I would like to acknowledge the many who have contributed to this amazing time on the ice.
My experience on the ice was made possible by Christine Siddoway. A wonderful advisor and mentor, and brilliant professor, Christine has guided me throughout my studies at Colorado College and furthered interests in structural geology, geophysics, and polar science. Her commitment to research is inspiring, and her extraordinary effort and generosity to allow this experience is unparalleled. Thank you so much, Christine!
Thanks to everyone in the field with me this season, including Maya Becker, Chris Bertinato, Alex Boghosian, Beth Burton, Fabio Caratori Tontini, Isabelle Coredero, Tej Dhakal, Nick Freason, Grant O’Brien, Dave Porter, Scott Springer, Sarah Starke, and Kirsty Tinto. Each member was extremely helpful and great to work with in the field, often taking a step away from their current task to share a bit of cool science. Thank you, Kirsty, for sitting down with me to teach the ways of GeoSoft in preparation for modelling for my thesis, and for being the best field PI ever. Thanks to Fabio, Grant, Dave, and Beth, for your patience in training me on how to work with the gravimeters. A special thanks to Beth, who worked with me closely on the night shift to help overcome QC struggles and provide additional gravimeter training.
I would like to thank the Air National Guard for their hard work, lugging and loading our gear onto the plane, and for flying slow and straight for 8 hours at a time.
Thank you to all ACS contractors for operating the station, handling logistics, and for essentially keeping McMurdo running smoothly.
Thank you, Megan Anderson, for providing technical support and the equipment so that I may carry out magnetic susceptibility and density measurements, which will be used in my thesis.
Thanks to Cody Duckworth, for assisting me in the density measurement process.
And thank you, Noah Villamarin-Cutter, for your help in ArcGIS and your ability to skillfully resolve GeoSoft issues.
Without the support and funds from the Colorado College Natural Science Division, Colorado College SEGway Fund (through Tess Powers and Sandi Wong), Colorado College Geology Deptartment, and the NSF Antarctic Integrated Systems Science Award 1443497 to Christine Siddoway at Colorado College (www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1443497 ), this trip would not have ultimately been possible.
Finally, I owe huge thanks to my parents, who have supported and encouraged me in all my decisions. Thank you, Mom & Dad!

This concludes my field study blog.
Thanks to all for reading!
Alec, So proud and impressed by your blog and what you have done at McMurdo. I know your parents are beyond proud, the cake says it all! Safe travels, see you when you arrive home. Xo Aunt Susan ?