This Homecoming panel presentation, “A Tale of Two CCs: Narratives from Alumni and Students of Color,” was led by, at left, Emily Chan, associate dean of academic programs and strategic initiatives. The panelists were, from left: Phillip Williams MAT ’02; Dinh Luu ’01; Eryka Charley ’08; and Alejandro Salazar ’16.
Dear Fellow Alumni,
The Colorado College Alumni Association Board (AAB) asks your help in identifying outstanding prospective AAB members. AAB membership is a wonderful opportunity to become more engaged with and to give back to the college. It offers opportunities to help support and nurture CC’s outstanding students.
We are seeking candidates who are committed to the college and have demonstrated leadership and recognition in their communities and/or professions. For AAB, as for all of CC’s constituencies, it is vitally important to reflect the college’s and the wider world’s rich diversity.
We are soliciting nominations from alumni at large, and we also encourage interested individuals to nominate themselves. For an individual to be considered, go to www.coloradocollege.edu/alumninomination to complete the form. Nominations must be received and complete no later than Jan. 5, 2015, but nominators are encouraged to submit materials as early as possible since the AAB Nominations and Awards Committee will begin reviewing candidates as completed materials are received.
AAB members are expected:
- To have time to serve on a committee and participate in monthly committee conference calls. Attendance at two meetings per year, Fall Call and Forum (the latter on campus), is required for all AAB members.
- To participate and be visible in college events and activities in your geographic region.
- To contribute financially to the college commensurate with your ability. AAB’s bylaws require participation in annual giving, and members are expected to participate at the level that reflects their ability in special fundraising programs such as the planned capital campaign.
- To become and remain informed on important college issues and programs and to be a strong advocate for CC.
AAB members are elected to one four-year term starting July 1, 2015, and ending June 30, 2019. Depending upon members’ interest, contributions, and leadership as AAB members, they may be re-elected to a second or even a third term. Re-election will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
As names are submitted, the AAB Nominations and Awards Committee reviews candidates’ engagement with the college, conducts research, and prepares a slate of nominees, which is then voted upon by the full AAB in the spring. Candidates selected may be invited to participate in AAB’s annual Forum, which will be held on campus April 23-25, 2015 (before new member terms actually begin).
Everyone who attends Colorado College for two full semesters in good standing and whose class has graduated is an alumnus/a of the college’s Alumni Association, of which AAB is the governing board. The purposes of the association are to advance the general interests of CC as a liberal arts college of excellence and national and international distinction and to promote the participation of alumni in the college’s affairs.
This is an exciting time for the college — get involved and help us!
Christine Moon Schluter ’65
President of the Alumni Association Board