Today at CC Digest

A Daily Digest for Colorado College     Announcements Voluntary Retirement Contributions Increase for 2023 The limit for voluntary retirement contributions to 403(b) plans have increased from $20,500 to $22,500 in 2023 (with additional $7,500 ‘make-up’ available for employees 50 and older). If you are trying to maxi… Posted by elujan Winter Break Fitness Center …

Today at CC Digest for Students

A Daily Digest for Colorado College     Announcements Winter Break Fitness Center Hours Winter Break – Adam F. Press Fitness Center HoursThursday (Dec 22) thru Wednesday (Jan 4): CL… Posted by aobringer The Honor Council has started recruiting for this year! You should apply if you are:– An empathic critical thinker– Interested in improving …

Today at CC Digest

A Daily Digest for Colorado College     Announcements Winter Break Fitness Center Hours Winter Break – Adam F. Press Fitness Center HoursThursday (Dec 22) thru Wednesday (Jan 4): CL… Posted by aobringer In Person Performance Evaluation Feedback Session The office of Human Resources will be hosting an in-person discussion about CC’s annual performance evaluation …

Today at CC Digest for Students

A Daily Digest for Colorado College     Announcements The Honor Council has started recruiting for this year! You should apply if you are:– An empathic critical thinker– Interested in improving equity at CC as a whole or advocating for your peers individually– Interested in law or policy (not a requirement)… Posted by m_fong Colorado …

Today at CC Digest for Students

A Daily Digest for Colorado College     Announcements Winter Break Fitness Center Hours Winter Break – Adam F. Press Fitness Center HoursThursday (Dec 22) thru Wednesday (Jan 4): CL… Posted by aobringer The Honor Council has started recruiting for this year! You should apply if you are:– An empathic critical thinker– Interested in improving …

Today at CC Digest

A Daily Digest for Colorado College     Announcements Voluntary Retirement Contributions Increase for 2023 The limit for voluntary retirement contributions to 403(b) plans have increased from $20,500 to $22,500 in 2023 (with additional $7,500 ‘make-up’ available for employees 50 and older). If you are trying to maxi… Posted by elujan Winter Break Fitness Center …

Today at CC Digest for Students

A Daily Digest for Colorado College     Announcements The Honor Council has started recruiting for this year! You should apply if you are:– An empathic critical thinker– Interested in improving equity at CC as a whole or advocating for your peers individually– Interested in law or policy (not a requirement)… Posted by m_fong Events …

Today at CC Digest for Students

A Daily Digest for Colorado College     Announcements The Honor Council has started recruiting for this year! You should apply if you are:– An empathic critical thinker– Interested in improving equity at CC as a whole or advocating for your peers individually– Interested in law or policy (not a requirement)… Posted by m_fong CC …
