Dario Sponchiado

Ciao everybody, I’m thrilled to be part of this crew!  I love to travel, learn new languages, teach Italian and share my culture! Italian is the closest language to Latin which is a fundamental component of English. So learning Italian means understanding better your language. Any examples? You are at the university, maybe you have …

Half Block 2021: The Renaissance Banchetto!

Join Nancy Ekberg,  Director of the Collegium Musicum and Dario Sponchiado, visiting instructor in the Italian program, to explore the “Renaissance banchetto!“ with its festive and sinister undercurrents. “Thanks both Dario and Nancy for this excellent experience” “The most important strengths of the course were the interesting and interactive course materials, and the use of a variety …


On December 8th was Winter Market, an annual event that aims at celebrating cultural differences by providing CC international students, faculty, and staff with a spot to share something about their own culture.

FYE reunion

Last Tuesday we had an amazing FYE reunion lunch! It was so nice to see FYE students gathering together again and catching up! 
