On September 29, 2017, the team watched Adam Grant’s talk on “The Surprising Habits of Original Thinkers.” Mr. Grant talks about those who are not only original thinkers, but those who champion their ideas and make them happen. He noticed three main characteristics about them:
- They are late to the party; they are moderate procrastinators who need to know what the problem/project is first so then they can procrastinate about it for a while, allowing themselves to think and come up with the best idea to solve it. You don’t have to be first with an idea, just different and better.
- They feel doubt that focuses on idea-doubt, not self-doubt, and a fear of failing, but are more afraid of not trying at all.
- They have lots of bad ideas; they come to their good ideas by generating a large amount of them.
So originals, as Mr. Grant calls them, are just like everyone in that they procrastinate and have lots of bad ideas, but what sets them apart is that they don’t stop trying because of those characteristics.
Thanks to everyone who attended!
ITS: Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro