Interview with: Randy Babb, Lead Smart Space Innovator

Randy has been at the college forever (okay…not forever, but a long time!), but goes about his business very quietly.  Efficiently, effectively, quickly, but quietly, so I thought it was time we all get to know him a little bit better.

Randy Babb

Randy Babb


What brought you to CC?

I was a CC hockey fan before coming to CC and when I saw an ad in the paper for an electronic technician position, I was excited to apply.  I had just finished up technical school two months earlier and had no experience, but I must have made an impression during my interview because I got the job.

How long have you worked here?

27 years in August.

Give a brief description of what it is you do here.

My new title is “Lead Smart Space Innovator” What I do direct from my JAQ: I provide innovation, design, and integration oversight of college-wide AV support including smart spaces design including classrooms, administrative spaces, arenas, theaters, and presentation rooms.  This position provides expert level focus on the design and oversight of the implementation of innovative complex audio-visual systems, video-conferencing equipment, and network connected multi-media devices.  This position oversees, consults, and is responsible for the recommendations and purchasing for all smart spaces/av integrated capital equipment requests.  This position coordinates with vendors for all purchasing and support with related equipment and works closely with others in Innovative Technology and the ITS:Team.

Hope that wasn’t too dry, but why waste good verbiage.

What’s your ITS: word (or words) and why?

Innovation & Ingenuity.  Innovation because that is the group I am now a part of and innovation is our core mission.  Ingenuity really speaks to how I solve problems and create designs for AV systems on campus.  The definition of Ingenuity I like is: skill or cleverness that allows someone to solve problems, invent things, etc.

Who’s your hero and why?

Everyone that serves or has served in the US armed forces. Especially those who have given their lives for the freedoms we enjoy every day.

What sound or noise do you love?

The sound of a breeze blowing through pine trees, as it reminds of my Grandpa’s homestead in New Mexico.

What sound or noise do you hate?

The sound of woodpeckers pecking holes through the front of my house.

Name one or two of your hobbies.

Photography.  Check it out here:

I also like riding trails in the mountains on my motorcycle.

When others describe you, what do they say?

Not sure what people say, but I know Sean thinks I’m MacGyver, as I frequently pull off minor miracles.  I guess that is because I don’t give up on a problem easily and I have a lot of diverse skills and knowledge.

If you could have a super-power, what would it be?

I googled superpowers and came up with two that I really liked:

Superhuman mentality and/or Time manipulation

1) Superhuman mentality: the ability to have an intelligence quotient far above that of a genius level.  This ability can be so evolved that its user can gain psychic abilities (psychokinesis, telepathy, etc.) and resist both mind control and other psionic attacks.

2) Time manipulation: the ability to affect the flow of time by slowing, accelerating, reversing, or stopping it.

How would you use that super-power in ITS:?

If the network were to go down… I could stop time, fix it myself, and there would be no drop in service.

Thanks so much for taking the time to be interviewed, Randy!  We are so glad you are a part of the ITS:Team.  Be sure to let me know when you are able to manipulate time…I think I’d like to slow everything down just a little bit!

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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Summer Celebration

Two weeks ago today, our ITS:Team gathered at the Stewart House for a little bit of food and fun to celebrate the end of a successful (and very busy!) 2013-2014.  A few of the highlights from the year include (and they are in no particular order):

1) Bringing our new VP/CTO, Brian Young, on board.  Welcome, Brian…we hope you’ve enjoyed your first nine months here at CC!
2) Hired Don Herbst, Janet Martino, Dave McCann, and Jim Schulz.  What a great group of new hires!
3) Re-branded our division from Information Technology Services to ITS:.  ITS:Fun!  ITS:New!  ITS:Awesome!
4) Purchased a new ticketing and workflow system, Cherwell, to replace HEAT.

The fabulous venue for the evening - Stewart House.

The fabulous venue for the evening – Stewart House.

5) Successfully implemented an unmanned aerial vehicle program.
6) Successfully addressed the audit concerns.
7) Created a Change Control Board.
8) Successfully migrated our ITS:Team to Office 365.  Also have successfully migrated many individual departments across campus – including the President’s Office, Communications, Education, Advancement, Music, Tutt Library, Outdoor Education, Collaborative for Community Engagement, Dean of Students, State of the Rockies, International Programs, Math and Computer Science, and the Ombuds Office – to Office 365.

Dave McCann's wife, Shanna; Dave McCann; Darryl's friend, Sandy; Darryl; Mike; and Mike's wife, Kathy all enjoy a good laugh and good food during the event.

Dave McCann’s wife, Shanna; Dave McCann; Darryl’s friend, Sandy; Darryl; Mike; and Mike’s wife, Kathy all enjoy a good laugh and good food during the event.

9) Purchased a new learning management system, Canvas, to replace PROWL.
10) Added three new positions – Information Security Officer; Instructional Technologist, Trainer (including the learning management system); and another Network Engineer – to our team.  All three positions are in the process of being filled.
11) Added several new smart classrooms across campus.
12) Successfully supported hundreds of events across campus, including Fall Conference, Opening Convocation, Board of Trustees’ meetings, and Commencement.

One of Joseph's little girls (who turned 5 that night!); Katharina; and her husband, Craig relax in beautiful surroundings of Stewart House's backyard.

One of Joseph’s little girls (who turned 5 that night!); Katharina; and her husband, Craig relax in the beautiful surroundings of Stewart House’s backyard.

13) Began the process of creating a better wireless and wired network infrastructure.  Work on this is on-going, but much of the groundwork for where we’ll be heading was laid in 2013-2014.
14) Successfully selected PaperCut, a new system that will make it easier for students and employees to print across campus.
15) Began a stronger social media presence for the ITS:Team.
16) Changed our Electronics Recycling Day from the second Tuesday of every block to every weekday.

Liz; Jim's significant other, Sandy; and Garrett, Liz's husband spend a little quality time together enjoying the evening.

Liz; Jim’s significant other, Sandy; and Garrett, Liz’s husband spend a little quality time together enjoying the evening.

17) Redesigned the ITS:Team website.
18) Successfully upgraded Banner for several of the modules used.
19) Implemented an Information Security Policy.
20) Began working on a single sign-on solution which will officially roll out to campus at the end of this month.

Vish and Andrew give a  thumb's up to a fun night; Rossie also smiles his approval.

Vish and Andrew give a thumb’s up to a fun night; Rossie smiles to show his approval.

21) Replaced our emergency notification system with Rave.
22) Began working on a college events makeover by looking closely at our Kx system, as well as other systems, to share event information in a timely way.
23) Installed approximately 50% of an innovative sound system for Bemis Great Hall.
24) And many, many more things including job description and JAQ makeovers, inventory updates, budget calculations, numerous communication initiatives, phone changes, individual computer issues, etc., etc.  We were a busy group this past year!

Our view for the evening...and the rain held off until our fun was complete!

Our view for the evening…and the rain held off until our fun was complete!

We had much to celebrate…thanks to each and every one of you for your hard work and dedication this year.  It did not go unnoticed!  I know we have lots more to accomplish for the 2014-2015 fiscal year, but if we can tackle all of these things, we can do anything!  Here’s to another amazing year!

Thanks to Jim for providing the photos for the event!

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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Quote for the day

Here’s a good quote for the day:

“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.” – Albert Einstein

Here’s to putting in that extra effort to finding solutions today!

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro


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And the winner is…

We have a winner for guessing where Baby T went on his mystery tour with Joseph (see the post from June 23, 2014)…Katharina Eckhardt!  Katharina won a $20 gift card to the CC Bookstore for her efforts.  Congratulations, Katharina!

The lucky winner!

The lucky winner!

Here are the answers:

1. The cable car stop (not just bus stop) at Van Ness Avenue looking down California Street in San Francisco.  Joseph and his family were waiting for the cable car to come down the hill.

Picture 1 of Baby T's mystery tour

Picture 1 of Baby T’s mystery tour

2. The sea lions from Pier 39 in San Francisco.

Picture 2 of Baby T's mystery tour.

Picture 2 of Baby T’s mystery tour.

3. Alcatraz Island, plus Angel Island, taken from Pier 39, just a few steps away from where the sea lions picture was taken.

Picture 3 of Baby T's mystery tour.

Picture 3 of Baby T’s mystery tour.

4. The Golden Gate Bridge in the background; taken from Coit Tower.

Picture 4 of Baby T's mystery tour.

Picture 4 of Baby T’s mystery tour.

5. Piestewa Peak (formerly known as Squaw Peak, the third highest peak in Phoenix, AZ).  (No one got this one right…thanks for stumping all of us, Joseph!)

Picture 5 of Baby T's mystery tour.

Picture 5 of Baby T’s mystery tour.

Thanks to everyone for their guesses!

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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Mama T: A Renaissance Woman

Mama T had a chance to experience the Colorado Renaissance Festival with Chad and his lovely wife, Tiffany, recently.  Chad shared the pictures of their visit:

Mama T and Tiffany share a photo op outside the festival entrance.

Mama T and Tiffany share a photo op outside the festival entrance.

"Please, Chad, can I ride the elephant?!  I promise I won't bite!"

“Please, Chad, can I ride the elephant?! I promise I won’t bite!”

Mama T spots a tiny rival.  Thankfully, Chad steered her away from a possible altercation.

Mama T spots a tiny rival. Thankfully, Chad steered her away from a possible altercation.

Mama T stalks her prey takes in the joust.

Mama T stalks her prey takes in the joust.

Mama T has her picture taken in Renaissance period garb.

Mama T has her picture taken in Renaissance garb.

All in all, it looks like everyone had a good time.  Thanks for the pictures, Chad, and for keeping Mama T from getting into too much trouble!

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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What I Meant to Say: The Impact of Word Choice – Part 1

Words can flow so easily, especially if we are talking with someone we feel comfortable with or about something we know well or have a passion for.  But are the words we speak being heard the way we want or are they being interpreted in ways we might never expect?   I think this is an important topic to consider, as our communication, written and verbal, is so important as we go through our “storming” stage (see earlier post).  The better we communicate with each other, the quicker we can move from storming to norming and performing (and remain performing in the future).

I have had several experiences in recent months that have made me think deeply about word choice, and I’d like to share them with you.  The first came while working with the branding team.  The team’s ultimate result of “ITS:” came from a discussion about word choice.

When we decided to keep the ITS moniker and tried to figure out what words it would represent, we hit a bit of a wall.  Some on the team thought the “S” should be service, while others focused on the word solutions, as service seemed demeaning.  We weren’t just hired hands fixing everyone’s problems.  Others felt that service was more all-encompassing; providing service could range from fixing a problem to finding new ways of doing things.

When it came to the “I” some believed information should remain as the “I,” as that is what we worked with every day.  Others felt innovation would better serve, as we wanted others to look to us to help them be innovative in their teaching, learning, and working environments.  As with the service/solutions discussion, there were many ideas about what each word meant and how those meanings tied into what we wanted to stand for.

Ultimately, we decided not to make the choice for the whole team but instead let every individual decide what their own word(s) should be.  Everyone has different work and ways of doing things, bringing their own brand to what they do.  It just made sense for each of us to name that in our own way as opposed to being forced to accept a label that wasn’t quite right.  This enables us to focus on what is truly important here: our values and goals as a team.  Seems simple, but imagine where we would be if the words had been defined for us.  Many would have felt unheard throughout the feedback process and as a result, skeptical about moving forward.  We would remain “storming” for a little while longer.

Stay tuned for more thoughts on word choice in “What I Meant to Say – Part 2,” where we’ll compare “honest” with “candid.”  They aren’t as similar as you might think.

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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So long and farewell

A week ago today, the ITS:Team said “So long and farewell” to one of our colleagues and friends, Melissa Haffeman.  Starting on June 30, Melissa will be off on a new adventure in Washington state, returning to her roots with a new position in K-12.  However, in typical ITS: fashion, we sent her off in style with a party and, of course, food!

The food is readied for the guest of honor's arrival.

The food is readied for the guest of honor’s arrival.

Melissa admires Weston's new addition to his family while her husband, Mike, looks on.

Melissa admires Weston’s new addition to his family while her husband, Mike, looks on.

Many gathered to wish Melissa well on her new grand adventure.

Many gathered to wish Melissa well on her grand new adventure.

Melissa chats with her teammates.

Melissa chats with her teammates.


Joseph says a few words to Melissa on behalf of the group.

Joseph says a few words to Melissa on behalf of the group.

Chad also shares a few words to wish Melissa well.

Chad also shares a few words to wish Melissa well.

Melissa thanks everyone for coming and states she will miss all of the ITS:Team.

Melissa thanks everyone for coming and states she will miss all of the ITS:Team.

Parting swag for the guest of honor, including a baseball cap for her son, Alden.

Parting swag for the guest of honor, including a baseball cap for her son, Alden.

Melissa thanked the group for their support over her years at the college and shared that the relationships she forged with those of us on the ITS:Team will be with her always.  I believe many of us feel the same about her.

Best wishes to you and your family, Melissa!  You will be greatly missed!

Thanks, Dave Armstrong, for helping take photos!

ITS:Always fun, never boring

Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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New Acquisition!

The ITS:Team, specifically the Innovation Technology group, is now the proud owner of two Bretford PowerSync iPad Carts!  The carts can fit up to 40 iPads each (although each cart only has 30) and with it you can simultaneously sync them to install apps, books, music, videos, podcasts, etc. So with a few clicks of the mouse on the MacBook Pro that comes with the cart, all of the iPads can have the same stuff downloaded to them quickly and easily.  For those faculty who want to use iPads in their classroom, we now have an easy way for them to get what they need.  Here’s a few pictures of the final assembly of the second cart:

Gerald works to put the iPads in their cases.

Gerald works to put the iPads in their cases.

Matt is also on hand to put the many iPads in their cases so they are protected when removed from the cart.

Matt is also on hand to put the many iPads in their cases so they are protected when removed from the cart.

Matt and Melissa putting the iPads into the cart.

Matt and Melissa putting the iPads into the cart.

A happy team - Melissa, David W., Gerald, and Matt - smile at a job well done in assembling the cart.

A happy team – Melissa, David W., Gerald, and Matt – smiles at a job well done in assembling the cart.

The fully-loaded cart.

The fully-loaded cart.

The fully-loaded cart with the syncing MacBook pro on top.

The fully-loaded cart with the syncing MacBook Pro on top.

Emily Blakely will be managing the carts and making sure faculty members have access and training when needed, so if you hear of someone who is interested in checking one out, please be sure to let her know.

Thanks,  Melissa, for providing the photos of Gerald and Matt putting the iPads in their cases!

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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Cupcake Capers, aka Vendor Visits to Aruba and Brocade

Vish Paradkar, Andrew Watson, and David Ziemba made the trip to sunny California a week ago to conduct site visits of Aruba and Brocade, two vendors in the running to provide us with an upgrade to our wireless network.  The three had a successful trip, learning much about each vendor and what they could do for the college in the way of wireless innovations.  While there at the Aruba home office, they were provided with a not-so-subtle hint that Aruba would like to partner with us:

Aruba and Colorado College side-by-side, at least in cupcake form.

Aruba and Colorado College side-by-side, at least in cupcake form.

Who knows if this is a sign of things to come, but at least the team of three had something yummy to munch on during their trip.

Thanks, Andrew, for providing the photo!  We all look forward to hearing the final decision made by the Network Upgrade horizontal team!

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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The need for speed

Mike Smargie recently took a trip to the great state of Texas to satisfy his need for speed by attending the Camping World Truck Series WinStar World Casino & Resort 400 and the IndyCar Series Firestone 600 races at Texas Motor Speedway outside of Fort Worth.  The one-and-a-half mile oval, with 24 degree banking in the corners, provided a great backdrop for all of the racing action that weekend with Matt Crafton winning the truck race and Ed Carpenter prevailing in the IndyCar race.  Mike shared some of his photos of the track and race trucks and cars to give you all a little taste of the horsepower unleashed on June 6 and 7:

Pre-race festivities on the front stretch at Texas Motor Speedway.

Pre-race festivities on the front stretch at Texas Motor Speedway.

The jumbo-tron at Texas Motor Speedway.

The jumbo-tron and car haulers at Texas Motor Speedway.

Camping World Truck Series trucks on pit road at Texas Motor Speedway.

Camping World Truck Series trucks on pit road at Texas Motor Speedway.

During race day, you can often find your favorite drivers around the outside of the track signing autographs.  Here we have, from left to right, Helio Castroneves, Juan Pablo Montoya, and Will Power from Team Penske making many fans happy with a little of their time and their autographs.

During race day, you can often find your favorite drivers around the outside of the track signing autographs. Here we have, from left to right, Helio Castroneves, Juan Pablo Montoya, and Will Power from Team Penske (IndyCar) making many fans happy by spending some time answering questions and of course, signing autographs.

Preparations on pit road for the IndyCar race.

Preparations on pit road for the IndyCar race.

Additional preparations on pit road for the IndyCar race.

Additional preparations on pit road for the IndyCar race.

Mike also took a video of the first lap of each race.  Unfortunately, I can’t upload them to the blog because they are too big, but they are definitely worth watching, so be sure to check in with Mike and I’m sure he’d be glad to share them with you.  It’s truly amazing to see just how fast these trucks and cars go.

So while neither Mama T nor Baby T made it to the track, there was a enough roaring going on to more than make up for their absence!

Thanks, Mike, for sharing your pictures and letting me post a few out here for everyone to see!  I hope you had a great time!

ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro

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