Our class had the opportunity to talk to a few expert women who taught us about the water rights system in the San Luis Valley and the different Rio Grande restoration projects that are happening. We also visited a potato farm and potato factory to gain a better understanding of the local industries and how they are affected by the availability of water in the valley.
Published by Chelo
Hello! My name is Chelo and I am a 3rd year at Colorado College. I was born and raised in San Francisco to a spanglish speaking family of clowns and acrobats. At CC I am majoring in Education Studies and minoring in Environmental Issues. This fall I was a steward at the TREE (Teaching and Research in Environmental Education) Semester and spent four months living at the Catamount Center teaching in the outdoors and exploring the field of environmental education. I am passionate about teaching, children and the sustainability of the natural world. If you are looking for be around campus you can find me on the lacrosse field or in the dance studio.
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