
It’s been almost a week since I arrived in Germany, and so far it has been quite the adventure! Since I am not able to move into the dorm until the 1st, I have been staying with a good friend, Sebastian Neef (former CPC of the German house) and his family who live in Regensburg. For those of you who know Sebastian, you’re probably well aware of his athletic prowess– the guy is a professional triathlete. Immediately when I arrived we started planning a bike tour. We decided that we would mountain bike from RGB to Passau following a demanding hiking trail called the Goldsteig (approx. 300km or 180 miles). The plan was to average about 75km a day, and sleep in whichever town we found ourselves in at the end of each day. At least that was the plan…

We ended up doing about 65 km the first day landing in the small, farming-town of Zell for the evening. We found a traditional hotel/restaurant and had a feast. I was completely exhausted, and could not imagine repeating that distance on more difficult terrain for the next three days.

Supple leopard.
position: supple leopard

Day 2 ..much of the path was too narrow to ride, and I felt our goal of doing 75km a day slowly slipping away, step after step. we managed to make it to Wiesenfelden for lunch, at which point I decided I had had enough hah. Passau wasn’t going to happen. We decided to ride back to RGB after downing couple sandwiches and strudel.

warming up for the x-games
warming up for the x-games

bis nächsten mal!


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