Commencement 2022 Celebrations are Just a Month Away!

Commencement celebrations are just a month away! Class of 2022 Quote: As you enter positions of trust and power, dream a little before you think.” — Toni Morrison It’s hard to believe, but our seniors are in their final few weeks at Colorado College! Commencement is set for Sunday, May 22, 2022, at 8:30 a.m., …

Students: Screening Testing Resumes After Block Break

Dear Students,  Thank you for continuing to participate in screening testing. Given the relatively low case numbers on campus and in the county, fully vaccinated students do not need to test this week. Students who are not fully vaccinated should continue testing twice weekly. All students are required to participate in Block 8 initial testing after block break; please look for …

The COVID Weekly Report: Monday, April 18

Here’s what you need to know for the week of April 18: Students continue screening testing after block break Use the CC COVID-19 dashboard to inform your masking choices Order your rapid COVID tests   Students: Screening Testing Resumes After Block Break Thank you for continuing to participate in screening testing. Given the relatively low …

Around the Block: A Round of Applause for Our Truman Scholar

Maddi Schink ’23 Wins Truman Scholarship Maddison “Maddi” Schink ’23 has won a 2022 Truman Scholarship, the premier graduate scholarship for students interested in public service. She was selected from 705 candidates and is one of 58 awardees this year of the prestigious honor. Truman Scholars are selected because they demonstrate outstanding leadership potential, a …

Even More Gratitude

Dear CC Staff and Faculty, When we launched Gratitude Gifts a couple of weeks ago, heartwarming stories from across campus filled the inbox as faculty and staff nominated their colleagues. So far, I’ve learned about the wonderful qualities of nearly 200 gift recipients.   Some traits our staff and faculty appreciate in their colleagues: …

Thank You for Participating in Project 2024

Dear CC Community, We are grateful that you took time to meaningfully engage — with our session facilitators and with one another — during the first phase of Project 2024. The campus-wide conversations for year one concluded at the end of Block 6. More than 560 faculty, staff, and students attended at least one of …

2022 MacLean Symposium Begins TODAY

Don’t forget: This year’s MacLean Symposium on Asian American Literature begins today, April 12, through Thurs., April 14. Ma Vang, Mai Der Vang, Divya Victor, Aaron Cohick, and Cathy Park Hong will speak on Asian American literature as forms of racial reckonings. In bringing these writers, artists, and thinkers together, the MacLean Symposium aims to …

The COVID Weekly Report: Monday, April 11

Here’s what you need to know for the week of April 11: Use the CC COVID-19 dashboard to inform your masking choices Vaccinated students test once this week Stay up to date on COVID vaccinations   Students: Test Once this Week Screening testing helps to prevent large outbreaks by breaking chains of infection. Based on …

Join the Board of Trustees for Town Hall Today

Today: Join Trustees for Town Hall The Colorado College Board of Trustees was in town last week for its spring meeting. You’re invited to attend a virtual town hall where board leaders will share an update from their meeting. The Board of Trustees town hall meeting with Board Chair Jeff Keller ’91, P ’22, Vice Chair …
