Students from Colorado College can subscribe for SIAM National Chapter for free. Benefits include but are not limited to free or discounted subscription to books, journals, and news about industrial and applied science. Here is the process for signing up the membership.
Firstly, go to SIAM homepage by clicking Then, click “Become a Member” on the top right corner.

Choose “Student” and join for “Free Undergraduate Student” subscription.

Then, click “Create Account” and register with your email. Make sure you use your Colorado College email address, or you will be charged with a membership fee.

Fill in your information. And select what you would like to be subscribed to for email. Then, click “Continue” and “Join now”.

Next, fill in “Colorado College” for “Employer Name”, and “Save”. You don’t need to fill in anything else under the “Occupation” section. Your screen should look like the following. Then click “Next”.

Fill in the required information under “Education”. For program “Start Date” and “End Date”, enter a rough estimate. For “Chapter Name”, select “Colorado College Student Chapter”.

Click “Next” to get to the “Additional Information” section, and click “Next” again to skip to the “Membership” section. Select “Free Undergraduate Student Membership – 15 Months” at the bottom, and click “Next”. On the “Activity Groups” section, choose two activity groups that you are interested in. Continue clicking “Next” until you get to the “Payment” section. You should have to pay a total of $0, and then click “Continue”.

Click “Place your Order” to finish registering for SIAM.