Homecoming and Family Weekend is Almost Here!

With over 2,000 alumni, parents, families, and students registered to attend this year’s combined Homecoming and Family Weekend, there will be a lot of activity across campus. We hope you’ll join in the fun! 

Thanks in advance for welcoming these guests to campus for this important weekend! Here are some things you’ll need to know:
Homecoming and Family Weekend registration is located on the first floor of Tutt Library by the Data Viz Wall and in the Edmonds Experimental Classroom (Room 105). Registration is open on Friday from 9:30 a.m.-7 p.m. and on Saturday from 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

All attendees of the Colorado College 2021 Homecoming and Family Weekend are required to abide by CC’s Public Events Policy. This includes submitting proof of vaccination, a negative COVID-19 test result from within 72 hours of check-in, or proof of infection and recovery from COVID-19 (at least 10 days prior with no symptoms, and no more than 90 days prior to event). 

Attendees’ Homecoming and Family Weekend nametags will be their proof of compliance, and will be required to enter any event on campus. (Current students, faculty, and staff may present their active Gold Card, and do not need a HFW nametag.) 

Parents, family members, and guests should only be in the residence halls when accompanied by their host student. Each student is allowed up to two guests in their residence hall. Alumni have been instructed not to enter any student residences on campus.  

As current students, many of you are pre-registered to attend specific events along with your guests traveling to campus for this weekend. In addition, all students are invited to take part in the many free, non-ticketed events, presentations, and sporting events during the weekend, including the signature events listed below. 

Friday, Oct. 8
10 a.m.-noon
“Tiger Talks: CC Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow”
Richard F. Celeste Theatre, Edith Kinney Gaylord Cornerstone Arts Center

The Colorado College experience spans nearly 150 years. Join faculty, alumni, and students as they explore various aspects of how that experience has changed, and how it remains the same. Anchored by a 50th Anniversary Celebration of the Block Plan presentation by English Professor Steven Hayward, these short talks are sure to inspire your imagination on what CC was, is, and will become. Attend any or all of the talks during the two-hour program.

Friday, Oct. 8
5-9 p.m.
Pre-game Tailgate Party
Under the Homecoming and Family Weekend tents, 
Tava Quad and South Hall Quad

Opening just in time for Homecoming and Family Weekend, Ed Robson Arena is Colorado College’s multi-purpose, indoor, on-campus competition arena, with the adjacent Mike and Barbara Yalich Student Services Center. We invite all to come celebrate the winning Tiger spirit and the generosity of the CC community which made this new gathering place possible. The pre-game tailgate party will have customer-pay food trucks, entertainment, and live music. Stop by and join the fun before heading over to the student section of Robson Arena for the CC Tigers’ first hockey game of the season against St. Lawrence. Here’s information on picking up student tickets

Saturday Oct. 9
2-3:30 p.m.
Young Alumni Panel: “How to Successfully Navigate Your Time at CC and Beyond” 
Richard F. Celeste Theatre, Edith Kinney Gaylord Cornerstone Arts Center
Come hear from recent CC grads! These newest members of our alumni community will share stories of how they made the best of their time at CC, and advice on how to plan for life after CC.
If you’d like to see what else is taking place during this weekend, you can view the complete schedule on the Homecoming and Family Weekend website. For more information or questions about the weekend, contact the Office of Alumni and Family Relations at homecoming@coloradocollege.edu.

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Join the Antiracist Book Club

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Monday, October 4, 2021

Dear CC Community,

The diversity, equity, and inclusion leadership team is excited to roll out the second year of the Antiracist Book Club. We have selected three timely texts to get us thinking about antiracism from multiple angles. Our first selection is Delgado and Stefanic’s “Critical Race Theory, chosen specifically so that you can answer for yourself, “What is all the fuss about?”

This book is available to pick up now, free of charge with a CC Gold Card, in the CC Bookstore, now located at 819 N. Tejon Street. You can also purchase a copy for yourself or your department at multiple online retailers such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

We want to thank Dr. Claire Oberon Garcia, acting provost and dean of the faculty, for her generous contribution to creating the study guide for this text, as well as an extensive list of resources for further reading and viewing. You can access this guide on the Antiracist Book Club Microsoft Teams platform. Garcia will also be hosting a talk about this text during Block 3, more information to come.

In January, we will continue with both written and audio versions of Tarana Burke and Brene Brown’s bestseller, “You are Your Best Thing: Vulnerability, Shame, Resilience, and the Black Experience while we also welcome one of the essayists, Austin Channing Brown, to campus for our Block 5 First Mondays Lecture Series. Finally, we will end the academic year with, “Ebony & Ivy: Race, Slavery, and the Troubled History of America’s Universities by Craig Wilder. Each book will be accompanied by study guides, talks, and other resources.

As a reminder, the ABC is meant to be self-led and asynchronous. We encourage you to create space to discuss these books and their topics in the spaces you already currently inhabit (e.g., department meetings, athletics teams, student clubs/organizations, etc.) and at your own pace.

Happy Reading! 

Peony Fhagen 

Senior Associate Dean of Equity, Inclusion, and Faculty Development

Eric Lee

Assistant Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for Staff and Administrative Operations

Rosalie Rodriguez 

Senior Associate Dean of Students for Equity and Inclusion
Director of the Butler Center

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Colorado College
14 Cache La Poudre St.
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

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Reminder for “Dismantling Anti-Black Racism with Dr. Della Mosley” tomorrow

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Dismantling Anti-Black Racism: A Keynote Conversation with Dr. Della Mosley

October 4, 7 p.m.
Cornerstone Arts Center – Celeste Theatre

This is a hybrid in-person/online event. Attendance in-person will require a CC ID. Members of the general public may register and attend via Zoom.

During this keynote conversation open to all Colorado College students, alumni, faculty, and staff and community members from the Colorado Springs area, Dr. Della Mosley will discuss the need for, process, and outcomes of dismantling anti-Black racism. Mosley’s research, teaching, and service connect to her goal of “enhancing the psycho-political wellness of folx who experience oppression simply as a result of their social identities.” 

This event is part of Dismantling Hate: An Educational Series Toward Understanding and Action. This series, for the academic year 2021-22, is a campus-wide initiative that provides programming for CC students, faculty, staff, and alumni and community members from the Colorado Springs area. The purpose and goal of this educational series is to support our communities in better understanding hate — the root and outcomes — and to motivate people to take action to dismantle hate. Each educational program in the series will feature a conversation with an activist, broadly defined, who will share their work and experiences dismantling hate against marginalized communities.

Our mailing address is:
Colorado College
14 Cache La Poudre St.
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

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Block 1 Block Break: Building Community


Thursday, September 23, 2021

Dear Campus Community,

You learn a lot about a place when you see how it builds community.
When I arrived at Colorado College this summer, our Alumni and Family Relations team presented me with a gorgeous book that they created, filled with images of the beautiful Colorado College campus and Pikes Peak region, facts about the college and the area, and the best part – tips and suggestions from students, alumni, staff, and faculty, sharing their favorite restaurants, hikes, places on campus, and things to do in this new place we now call home. The welcome continued in person, with faculty, staff, and students who brought me books and snacks, and shared their favorite places to visit. It is exciting to join this community of people who love this college and this area so much.



In late summer, I could feel the energy and excitement grow as first our fall athletes, then our Bridge Scholars, then our new students, and finally our returning students arrived on campus. And they did so with joy. No longer do any of us take for granted the ability to come together. Our students are thrilled to be on campus, in person, experiencing classes, activities, residential living, athletics, intramurals, clubs and so much more — after more than a year when that wasn’t safely possible because of the pandemic. Because the majority of our campus community is vaccinated, we can do this. Our COVID efforts this year are about moving forward, educating and supporting students on campus, and managing life with the virus as best we can.

In late July, we suffered a devastating loss when Vice President for Information Technology Services/Chief Technology Officer Brian Young passed away unexpectedly. Brian’s warmth, sense of humor, care for our students, staff, and faculty, and dedicated leadership were obvious to everyone who met him. We came together on Tava Quad to hear how he positively impacted Colorado College. This year, we will initiate a new President’s Leadership Award for service to the college in honor of Brian. We miss him.

Last week, we lost a pillar of our campus community, David van Diest Skilling ’55. Van was a dedicated alumnus who led admirably as chair of our board, shared his business acumen as former chairman and CEO of Experian by teaching a block in Economics and Business every year, and was a dear friend to many. I had the good fortune to be with Van twice since my arrival — at a May celebration to honor former President Jill Tiefenthaler and again at our June board retreat. Van had a knack for connecting meaningfully with each person he met. He was well loved.

As I settle into my role, understandably many people want to meet with the new president about things they want to change and ways we can do better. I’m struck by how much they care about our students, the college, and all the people who make it the distinctive, special place it is. They care what our future looks like, and dream about what that may be. All of these and more upcoming conversations will be part of what I’m currently calling Project 2024. We will spend this year asking how we can continue to do what we do better, next year determining how to do it, and a final year doing it — in time for the college’s 150th anniversary in 2024. I’m thrilled that Professor of History and former Dean Susan Ashley has agreed to coordinate this exciting work. You will hear more about this soon.



Last week was a special time to see the extended CC community, as we came together to cut the ribbon on the new Ed Robson Arena and the Yalich Student Services Center. Excited students, staff, faculty, alumni, trustees, and Tigers fans got their first glimpse of these beautiful new spaces that will enhance the ways we support students and celebrate CC.
We’ve now arrived at our first block break of the year — a moment to reflect. It’s clear to me that Colorado College is a strong, dedicated community, and one of great promise. We provide students with tools, knowledge, and guidance. We prompt them to explore, grow, and discover themselves. We cheer as they strike out on paths we can’t even imagine. 
In return, they push us to do what we do better. We are buoyed by their energy and innovative thinking. 


I have a collection of picture frames in my office. Over my time here, I will fill them with images of special moments — of sharing, connection, and camaraderie. Of friendships, hard work, commitment, and celebration. I can’t wait to see that visual story of this fantastic community emerge. Thank you for being an essential part of it.

L. Song Richardson



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Colorado College
14 Cache La Poudre St.
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

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Project 2024

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Dear CC Community:

Everything that I’ve learned, experienced, and observed since joining our remarkable community two and ½ months ago inspires and fills me with such hope and optimism about our future. I feel fortunate every day to be part of this special place. I know that together, we will continue our extraordinary accomplishments.

This year, I invite all of us to harness our creativity, ingenuity, and courage to ask ourselves this question: How can we do what we do better?

I believe it’s both a critical and an opportune moment to ask ourselves this question.  We are experiencing a transitional moment at CC, with new leadership and the evolving nature of the pandemic providing us with new opportunities to do things differently. Our society is grappling with necessary and important questions about structural inequities. Some are questioning the value of a liberal arts education.

Times like these provide opportunities for us. What I have learned about our CC community is that we care very much about our future. We also are not content to simply do things the way they have always been done. Our mission to provide the finest liberal arts education in the country is what drives us to continue to be imaginative, bold, and pioneering. What I have learned from my conversations with you is that our desire to dream big, to be courageous, and to dare to imagine how we can do what we do better is strong.

So, this year, I would like us to step back and consider the distance between our aspirations and our actions.  I invite us to look ahead at the realities likely to affect higher education over the next several decades and to think about ways to address them.  I ask us to engage in conversations that focus on the possibilities for our future rather than the challenges and problems of the past and present.  Let’s dare to have visionary discussions about how we educate our students, capitalize on our unique strengths, and take advantage of the opportunities available to us to do what we do better.

THE PROCESS: Committee of the Whole

This is a bold plan, and it won’t be easy. Because of the importance of this endeavor, and because the voice of every member of our community is critical to its success, I would like us to engage in these conversations as members of a committee of the whole.

To that end, I am thrilled to announce that Susan Ashley (Professor of History, Chair of Economics and Business, and former Dean of the Faculty and Dean of the College) has generously agreed to serve as the coordinator of this venture. She will share more information about the process soon.


My hope is that we will celebrate the successful completion of this process by CC’s 150th anniversary in 2024.  This year (2021-22), we will determine what we hope to do. Next year (2022-23), we will determine how we do it. And in the final year (2023-24), we will do it.

I don’t yet have a name for this endeavor and hope that one will develop during the year. In the meantime, I will refer to it as Project 2024.

I look forward to us challenging ourselves and asking, How Can We Do What We Do Better.


Thank you.

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A Video Message from President L. Song Richardson

What a wonderful start to the 2021-22 Academic Year!

September 3, 2021


Dear Parents and Families,


What a wonderful start to the 2021-22 academic year! Your students have made it through their first week of classes and are ready to enjoy the first weekend of Block 1. We want to thank you again for the many ways you’ve helped make this year possible, and for your continued encouragement as students transition back to life on campus. Please watch and enjoy this short video message for parents from President L. Song Richardson.



The Office of Alumni and Family Relations is here to support you, and to provide opportunities for you to engage with the CC Tiger family throughout the year. Don’t hesitate to reach out with questions, concerns, and ideas. Even as we all continue to navigate the impacts of COVID-19, we are committed to your students and excited about the possibilities for the year ahead.


A quick reminder that Labor Day is not a holiday for CC, and your students will be back in class on Monday! We do hope many of you will be able to take a deep breath and enjoy some rest and refreshment over this holiday weekend.




Janna Jones

Associate Director, Parent and Family Engagement and Programs


Colorado College Office of Alumni and Family Relations

14 E. Cache la Poudre St.

Colorado Springs, CO

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Welcome to the New Academic Year!


Monday, August 30, 2021

Hello CC Community,

I am excited to welcome you to the start of our first academic year together. 

The energy on campus is remarkable — so much anticipation, hope and ambition, and certainly some trepidation, too. 

The true test of the strength of a community is not measured by the things we do and are able to accomplish when things are going well. The true test of the strength of a community is measured by how we react to challenges. Everything I’ve learned and am now experiencing myself, about how we come together and continue to come together as a community to support one another, is extraordinary.

Your incredible strength and resilience are inspiring. I’m so grateful to be a part of this community and to contribute along with you to our continued success.

You may be waiting to hear what many of you have asked since I arrived, “What is your vision for Colorado College?” My answer is always the same, one I’ve already shared with many of you: It’s not my vision. It’s our vision.  

As I look ahead to what I hope we achieve together at Colorado College, I invite you to join me as we ask ourselves: How can we do what we do better? As I learned from Professor Emerita and former Dean of the College Susan Ashley’s noteworthy book, “The Block Plan: An Unrehearsed Educational Venture,” when CC developed what became the Block Plan more than 50 years ago, we put everything on the table in service of our mission to provide the finest liberal arts education in the country. 

Why not do that again? 

This year, let’s dare to dream together. Let’s dare to hope. Let’s dare to imagine how we can do what we do better. Our mission to provide the finest liberal arts education in the country, coupled with the challenges facing higher education today, require this of us. We don’t have the luxury of remaining the same, or of moving slowly. Fortunately, that’s not our culture. We thrive on intensity. We thrive on ingenuity. We thrive in situations like this.

So, I’m looking forward to our journey together. 

This year, we will continue to navigate the global pandemic. In partnership with leaders from across campus, we’ve implemented a comprehensive COVID response plan to manage and mitigate risk. And we will continue to adapt as necessary based on the changing landscape. We acknowledge that there are risks that accompany our immersive, in-person learning experience and will do everything within our power to take care of our entire community.

As part of the CC community, we must all do our part to reduce the risk of the COVID-19 spread. Wearing masks, getting vaccinated, staying home when feeling unwell, and participating in our COVID testing program are all critical elements of CC’s plan. Doing so will allow us to continue to care for each other’s well being. Our commitment to staying vigilant will help us to continue to provide the finest liberal arts education to our students and to do so in person on campus.

It is an honor to be your new president. My own history motivates me to create environments where students, faculty, and staff can thrive. Where everyone sees themselves as part of the vision for our amazing institution. 

I’m not blind to the obstacles and challenges that we face, but as one of our alumni told me recently, there are no bad days. Only days where we can learn from our experiences.  I am confident in our ability to thrive, care for each other, and move forward as a community to dream, hope, and imagine our future together. 
Welcome to the start of our 2021-22 academic year. 


L. Song Richardson



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Colorado College
14 Cache La Poudre St.
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

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Interim ITS Leadership


Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Dear Campus Community,

As our community grieves the loss of dear friend and colleague Brian Young, we extend extra support and care to our colleagues in the ITS division. Brian led our ITS team for nearly eight years. 
In the wake of his sudden passing, Katharina Groves and Tulio Wolford will step in as interim division heads until further notice. We thank them for their service to the college during this especially difficult time. 


L. Song Richardson



Our mailing address is:
Colorado College
14 Cache La Poudre St.
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

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Heartbreaking News


Thursday, July 29, 2021

Dear Campus Community,

We are heartbroken and in disbelief as we share that our wonderful colleague, friend, and campus leader Brian Young, vice president for ITS, has passed away. Brian had a special warmth and connection with everyone he met, and he supported us all in many ways.
We will come together in community at 4 p.m. today in McHugh Commons. 
As we experience a wave of emotions and grieve in our own ways, may we find gentleness, care, and kindness for ourselves and each other.
We encourage you to lean on these additional resources:
Counseling Center at (719) 389-6093 or counselingcenter@coloradocollege.edu“>counselingcenter@coloradocollege.edu 
Chaplain Kate Holbrook at (719) 389-7986 or %20kholbrook@coloradocollege.edu“>kholbrook@coloradocollege.edu
After hours and over the weekend, you can connect to a licensed mental health provider by calling the Counseling Center and dialing 2.
Employees may also seek counseling through the Employee Assistance Program.
Additional information can be found here:

We will share more information about Brian’s life and ways to remember him in the coming days.
With deepest sympathy, 



L. Song Richardson


Andrea Bruder

Associate Dean of the Faculty/Associate Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science

Pedro de Araujo

Vice Provost/Associate Professor of Economics

Rochelle Dickey

Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students

Mike Edmonds

Senior Vice President and Chief of Staff

Mark Hatch

Vice President for Enrollment

Lesley Irvine

Vice President and Director of Athletics

Robert Moore

Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration

Mateo Muñoz

Assistant Provost

Claire Oberon Garcia

Acting Provost/Dean of the Faculty

Jane Turnis

Vice President for Communications


Our mailing address is:
Colorado College
14 Cache La Poudre St.
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

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Looking Ahead: Conversations with the President


Thursday, July 22, 2021

Dear CC Community,

In the few short weeks since I joined this remarkable and vibrant community, I am already inspired by all that I have learned from you and all the incredible possibilities we have for our future. It is an exciting time to be at CC.
This year, my priority is to connect with you. I look forward to seeing our campus through your eyes; learning about all the opportunities we have to make an impactful difference in the lives of our students, staff, faculty, and broader community; and co-creating our ambitious and impactful future.
Our conversations will begin soon and take a variety of formats.  No matter the format, I will always ask the same series of questions.  At the end of the process, we will upload all the information gathered from each engagement to a page on the President’s Office website. The website will also track my progress in meeting with you, my new and remarkable colleagues, and catalog the themes that emerge from our conversations. 
Of course, some of you may be unavailable to meet with me at the time that is scheduled, or you may have additional thoughts to share after our meeting ends. Don’t worry. The website will provide a space for you to share your additional responses to my questions.  
Krystal Duran, Zak Kroger, and Lyrae Williams will be working with me to make this process as seamless as possible. It will take some time to schedule these meeting throughout the year, so we appreciate your patience. More information will be available soon. 
I look forward to engaging with you! Let’s dream big together.


L. Song Richardson



Our mailing address is:
Colorado College
14 Cache La Poudre St.
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

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