in the creativity exercise.

Weston shares his group's interpretation of how the picture provided a solution to a problem.

Weston shares his group’s interpretation of how the picture provided a solution to a problem.

The "Trust" breakout group - Andrew, Matt, Gerald, Don, and Vish.

The “Trust” breakout group – Andrew, Matt, Gerald, Don, and Vish.

Time for lunch!

Time for lunch!

Getting some fresh air and sustenance before the afternoon sessions begin.

Getting some fresh air and sustenance before the afternoon sessions begin.

The group pauses during the Glen Eyrie Castle Tour, taking in the beautiful surroundings.

The group pauses during the Glen Eyrie Castle Tour, taking in the beautiful surroundings.

Walking back to the Carriage House for the afternoon sessions.

Walking back to the Carriage House for the afternoon sessions.

It is hard to think about work in a beautiful environment like this.

It is hard to think about work in a beautiful environment like this.

Gordon Parry and Helen Kain from Authentic Impact present the assessment findings and teach the team how to interpret the results.

Gordon Parry and Helen Kain from Authentic Impact present the assessment findings and teach the team how to interpret the results.

There were many takeaways from the day: tools to help think creatively when solving problems, action items to help us live our values, and information about our individual and collective strengths, as well as how we like to take action and solve problems.  We plan to keep the momentum from the retreat going by continuing the discussion about the action items on our values, as well as learning more about our strengths and preferences in up-coming team meetings, so stay tuned!

Thanks, Chad, for the additional photos, and thanks to everyone for participating in a successful day!

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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