To Infinity and Beyond!

There is an interesting conclusion to be drawn from current theoretical physics, and it goes something like this: If the universe is infinite, but there are a finite number of ways for matter to be arranged, then our Earth, with its exact same history, exists in other places in the universe. Not just a few places, but an infinite number of places. This means there are an infinite number of me and you, with an also infinite number of “alternative” versions of us who branch off and make different decisions every second. Pretty crazy, huh?

There are a few things that need to be clarified in this scenario. First of all, even if the universe is infinite in nature, the observable universe is not. We can only observe the parts of the universe from where light has been able to reach us. This observable universe has a calculable volume. One estimate has taken the volume of the universe and divided by the smallest possible quantum length and concluded that there are “only” about 10^180 unique points in the observable universe. An incomprehensibly huge number, yes, but not infinite. So even if there were copies of us somewhere out there, they would truly be existing in an “alternate” universe, unobservable in every way.

Another issue of late has been the shape of the universe. If it folds over on itself like a sphere, it could have infinite pathways to travel without being infinite in volume. Recently, by observing the nature of the cosmic background radiation, NASA’s WMAP project has concluded that the universe is flat to within 0.4%. This leaves the alternative unobservable universes as a possibility.

There are many characteristics of space that challenge the extent of human imagination, but this takes it to another level. If a resolution to this idea is coming, it may be soon as we learn more about the birth of our universe and the Big Bang.