ITS: and the Admission Office squared off in a our first-ever hockey game on Wednesday, May 20. Roving reporter Gerald Mondragon stated that while Admission had the upper hand early-on, ITS:, specifically Katharina (who scored most all of ITS:’s goals!), came roaring back to make it a close game. While we ended up losing by one point, everyone had a good time. Unfortunately, two injuries were suffered (Chad with whiplash and Katharina with a broken tailbone), so Brian suggests that moving forward, we stick to bowling and miniature golf tournaments instead.
Here are few snaps of the pre-game festivities, as well as the game and our fabulous ITS:Fans:
Thanks to Gerald and Jim Schulz for the great pictures; thanks, too, to everyone who played and cheered for making it an event to remember!
ITS:Always fun, never boring
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Petro