Erin Hogg Rankin is a graphic artist for Total Label LLC in Whitefish, Mont., where she resides with her husband, Chris, and son, Will. • Wesley “Wes” Mooney is Black & Decker’s national account manager for Wal-Mart. He recently moved to Bentonville, Ark., with his wife Michelle and children Logan, 6, Peighton, 3, and Carson, 9 months.
10th Reunion: October 14–16, 2011!
Hadiya Strasberg is pursuing her master’s degree in architecture at Massachusetts College of Art and Design in Boston and is scheduled to graduate in August 2011.
Alex Moore and fellow alumni Anthony Canuche Terranella ’98 and Zachary Tillman ’01 graduated
together last spring with their MBAs in sustainable business from Bainbridge Graduate Institute.
Katie Guffin is attending the University of Montana School of Law in Missoula. • Kim Kisabeth has spent the last four years working with Duke Law students and faculty on a case involving an innocence claim. In July, the group secured the release of their client after 12 years of wrongful imprisonment. Kim, a fellow with Duke’s Center for Criminal Justice and Professional Responsibility, worked with the school’s Wrongful Conviction Clinic co-directors James Coleman and Theresa Newman and numerous students, alumni, and friends. Together, they built a case that Shawn Giovanni Massey was a victim of erroneous eyewitness identification.
Burke Bindbeutel has enrolled at the University of Missouri Law School. Since graduation from CC, he has worked in Chicago and San Francisco and been employed by the U.S. Census Bureau, Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy, FORA.tv, and Chicago’s legendary chicken hut FEED. • Megan Key received her M.D. from Penn State College of Medicine. She will continue her training in a primary medicine residency at the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Aurora, Colo.
5th Reunion: October 14–16, 2011!

The Washburn Foundation hosted a gathering of CC football alumni in February at Stranahan’s Colorado Whiskey Distillery and Restaurant in Denver. Former team members who recalled stories from their playing days and discussed plans for restoring football at CC included Billy Blaustein ’09, Tom Joiner ’08, and Russ Binns ’07.
Matias Gutknecht returned to Denver to train for the 2010 Ironman Triathlon in Cozumel, where he is hoping to qualify for the Ironman Hawaii. He is organizing a fundraiser in conjunction with his Ironman bid. It will benefit Safehouse Denver, a shelter for victims of domestic violence.
Amy Ernst is working with rape victims in the Democratic Republic of Congo. She was volunteering as a rape crisis counselor in Chicago when she learned about the epidemic of sexual violence in Congo. Through a family member, she contacted a Catholic priest from the province of North Kivu. He found her housing with an order of monks and priests and introduced her to Maman Marie Nzoli, who works with victims of the ongoing war. Amy writes about her experiences in Congo on her blog, http://thekingeffect.blogspot.com/, and she is a guest blogger for Nicholas D. Kristof of the New York Times.

Family members of Krista Leigh Wills gathered in July to celebrate her graduation in 2010 from CC with a master of arts in teaching (MAT). From left, are Cathy Pfeiffer Emery ’82, Krista, Jack Pfeiffer ’51, and Elle Washburn Emery ’12.
Emma Epstein spent her first year out of college with AVODAH, the Jewish Service Corps. In August, she began a cross-country bicycling trip to raise awareness and support for the program. Emma and three friends stopped in cities along the way to speak at synagogues. “Last summer, I was camping in Oregon and I saw people dressed in bike gear about to go across the country, and I thought to myself, what a grand adventure,” she says. “Fast forward six months and we are in AVODAH discussing how we can continue our journey for social justice. I thought that it would be an amazing opportunity to pair the trip with a larger purpose.” Follow her journey on her blog, www.avodahcycle.wordpress.com

More than 40 Colorado College alumni, parents, and friends got together to celebrate six students from the Anchorage area who were on their way to CC. The party took place at the home of Matt Claman ’81. Another CC gettogether in Alaska, this time in Homer, took place at the home of Kirk and Lisa Olsen, parents of student Kira Olsen ’11. The CC office of alumni and parent relations coordinated 22 student send-off events this year.
One-Year Reunion: October 14–16, 2011!
Katherine “Kat” Barker competed in the Canadian National Modern Pentathlon Championships in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada, in July. Pentathlon is five sports combined into four events — fencing, equestrian show jumping, swimming, running, and pistol shooting — with the competition completed in one day.