Greetings, CC!

Jesse Horn ’07- Alumni Association Board President

It is hard to believe that spring is here! As we begin to put away our jackets and break out the Hawaiian shirts (too soon?), we can look forward to brighter days and warmer nights. Soon, graduation will be upon campus and we will welcome the Class of 2018 to the CC alumni family

As will be asked of them before they scatter to the world, I also want to encourage you to take a minute to ensure that the Office of Alumni and Family Relations has your most up-to-date address and contact information. In addition to letting us know where you are and how you are doing, your contact information allows us to best plan for events and opportunities like the “Spouseonomics: How an Economist Measures Marriage” presentation by CC Assistant Professor of Economics Jessica Hoel that I recently attended in Washington, D.C. Some other recent events put on by our alumni program included Art Week, held on campus last October, celebrating our alumni who have chosen art as their passion or life’s work; and various social events like “Come In From Out of the Cold,” in Aspen, Colorado. Because we want to see as many of you at these events as possible, whether you have recently moved, either for the season or permanently, having up-to-date information helps us alert you to events coming your way. Be sure to bookmark the Alumni Events page on CC’s website and whenever you move, even if just seasonally, let the college know by sharing your address (please e-mail changes to alumni@colorado​

Next, I want to thank you all for the multitude of nominations that we received for the young alumni trustee and elected alumni trustee positions. I am continually amazed at what our fellow alumni have accomplished, and the nominations we received only reinforced this awe.

Your AAB Nominations and Awards Committee reviewed all of the qualifications for the nominated candidates, and the finalists were approved by the AAB. The new trustees will replace Martha Wolday ’14, retiring young alumni trustee, and Heather Carroll ’89, retiring elected alumni trustee. Their terms expire June 30, 2018, and the new trustees’ terms begin July 1, 2018. They will join elected alumni trustees Antonio Rosendo ’02 and Kishen Mangat ’96.

We look forward to your election of new trustees who will strengthen the college as much as Heather and Martha have. When you receive the trustee ballot, please vote, as it is an important way to help ensure the college’s continued strength with the kind of representation you want to see on the board.

Thank you again for your engagement with CC.
Go Tigers!