Have you unexpectedly encountered a classmate somewhere in the world? Please send digital photos (JPGs at 300 dpi and minimum of 3×5.5 inches) to bulletin@coloradocollege.edu or good-quality prints at a similar size to Bulletin/Communications, 14 E. Cache La Poudre St., Colorado Springs, CO 80903-3294. Include complete information about the location and the date, and identify…
Issue: August 2014 • Tags: Class Notes2005 Gordon Beecher (Nitka) is the coach of Team GB Fitness in Scottsdale, Ariz. He has coached power lifters, Olympic lifters, and fitness competitors. Gordon is coaching Amanda Loy, a 4-foot-tall bodybuilder. They traveled to New York City in April for the New York Metropolitan Championships, where she took fourth. After a feature on “Inside…
Issue: August 2014 • Tags: Class Notes2010 Ryan Nichols received his law degree from the University of Denver in May 2013. He is now an associate at the Denver-based law firm of Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck. His practice focuses on general corporate matters, business entity formation, and restructuring, securities, and mergers and acquisitions. While he was at the University of Denver,…
Issue: August 2014 • Tags: Class Notes1990 David Cripe is a new partner in the Denver office of Kutak Rock. David represents a variety of companies and individuals on general corporate matters, mergers and acquisitions, and real estate transactions. His corporate practice includes business formation and structuring, and drafting, reviewing, and negotiating all types of contracts. He received his law degree…
Issue: August 2014 • Tags: Class Notes1980 Patty Pansing Brooks is running for the Nebraska Legislature, District 27 (pattypansingbrooks.com). She lives in Lincoln, Neb., and is an attorney. She received her law degree from the University of Nebraska College of Law. Dave Feamster was profiled in the Pueblo (Colo.) Chieftain’s “Hometown Heroes” series. After playing four seasons with the Chicago Blackhawks,…
Issue: August 2014 • Tags: Class Notes1945 Elizabeth M. Warner graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a bachelor’s in education and earned a diploma from the Philadelphia School of Occupational Therapy in 1946, but CC remains her favorite college. When she wasn’t working with physically disabled people, she enjoyed performing in civic theater, a love that was fostered at CC.…
Issue: August 2014 • Tags: Class Notes