Test site for CC theme
Lighting the Fuse Box
- 5th August 2020 -
- Posted by kt in Uncategorized
Quarantine Collaboration Provides an Opening to Creativity, Mindfulness, and Connection
By Kirsten Akens ’96
The collaboration between Jane Hilberry, CC professor of creativity and innovation, and Colorado Springs resident Sam Stephenson began with a question.
When locals began socially isolating in mid-March, Stephenson, who organizes “Converge,” a Colorado Springs lecture series designed to bring people together for author visits and post-lecture conversations, had an idea. He wanted to create boxes filled with writing exercises, says Hilberry, “to engage people during this time that everybody was stuck at home … to not see those times at home as just something to get through, but also to see it as a time when it’s possible to actually deepen your connections with your family or whoever your immediate community is.”
Stephenson called Hilberry and asked, “Do you have exercises?”
We’d love to see what you’ve made – upload photos.
Block Break – President Tiefenthaler’s E-Newsletter
- 13th February 2015 -
- Posted by kt in Uncategorized
Dear Parents and Alumni,
As we wrap up Block 3, the students are excited for Fall Break and the celebration of Thanksgiving with family and friends. There is much to be thankful for.
In the midst of a divisive national campaign, the college welcomed a variety of speakers representing a broad range of perspectives, from Democratic Strategist David Axelrod P ’09 to former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. Many thanks to Assistant Professor of Political Science Elizabeth Coggins who organized the Sondermann Presidential Symposium, which was one of the highlights of the fall. I am thankful for an intellectual community where all perspectives are welcomed and thoughtfully considered.
Whether celebrating or grieving the outcome, our students were passionately engaged in the election season. But they were also ready for the break, and so student leaders organized a “Loving Send Off” earlier this week to celebrate the unity of our community. I am thankful for students who care deeply about issues and one another.
During this block, the trustees were on campus for their regular November meeting. I am grateful for their enthusiasm and commitment to CC. The support they and other alumni, parents, and friends provide is a strong endorsement of the importance of our mission to educate tomorrow’s leaders.
While the trustees were on campus, the college celebrated the publication of a festschrift in honor of Professor of Political Science Tim Fuller. A collection of essays inspired by Tim’s scholarly life and compiled by his former students, the book is also a tribute to the close faculty-student relationships that have been formed over generations here. I am grateful that this commitment to excellent teaching and mentoring has always been the cornerstone of a Colorado College education and continues to be so today.
Throughout the fall, I have been so proud of the progress being made on campus and our community’s resilience and excitement in the midst of much disruption. Despite the construction at Tutt Library and relocation of books and offices, Team Tutt, and our librarians and academic support professionals have provided excellent service to students and faculty. I am thrilled to witness the enthusiasm about our alliance with the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center and the engagement of over 1,500 participants in the listening sessions; it’s a great foundation on which to build our future vision! I am grateful for staff members from across the campus who have taken on additional responsibilities, even as they continue their dedication to regular duties.
During this season of gratitude, I am thankful for you, parents and alumni, who continue to be passionate champions for Colorado College.
Best regards,
President Jill Tiefenthaler
testing responsive oversized image with HTML dimensions
- 17th September 2013 -
- Posted by kt in test category
asdkjsdkfjhwqeiur dfdsfjkjhgg sdjf sjdfasdf askldfj ksdajf askdjf aksldj ksldjf as;kldjf lskadjf skjdfkjgheioru zmdn kfj dskj kjdf sdkjf asdkjsdkfjhwqeiur dfdsfjkjhgg sdjf sjdfasdf askldfj ksdajf askdjf aksldj ksldjf as;kldjf lskadjf skjdfkjgheioru zmdn kfj dskj kjdf sdkjf asdkjsdkfjhwqeiur dfdsfjkjhgg sdjf sjdfasdf askldfj ksdajf askdjf aksldj ksldjf as;kldjf lskadjf skjdfkjgheioru zmdn kfj dskj kjdf sdkjf asdkjsdkfjhwqeiur dfdsfjkjhgg sdjf sjdfasdf askldfj ksdajf askdjf aksldj ksldjf as;kldjf lskadjf skjdfkjgheioru zmdn kfj dskj kjdf sdkjf asdkjsdkfjhwqeiur dfdsfjkjhgg sdjf sjdfasdf askldfj ksdajf askdjf aksldj ksldjf as;kldjf lskadjf skjdfkjgheioru zmdn kfj dskj kjdf sdkjf
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This is a test.
- 7th February 2012 -
- Posted by Mark in other_test_cat, Uncategorized
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam nisi libero, commodo ut cursus nec, bibendum sit amet urna. In mollis pharetra lorem, at ullamcorper felis facilisis id. Nullam malesuada accumsan orci vel ultrices. Cras fermentum tempus dignissim. Nulla non est elit. Donec luctus massa a dui facilisis consectetur. Cras tempor mi a felis malesuada vitae iaculis risus rhoncus. Vestibulum tellus diam, pretium sed pharetra sed, gravida in nisl.yt
Etiam rhoncus, urna sed ornare luctus, nisl ligula eleifend nisi, non vestibulum felis enim ac nunc. Praesent ac nisi in lorem interdum pretium. Mauris quis cursus nisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id feugiat urna. Suspendisse sit amet ipsum neque, eget imperdiet eros. Quisque et erat a lorem placerat condimentum sit amet vel risus. Quisque egestas risus rutrum augue tempus vel tempor dolor vehicula. Nunc viverra lacinia felis consectetur eleifend.
Quisque mollis suscipit augue, et tincidunt odio vulputate ut. Morbi lectus sapien, porttitor eget luctus nec, ultricies et odio. Nam sit amet dictum risus. Donec at velit purus, nec pulvinar erat. Cras bibendum est non orci mollis ac placerat ante viverra. Mauris auctor tristique velit, sed viverra mi volutpat eu. Ut rutrum interdum nisi, et fermentum risus tempus ut. Morbi nec nisi neque.
Cras nisl urna, sodales a consequat dignissim, placerat eget lacus. Donec pellentesque tristique dui, a faucibus ante commodo in. Aliquam erat volutpat. In convallis neque eleifend nulla bibendum condimentum at posuere libero. Nunc venenatis scelerisque quam, id volutpat orci laoreet quis. Proin egestas gravida purus et elementum. Suspendisse eleifend cursus nunc, at euismod sapien volutpat eget. Duis semper quam tellus. Quisque hendrerit egestas justo in dapibus. Vestibulum lacinia magna nunc, a eleifend nisi. Vestibulum in augue nulla. Cras pulvinar mauris a velit congue in malesuada ante accumsan. Aliquam malesuada nisi vulputate turpis lobortis commodo.
Colorado College CC Physics Professor Searched for Supernovae with Nobel Winner for Supernovae with Nobel Winner for Supernovae with Nobel Winner
- 10th October 2011 -
- Posted by Mark in Uncategorized
When the Nobel Prize in physics was announced Tuesday, Shane Burns, Colorado College physics professor, shared the special elation of knowing a great deal about the work that went into the award.
Burns is one of a small group of people, including Nobel winner Saul Perlmutter, who began the work that resulted in the 1998 discovery of the accelerating expansion of the universe. Burns has continued to work with the group, now known as the Supernova Cosmology Project, since its inception in 1989.
this is a test post with only an image
- 26th September 2011 -
- Posted by Mark in Uncategorized
Another new post
- 16th September 2011 -
- Posted by Mark in test category
And, I’m testing out the image adding functionality here.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus non velit tortor, eget adipiscing velit. Donec eleifend libero non odio sodales eleifend. Suspendisse fringilla turpis et massa viverra suscipit. Praesent vitae tincidunt ligula. Curabitur in tortor ut mauris tincidunt sollicitudin in at risus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Ut mauris dui, vestibulum et posuere ut, egestas rhoncus orci. Nullam congue nisl a ante faucibus et suscipit quam imperdiet. Donec accumsan, odio sit amet viverra molestie, augue turpis mattis mi, sed scelerisque justo nulla vestibulum neque. Suspendisse lobortis dolor vel mi eleifend a luctus quam porta. Praesent a diam massa, a sodales lectus.
Lorem to the Ipsum
- 16th September 2011 -
- Posted by kt in Uncategorized
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus non velit tortor, eget adipiscing velit. Donec eleifend libero non odio sodales eleifend. Suspendisse fringilla turpis et massa viverra suscipit. Praesent vitae tincidunt ligula. Curabitur in tortor ut mauris tincidunt sollicitudin in at risus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Ut mauris dui, vestibulum et posuere ut, egestas rhoncus orci. Nullam congue nisl a ante faucibus et suscipit quam imperdiet. Donec accumsan, odio sit amet viverra molestie, augue turpis mattis mi, sed scelerisque justo nulla vestibulum neque. Suspendisse lobortis dolor vel mi eleifend a luctus quam porta. Praesent a diam massa, a sodales lectus.
- Mauris vel dolor vel felis ullamcorper mollis.
- Phasellus vehicula orci sed sem pharetra malesuada.
- Sed volutpat tristique ipsum, in auctor nisl congue non.
- Pellentesque nec felis nulla, ut dictum lectus.
- Proin sollicitudin laoreet lorem, ut consequat orci venenatis eget.
And this is how a quote looks… -Mark
Hello world!
- 6th September 2011 -
- Posted by Mark in Uncategorized
Welcome to Colorado College Sites. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!