Category Archives: Blog Archives

2013 State of the Rockies Conference- Day 2, April 9th, 2013

Colorado College’s State of the Rockies Project Conference 2013 Day Two by Nathaniel Kelley, Rockies Project Writer If Denver could hold the 2024 Summer Olympics, would you support it? Such a large event would have major economic and environmental impacts … Continue reading

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2013 State of the Rockies Conference- Day 1, April 8th, 2013

Colorado College’s State of the Rockies Project Annual Spring Conference 2013 Day 1- Monday, April 8th, 2013 By Nathaniel Kelley, Rockies Project Writer Are you a citizen scientist? You may not think so, but you’ve likely used Wikipedia, the popular … Continue reading

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State of the Rockies Conference 2012: Final Session of Conference on 4/10 highlighted Colorado’s Stake in the Colorado River Basin

Government agencies are aware of the concerns that the Colorado River won’t have enough water to meet legal obligations in coming years and are working to avoid that scenario, three industry experts said during the final presentation of the 2012 … Continue reading

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