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A Daily Digest for Colorado College

Participate in Prevention Training

Dear Staff and Faculty,

Tragically, suicide is the leading cause of death among young people in Colorado. We, as a community, have experienced the loss and pain that suicide can create.  
As part of our commitment to help our community thrive, we will offer online suicide prevention training to all members of the CC community. QPR is a prevention training for participants to be able to recognize the warning signs of suicidal thinking, behavior, and attempts, and questionpersuade, and refer people at risk for help.
Because our campus is safer when more of us have these skills, we are asking that all staff and faculty complete the training by the start of Block 6, Friday, Feb. 27.
You can also take one of the upcoming in-person QPR classes to meet this requirement:
Please register for the virtual training here.
We expect the online training to take about an hour, and the in-person training to take about two hours. 
If you want to be exempted from this expectation because of concerns about potential triggering or other reasons, please submit an exception form here. If you have taken QPR training in person in the last year, you will be exempted from this request.
Learn more about the college’s approach to mental health and suicide prevention, and access additional resources.
Thank you all for your commitment to each other’s mental health and wellness.

Ryan Simmons

Vice President for People and Workplace Culture 

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CC Launches 24-hour Mental Health Support for Students

Dear Students,

As you know, CC has elevated its commitment to mental health for our whole community. In a letter to the Cabinet, students, and in later months parents and alumni, asked CC leadership to increase student access to mental health therapists.
We heard you.
On top of the many 24/7 services provided by CC Student Health and Wellbeing, the college is launching, effective today, a telehealth service that provides all students with free, unlimited access to therapists and on-demand counseling 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year including holidays.
Key Details:
  • 24/7/365 crisis counseling by trained therapists
  • Ability to schedule recurring appointments with the same therapist
  • Services available to all students in the U.S., including those on leave
  • Students outside the U.S. or studying abroad have access to crisis intervention and on-demand counseling service
We are launching this service for our students because you asked for more support and to have that support available every day at any time. We also recognize that the holidays can be a particularly stressful time for everyone, wherever they are. Please use the QR code below or visit this link to immediately register, choose a therapist, and speak with that therapist. Questions can be emailed to

Pedro de Araujo

Dean of the College

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CC Launches 24-hour Mental Health Support for Students

Dear CC Community,

As we have done in the past, we will include you on updates when we introduce new mental health and well-being programs or services to campus. Below you will find information about a new virtual counseling service we announced to students today.

Dear Students,

As you know, CC has elevated its commitment to mental health for our whole community. In a letter to the Cabinet, students, and in later months parents and alumni, asked CC leadership to increase student access to mental health therapists.

We heard you.

On top of the many 24/7 services we already offer, and the additional services provided by CC Student Health and Wellbeing, the college is launching, effective today, a telehealth service that provides all students with free, unlimited access to therapists and on-demand counseling 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year including holidays.

Key Details:
  • 24/7/365 crisis counseling by trained therapists
  • Ability to schedule recurring appointments with the same therapist
  • Services available to all students in the U.S., including those on leave
  • Students outside the U.S. or studying abroad have access to crisis intervention and on-demand counseling service
We are launching this service for our students because you asked for more support and to have that support available every day at any time. We also recognize that the holidays can be a particularly stressful time for everyone, wherever they are.


Pedro de Araujo

Dean of the College

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Important Pre-Winter Break Payroll Reminders

Winter Break Timesheet Reminders

Winter Break Timesheet Reminders

The Payroll Office wants you to be aware of important dates related to Winter Break when completing timesheets.

CC’s Winter Break benefit for benefit-eligible employees covers up to 10 days total (inclusive of holidays), from Thursday, Dec. 22, 2022 through Wednesday, Jan. 4, 2023.

The dates of holidays are recognized as the actual date and hourly staff should record Winter Break and holidays on their regularly scheduled workdays (up to 10 days). 

To make sure you are correctly paid during this time, please carefully read guidance below and review the timesheet examples to clarify what category you will enter for hours during the break.

Dec. 22, 2022-Jan. 6, 2023 Pay Period:

  • Hourly staff who were NOT required to work over Winter Break must submit timesheets by Friday, Jan. 6, 2023. 
    • Hourly staff will record their regularly scheduled workdays/hours as Holiday (Dec. 24, Dec. 25, Dec. 31, and Jan. 1) or Winter Break up to a total of 10 days.
    • Supervisors must approve timesheets by Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2023.

Hourly staff who are REQUIRED to work over Winter Break must submit timesheets by Friday, Jan. 6, 2023. 
  • Hourly staff will record their regularly scheduled workdays/hours as Holiday (Dec. 24, Dec. 25, Dec. 31, and Jan. 1) or Winter Break up to a total of 10 days.

Hourly staff who are REQUIRED to work will also record the actual days/hours they work as regular earnings. 
  • Supervisors must approve timesheets by Friday, Jan. 6, 2023.

If you have any questions about recording hours, contact Heather Stapish in Payroll:

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Today at CC Digest for Students

A Daily Digest for Colorado College

Today at CC Digest

A Daily Digest for Colorado College

Global Education: December Study Away Update

December Update from Global Education & Field Study

Block 5: Antiracism Goal Implementation Forum


The FEC’s number one priority this year is to support the college in implementing the antiracism plan goals while upholding academic freedom.  We are co-sponsoring a series of forums from Blocks two to seven with each forum focusing on a specific goal of the antiracism plan.  The summary of feedback from past forums is available on the FEC Canvas page.

The fourth forum will be on Wednesday, February 8, from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. in Tutt Library 238.  We sincerely hope that you will attend and give us your feedback to inform our future work on implementing the antiracism plan goals.  The goal for this forum is to discuss how to Make Antiracism A Central Value in CC’s Academic and Co-curricular Programs.  Please join us for a fearless but mutually respectful dialogue. To make the forum as productive as possible, please review the initiatives that are part of this goal, which can be found here, and review a glossary of ADEI terms, which can be found here.

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