Santa Polenta!

Thank you Inge for the delicious polenta and chicken alla cacciatora, and the explanation to obtain the perfect polenta!


Dear students from IT 201 and residents of the Italian house, I hope you had fun and you learned how to impress your friends or family making home made polenta!

See you next block for a new event in the Italian House 🙂

inge e le studentesse le studentesse e Dario

Lunedì Espresso

The German house hosts the Kaffee klatsch every Wednesday.

The Russian House has the Russian tea every Thursday.

And the Italian house?

We decided to have our own regular event every second Monday of the block at 2 pm. We will offer Italian espresso, cookies/cake and we will chat…possibly in Italian!

You can find other good reasons to take part in this event here.

Don’t miss it!

SPESSO ESPRESSO-page-001.jpg




Ravioli, Ravioli, Ravioli!

Do you think it’s difficult to make fresh Ravioli?


Find out!

Come to the Italian House Wednesday, March 2nd  at 6.00 pm 

with Dario and Sara

Don’t miss it!


Few spots available.



Gino Bartali

Ciao a tutti,

 I hope you enjoyed the snacks and the movie!


I was happy to see students involved in the Italian program and the friends of the Italian house together again.

Gino Bartali or “Ginetaccio”, as he was called (for my students or those familiar with the Italian suffixes, the meaning should be clear) is the protagonist of the documentary that we screened yesterday. 

He is a really national hero in two ways: as sport man (having won the Giro d’Italia three times  and the Tour the France twice) and because he was recognized as a “Righteous Among the Nations” by Yad Vashem for his efforts to aid Jews during the second world war.

If you want more information about him, here, you can find an entire radio episode about him.

Also, there is a nice song about him by Paolo ConteDo you want hear it?

Italian Summer Class!

Finally you can fulfill your language requirement this summer!


Take Italian during block A and B

(Remember your wild card block)

Conveniently on campus!

You can take either elementary Italian I or II separately or both blocks back-to-back.

For more information contact: dario 


Flying On The Wings Of Music

Would you ever think of combining opera and pop music to come up with a new style?

These guys did, and the experiment worked perfectly well thanks to their talent.

Il Volo

Il Volo (“The Flight”) is a music trio that came to life in 2010, after its members competed individually in the TV song contest  “Ti lascio una canzone”.

Piero, Ignazio and Gianluca were only teenagers when they performed as solo artists and impressed both the jury and the audience with their powerful voices. One of the creators of the show suggested to put them together and mentor them and that is how the trio’s career began, progressing with each song.

This year, they were awarded the first prize as best performers at the Sanremo Festival, which is a famous music festival broadcasted annually by RAI.

Their song “Grande Amore” was chosen to represent Italy at the Eurovision song contest, where it earned the 3rd position.

Want to know what the song is about? Watch the video and improve your Italian! 😉



Buongiorno Italian Film Festival!

Yesterday the Italian Film Festival of CC took place in Max Kade Theatre and many awards were given!

Following the award ceremony, the students were entertained with pizza and beverages. Can you imagine a better final class? 😉



More positive facts:

  1. Students discovered that acting in Italian is fun!
  2. They found out that there are methods behind what they did in class: they are called process drama and glottodrama 
  3. Students are now ready for the next challenge: Intermediate Italian!

Well done/ ben fatto everyone and see you around the campus 🙂

Dario & Sara 
