A review of the Brookings Institution report, Charter Schools: A Report on Rethinking the Federal Role in Education finds that it relies on a limited body of research, misstates key issues, and makes some recommendations not supported by evidence. More information is available at http://nepc.colorado.edu.
DHE Educator Preparation Website
The Department of Higher Education’s previous Teacher Education webpage has been reorganized into two different pages:
- Reauthorization, program approval, and CCODE information: http://highered.colorado.gov/academics/teachered/educators.html
- For students and potential students: “Becoming an Educator in Colorado” http://highered.colorado.gov/academics/teachered/
If you have any suggestions or corrections, please notify ian.magillivray@dhe.state.co.us.
Assessment in the Arts Conference, July 28-30, 2011
Please see the attached call for Proposals for information on the Assessment in Arts Conference at Rocky Mountain College or Art + Design. Assessment in Arts Conference CFP. Proposal deadline is February 28, 2011.
School Safety
Senate Bill 08-001 created the Colorado School Safety Resource Center in the Colorado Department of Public Safety. Its mission is to collaboratively assist local schools and communities to create safe and positive school environments for Colorado students in all pre-k and higher education schools. For more information and to utilize their resources, see http://www.safeschools.state.co.us
Affordability and access to higher education
$600,000 is available in scholarships! To apply, please see and share this resource: http://www.educationcents.org/
Welcome to EdNews!
Welcome to the Colorado College Education Department News Site. Our quarterly newsletter and additional relevant information will be available here. Please feel free to provide feedback on the kind of information you would like to view.