Angie Bardsley, our amazing administrative assistant, shared one of her favorite TED talks with the group, showing Jane McGonigal’s “The Game That Can Give You 10 Extra Years of Life.” Her talk begins by discussing the five most common regrets of the dying and making the case for the importance of how play, including playing games, can address those regrets.
She goes on to discuss a traumatic brain injury she incurred, and the idea she came up with for how to get better. She incorporated the information she already knew (the five most common regrets of the dying) with additional research, including looking into post-traumatic growth (when a person experiences happiness after a trauma), into a game she created. This game, Super Better, can help those suffering from a traumatic injury, as well as those who are looking to increase their overall physical, mental, emotional, and social resilience. By increasing resilience in these areas, a person can lengthen their lives.
Thank you, Angie, for doing a wonderful job with this edition of TED O’clock! If anyone else has an idea for a talk we should watch or better yet, would like to present a talk, please contact Linda to find a time to do so!
ITS: Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro