One more Office 365 conversion!

A few weeks ago, Facilities Services moved to Office 365 and Chad and David White were on hand to help see that the conversion was a success.

Everyone makes sure their mobile devices can still get email!

Everyone makes sure their mobile devices can still get email!

More gather to make sure they are connecting  properly to their email through their mobile devices.

More gather to make sure they are connecting properly to their email through their mobile devices.

Facilities is just one of many departments that has moved successfully to Office 365.  At this point more than 4800 mailboxes (including students) are in Office 365, leaving only several hundred remaining in on-campus mailboxes.  What a great job by Frontline Services and Enterprise Technology to get this conversion moving so quickly and effectively!

Thanks, Chad, for providing the photos!

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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Spencer Center – Preparations for Occupancy!

David Ziemba has been hard at work making sure that the Spencer Center’s network installation is complete in preparation for the building’s occupancy next week.  Here he is, working hard, but still finding time to smile for the camera!

David Ziemba and the network installation in the Spencer Center.

David Ziemba and the network installation in the Spencer Center.

David has also been installing the wireless access points in Spencer.  Check out this video of him doing an actual installation:

David Ziemba installing a wireless AP in Spencer Center – 8-13-14

Great work, David…thanks for all you do!

Thanks, Vish, for providing the photo and video!

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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CC Night at the Zoo

Tuesday, August 12, was CC night at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo and our very own Jim Schulz took the opportunity to spend a little time “getting back to nature.”  If the video here is any indication, his night was “wildly” successful!

Video of Jim Schulz feeding giraffes at the CC night at the zoo – 8-12-14

Thanks so much, Jim, for sharing this great video!

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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Visit to UNLV – June 2014

Sean Roberts and Dan Wiencek were able to take a field trip during their InfoComm Conference in June 2014 to take a tour of the UNLV AV Department.  Here is Sean’s report:

We met with Cody Brown, Event Technology Technician, and took time to discuss Kinetics (KX) conferencing software, digital signage, smart classrooms, and student study spaces.  Cody took us on a tour and showed us the following:

The UNLV Food Court - Subway, Taco Bell, and Panda Express.  Must be nice!

The UNLV Food Court – Subway, Taco Bell, and Panda Express. Must be nice!

Student "Huddle Space" 1

Student “Huddle Space” 1

Student "Huddle Space" 2

Student “Huddle Space” 2

Student "Huddle Space" 3

Student “Huddle Space” 3

A computer lab at UNLV.

A computer lab at UNLV

A smart classroom - Cody mentioned UNLV currently has no smart classroom budget and must push smart carts into all the rooms.

A smart classroom – Cody mentioned UNLV currently has no smart classroom budget and must push smart carts into all the rooms.

A smart cart

A smart cart

View 2 of the smart cart

View 2 of the smart cart

Digital Signage - UNLV is a VISIX client and Cody also uses Rise Vision. The President’s and Student Activities Offices are in charge of the digital signage program.

Digital Signage – UNLV is a VISIX client and Cody also uses Rise Vision. The President’s and Student Activities Offices are in charge of the digital signage program.

A new mobile flat panel cart for “Way Finding” and “Confidence Monitors.”

A new mobile flat panel cart for “Way Finding” and “Confidence Monitors.”

A conference room at UNLV

A conference room at UNLV

It was interesting to see such a large school having to discuss budgets for smart classroom installations.  The AV-IT convergence seems to not yet have made its way to UNLV.  Cody talked about the KX system as well and stated that the campus is 100% KX compliant, meaning if something isn’t in KX, they don’t know it exists.  UNLV also does not offer an AV checkout program to its students.  Overall, it was very informative and encouraging to see and compare UNLV’s current situation with CC’s.

Thank you Sean for your report and photos!

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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A friendly game or three of bowling

Friday, August 1, saw the ITS: and Advancement teams meeting to have some serious discussions about…who are the better bowlers!  The groups met at Harmony Bowl on Academy Boulevard to mix, mingle, and bowl their hearts out for the afternoon.

Watching from the sidelines.

Watching from the sidelines.

More bowling action!

More bowling action!

And no matter who you think are the better bowlers (the ITS:Team!), the best bowler of all for the afternoon was our own Tulio Wolford!  He had two games over 200, by far besting all of the attendees.

Tulio's perfect form leading to a strike!

Tulio’s perfect form leads to a strike!

So what did we learn from the bowling afternoon?  If you are putting together a bowling team, be sure to include Tulio and Liz Scherkenbach (she also had several great games!); you can mix work and fun, as evidenced by Matt Gottfried’s networking with Advancement to set GIS fundraising meetings; and the best thing of all – it is worthwhile to stop and have a little fun with our colleagues across campus to get to know them a little better.  Those who can bowl together can work well together!

What will the ITS:Team do next for fun?  Stay tuned because I am sure it is going to be great!

Thanks, Chad, for helping with the event photos!

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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A smart cart for a smart installation

I visited Sean in his office last week and saw this amazing cart filled with all kinds of tools and supplies.  Being the curious person I am, I asked Sean what the tool-filled cart was for.  He said it was his basic smart classroom installation cart – a smart cart for a smart cart, so to speak.  These were the supplies he liked to have on hand for a basic installation so that he could do the installation quickly and efficiently and not have to run back and forth to his office to get what he needed.  I thought you all might like to see it:

A smart cart for a smart installation!

A smart cart for a smart installation!

I had no idea it could take this many different tools and supplies to do the installation job.  Curious about all of the gizmos and gadgets displayed?  Be sure to stop by Sean’s office and ask him about it.  He’s eager to help anyone understand what he does (and installations are only a part of his job)!

Thanks for sharing, Sean!

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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InfoComm Conference June 2014

Sean, Randy, and Dan recently attended the InfoComm Conference in Las Vegas.  Sean, with added comments from Dan, had this to report:

InfoComm is a professional AV industry gathering that takes place annually, bouncing between Las Vegas, NV and Orlando, FL.  There are a vast amount of manufacturers on display and training courses to take, as well as tons of industry networking that occur during the week.



This year we were looking for specific information on a few special projects and paying attention to IT/AV convergence classes.  We also hoped to have many conversations with other professionals at the conference.

For example, here are some acoustic treatment solutions to address acoustic issues in Gates Common Room from Primacoustic.

These "paintings" are actually acoustic tiles!

These “paintings” are actually acoustic tiles!

Acoustic solutions that hang from the ceiling.

Acoustic solutions that hang from the ceiling.

Another interesting acoustic wall tile.

Another interesting acoustic wall tile.

We looked at some digital signage solutions, and saw this giant interactive screen:

Digital signage giant interactive screen.

Digital signage giant interactive screen.

Dan added: “We met with several vendors of digital signage solutions and forwarded information from the more impressive companies to David White, who is working on finding a replacement system for campus signage. We also saw presentations by companies focused on video conferencing over the web, some utilizing a cloud hosted model.”

Globall Coach offers annotation solutions for the new hockey coach’s locker room needs:

Annotation solution for Coach Mike Haviland.

Annotation solution for Coach Mike Haviland.

A really cool “under” desk projector mount from Canon:

Under desk mounted projector.

Under desk mounted projector.

A slick mobile design for the video streaming gear from SKB:

Mobile design for video streaming gear.

Mobile design for video streaming gear.

A good time was had by all at the conference, and I was able to continue my training on my CTS Certification.  I look forward to gaining my next level CTS-I and CTS-D Certifications as well.

Thank you, Sean (and Dan!), for your report and great pictures!  This helped to open my eyes on what you all look for when going to a professional conference and what is on your mind for projects here at CC.

I hope everyone will checkout the links located in this post to find out more about the different solutions that were viewed, as well as about InfoComm in general.

Stay tuned for another report from Sean and Dan on their visit to UNLV to check out the AV Department there.

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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Who you gonna call?

Well, I’m going to call on roving reporter, Chad Schonewill, because I was out ill.  Here’s his report on Lunchtime Lunacy from July 30, 2014 (Ghostbusters was the movie of the day):

Sorry you missed the movie today, it was great!  Joseph, Katharina, Don, Manuel, Rossie, Gerald, Jeff, and I were all there (with a couple others who dropped in for a bit, like Brian).

We laughed a lot – Ghostbusters was a great choice.

The treats were amazing, everyone couldn’t believe them!

Awesome Ghostbusters-themed cookies from Bon Appetit.

Awesome Ghostbusters-themed cookies from Bon Appetit.

Thanks to everyone who pitched in while I was out for the day to make this event a success (especially Joseph for getting the movie from my office and making sure it was played and Chad for sending me his report)!  What a great team we have!

Have any suggestions for our next movie?  Be sure to pass them along to me!  Perhaps we’ll play your favorite next!

ITS:Always Fun, Never Boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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A peek at the Spencer Renovation

A few members of ITS: (those who potentially may be moving to Spencer in August, along with me) got a chance to tour the Spencer Center renovation on Friday, July 25.  Here’s a quick peek at some of what we saw:

Jim, Sinduja, Liz, Tracey, Vish, and Chris Coulter, our Director of Facilities and tour guide are all suited up for the trip inside Spencer.  Safety first

Jim, Sinduja, Liz, Tracey, Vish, and Chris Coulter, Director of Facilities and our tour guide, are all suited up for the trip inside Spencer.  Safety first!


A view of the second floor windows where several ITS: folks will reside after August.

A view of the second floor windows where several ITS: folks will reside after August.

Heading to the entrance for the big reveal!

Heading to the entrance for the big reveal!

We saw the board room on the first floor as we entered Spencer for the tour.

We saw the board room on the first floor as we entered Spencer for the tour.  This is in the southeast corner of the building facing out to Tejon Street.

Heading up to the fourth floor and work our way down for the tour.

Heading up to the fourth floor and work our way down for the tour.

A view out the window on the fourth floor - solar panels and Pikes Peak.

A view out the window on the fourth floor – solar panels and Pikes Peak.

A view of the open space on the third floor that will be for Advancement.

A view of the open space on the third floor that will be for Advancement.  This is on the northwest corner of the building.

Another view on the third floor in Advancement.

Another view on the third floor in Advancement.

President's Office reception area on the second floor.

President’s Office reception area on the second floor.  This is on the east side of the building.

Tracey exploring the ITS: wing on the second floor.

Tracey exploring the ITS: wing on the second floor.  This is on the southwest corner of the building.

Liz in her new office space...she's excited about her two windows!

Liz is excited about the two windows in this office!

Vish taking one last look at the ITS: second floor windows facing the inner concrete courtyard.

Vish taking one last look at the ITS: second floor windows facing the inner concrete courtyard.

As you can see, there is still much to do to have the space ready, but there is much completed in anticipation of the move, too.

Are you interested in getting a tour as the project is closer to completion?  Members of the CC facilities team will offer weekly Spencer Center tours for small groups of up to seven people once the move-in process begins.  All you have to do is meet at the trailer on the west side of the Spencer Center at 10 a.m. on Wednesdays or Thursdays beginning August 20.

We all enjoyed the sneak peek at the renovation and are excited about the possibilities it offers for our ITS:Team!  A big thanks to Chris Coulter for being a most excellent tour guide!

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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A blast from the not too distant past

While she may no longer work at the college, Melissa Haffeman’s thoughts don’t roam too far away from her CC roots.  Here are a couple of pictures of her son, Alden, during a recent trip to the zoo, featuring a very familiar hat and a very familiar CC mascot.

Notice the awesome hat and the blobs in the background that are tigers.

Notice the awesome hat and the blobs in the background that are tigers.

Awesome hat once again and a much more obvious tiger.

Awesome hat once again and a much more obvious tiger.

Thanks, Melissa, for being such a great advertisement for the college!  And thanks, too, for keeping us in your thoughts!  We miss you and hope you are doing well (although I’m sure you miss the awesomeness of the ITS:Team)!

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro


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