Online conferencing software in a residential liberal arts environment

In spring 2012, CC purchased a license for Blackboard Collaborate online conferencing software. How can an online conferencing tool like Blackboard Collaborate be useful in a residential liberal arts environment? Below are two ideas. 1) Bring in a guest speaker without having them fly halfway across the country (or drive down from Boulder). While our …

Salman Khan: Let’s use video to reinvent education

In this TED talk, Salman Khan talks about how Khan Academy is being used personalize instruction in mathematics by “flipping” instruction. Students watch Khan Academy lectures outside of class, enabling them to proceed through the lecture at their own pace. Students then complete exercises which give the instructor information on which concepts they understand and …

Make homework smarter

This op-ed in the New York Times takes an interesting angle on how to improve education: improve the quality of the homework we give.  It describes three techniques – spaced repetition, retrieval practice, and interleaving – that can be employed to develop more effective homework assignments.
