Around the Block – Campus News

Largest cash gift in college’s history will support need-based scholarships.

On Monday, CC announced a high-impact gift of more than $18 million from the estate of the late William “Bill” Clement ’42. The bequest represents the largest cash gift from an individual in the college’s history.  

Clement attended CC on a scholarship funded by Illinois area alumni. In a letter he wrote to the college in 1981, Clement shared, “I look back on my CC years with much pleasure and gratitude.” During his time at CC, he served as editor-in-chief for the Tiger, CC’s school newspaper at the time, and was an active member of the debate team, swim team, and thespian group. Through his involvement on campus, he demonstrated a dedication to critical thinking with a commitment to reason, fairness, and challenging prevailing norms.  

The gift was given to the college without any restrictions and will provide tremendous fuel to ignite the passion and potential of students for generations to come. $16 million of the gift has been designated by the college’s Board of Trustees to CC’s endowment to support financial aid and further the college’s commitment to increased access across the socioeconomic spectrum. 

“Support from our alumni is one of the greatest testaments to the transformational impact of a CC education,” says Molly Bodnar, Interim VP for Advancement. “We’re excited to carry the spirit of Mr. Clement’s generosity forward with a new gift-maximizing challenge that invites alumni, students, families, and the broader community to make a gift and double their impact.”   


Join us Thursday, Feb. 22 from 4-6 p.m. for a presentation by Bryan Dewsbury, Associate Professor of Biological Science at Florida International University. Enjoy light refreshments in Cornerstone Main Space from 4-5 p.m. before heading to the lecture in Celeste Theatre from 5-6 p.m. 

Dewsbury’s talk, “What Society Needs from the Higher Education Classroom,” will explore how institutions of higher education can be more than just vehicles for social and economic promotion. For the democratic ideals of society to be realized, they must be spaces that are connected to, respectful of, and in community with the society they pledge to serve. Dewsbury will discuss the challenges and possibilities associated with this view, and the role that each of us can play in ensuring the viability and sustainability of this relationship. 

This talk is generously supported through the Harold D. and Rhoda N. Roberts Memorial Lecture in the Natural Sciences endowment, which supports and enhances the teaching of science at CC. 

Registration is encouraged by Monday, Feb. 19. Add to your calendar.

The Board of Trustees townhall is coming up soon!  

Remember to tune in to the virtual townhall on Tuesday, Feb. 20 from 2:30-3:30 p.m. to hear from the Executive Officers of the Board and President L. Song Richardson as they report out on the latest Board of Trustees meeting. Don’t forget to register for the event.

A recording of the townhall will be shared with the campus community the following week.

Passion to Action: Building a Sustainable Creative Career

Arts & Crafts, The Office of Sustainability, and the Career Center are teaming up to bring students a three-part series called “Passion to Action: Building a Sustainable Creative Career.” The first two sessions will introduce you to community partners and alumni who are at the intersection between art and sustainability and their journey as an artist. The third session will cover putting things into practice such as portfolio development.  

Session 1:   
Tuesday, Feb. 20, 5:30-7 p.m., Tutt Library 201  
RSVP Please  

Session 2:   
Thursday, Feb. 22, 5:30-7 p.m., Zoom & Virtual Viewing in Cornerstone  
RSVP Please  

Session 3:   
Tuesday, Feb. 27, 6:30-7:30 p.m , Career Center Carriage House 
RSVP Please 

The U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs has recognized CC for the second consecutive year as being a Fulbright Top Producing Institution. Colleges and universities that receive this honor have the highest number of students selected for the Fulbright U.S. Student Program, which provides funding for international opportunities. 

Six applicants from CC were selected for Fulbright awards for the 2023-2024 academic year: Kayla Fratt ’15 (research Kenya), Samson Heyer ’23(English teaching Algeria), Jasmine Linder ’23 (arts Brazil), Sophie Ramirez ’17 (English teaching Jordan), Maddie Schink ’23 (English teaching Colombia), and Mariel Zech ’23 (English teaching Taiwan). 

This is the third time CC has made the list of Fulbright Top Producing Institutions. In both 2019 and 2022, four student grantees from CC were selected. There are currently 12 CC students and alumni who are semi-finalists for the 2024 Fulbright. Those awardees will be announced later this spring.  


Fine Arts Center Corner

Join the FAC’s museum collections team in the Agents of Care gallery on Friday, Feb. 16 from 1-4 p.m. to learn about museum object photography. Staff will discuss some of the tools and tricks of the trade with live demonstrations and hands-on opportunities. Discover why we photograph collections and how those images are used in our object catalog and eMuseum to make the museum’s collections accessible to communities around the world. This is a drop-in program that is free and open to the public.

Photo of the Week

Super Sonic Ping Pong Launch! Final tweaks to the launcher during the last day of Half-Block. Photo by Karuna Abe ’20

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BELONG Newsletter

The ADEI Leadership Team Newsletter

The ADEI Leadership Team Newsletter

February 2024 

Intentional Interviews
30-59 minute audio interviews with campus partners discussing ADEI topics, social justice issues, and concepts to offer tangible examples of how we are all stewarding our commitment.

Episode 6
Build Your Capacity

Register for this year’s AAYLC!

The AAYLC is a nonprofit organization that has been providing educational opportunities to youth and the broader Colorado Springs community for over 30 years. The annual conference is a place to network, grow your knowledge, and engage in an all-inclusive multicultural experience. This critical election year, the AAYLC will feature a robust voting engagement panel with CC’s own Professor Elizabeth Coggins and several other experts in voting rights and education. Other panelists include Dr. Regina English -State Representative; Tony Exum -State Senator; Dr. Rebecca Theobal -Geography & Redistricting Scholar; and Steve Schleicher, from the County Clerk and Recorder’s office. 

Register for the AAYLC

Get Involved With The Antiracist Book Club!

The Antiracist Book Club is a program established by the Antiracism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ADEI) Leadership Team. 

Throughout many conversations with campus stakeholders, the ADEI leadership team has had requests for reading lists, book clubs, and other forms of development to keep our momentum strong.  This initiative is meant to take place wherever you are, whoever you are.  We encourage you to read the current selection with whatever groups you are already a part of. Whether you’re a club, athletic team, academic department, or just a group of friends, we will provide the tools, you just need to make the time!

Antiracism Book Club (ABC)
Special Antiracist Community of Action (ACA)
Lunch and Learn Opportunity
February 20, 2024
12:00 pm-1:30 pm

The Antiracist Community of Action (ACA) is a collaborative, judgment-free environment where interested parties can come together with a common purpose to develop awareness, gain knowledge, and build confidence through guided practice and discovery. The ACA operates with a shared and inclusive facilitation structure, so no one person is considered the “leader.” The non-hierarchical structure increases psychological safety, welcomes diverse ADEI topics of interest, and allows for constructive feedback and perspective that helps to build capacity while offering pragmatic application of ADEI principles and strategies.  To sign up for the next ACA, click the link below.

Sign Up For ACA Lunch and Learn


Stop performative and symbolic activism. Genuine forms of allyship require action and a willingness to step up and speak up in times of need. Allyship does not mean that we only show our patronage during months of observance, and it is not enough to educate ourselves about the history and current plights of systemic injustice faced by members of marginalized communities; instead, this is only the first step in an antiracism journey. Authentic allyship requires an intentional disposition to act and support minoritized communities by leveraging our privilege and power when an opportunity presents itself to do our part in moving the needle forward. 

ADEI in Action!

The President’s office participated in this year’s week of action. From cooking to organizing pantry items to clean up, the president’s office staff supported a local nonprofit whose mission is to ignite the potential in youth to exit homelessness and create self-determined, fulfilled lives. Community social responsibility (CSR) is critical in advancing our institutional antiracism commitment. According to Rupp and Mallory (2015), CSR is positively associated with increased organizational identification, social identity, social exchange, relationship management, and other theories of justice, all describing the psychological and systems-level impact that community service participation awards. 

Rosalie Rodriguez

Associate Vice President, Institutional Equity & Belonging 

Peony Fhagen

Associate Vice President, Institutional Equity & Belonging

Ersaleen Hope

Assistant Vice President, Institutional Equity & Belonging

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Block 5 People Connections – Human Resources Newsletter

This newsletter includes an update on compensation, information regarding feedback practices, and a shoutout to the Collaborative for Community Engagement (CCE).

Week of Action

Thank you to the CCE for organizing the Week of Action. HR was thrilled to participate by visiting Food to Power and learning about the amazing work they do to support the Colorado Springs community. The team helped organize seed packets to get them ready for planting season and assisted with seed-saving by separating seeds from dried plants like sunflowers and dill.

ID: People around a table sorting seeds ID: People standing outside looking at someone talking
ID: People walking outside with mountains in the background ID: People sorting through seeds in bins

Help us share why you love working at CC! 

The Careers at CC page is getting a makeover, and we need your help! We’re looking for volunteers to give their personal testimony of why they love working at CC. This will be posted on our new webpage, “Why work at CC?” for potential candidates to see. Please email Missy Liu if you would like to participate. 

Update on Feedback Practices

Based on your feedback and the need to better support employee growth and development, we are rolling out changes to the staff performance evaluation process this year. All full-time, benefit-eligible staff will participate in quarterly performance conversations with their supervisors (in January, April, July, and October). The first formal performance conversation will take place in April 2024. 
These quarterly conversations will include multiple steps: completion of a self-reflection, a supervisor summary, co-creation of quarterly goals, and a performance rating and conversation. 
To help with the transition, there are multiple training opportunities available to the community.  
We now have on-demand, asynchronous training available in Bridge. These training courses can be taken or reviewed whenever it is convenient for you. Topics include: 
Registration is also open for the following in-person Excel at CC session: 
Register for our upcoming Feedback Practices Open Forum on February 22 if you have outstanding questions not addressed in the training or want to provide additional feedback on the process. 
Please reach out to Sara San Souci to discuss options for 1-on-1 support or to have this topic added to an upcoming team meeting agenda. 

Compensation Update

As part of our compensation enhancements last year, we conducted a thorough assessment of our pay approach with the external firm Segal. To help ensure that people at CC are paid in ways that are competitive with other organizations, Segal recommended an update of our band structure to add more bands. We agreed and are working to make this transition now.  
All roles will be reviewed and placed in the new structure. After fulfilling our commitment to ensuring all regular employees earn a living wage, we will prioritize increasing the salaries of anyone who is below the minimum of their new band. We do not anticipate decreasing anyone’s pay in this process.  
Bands in the updated structure are narrower, which will help us offer more competitive starting salaries by increasing the lower end of the bands. We also believe the new structure will help with retention by moving people more quickly to (and beyond) the mid-point of their bands.  
We are now doing a review of every position to ensure that they are compared to good matches in market surveys and placed in the correct band. Each division is reviewing the matches to ensure they reflect the core responsibilities of the jobs.  
When this work is complete, we will communicate with all regular employees, so they know about their new band. We will communicate this information at the same time we share annual pay increase information. 
Compensation is complex and we understand that you may have questions.  We will provide opportunities to discuss these changes as they are finalized. In the meantime, feel free to reach out with questions or concerns. 

HR Updates

Join us in congratulating two HR teammates that are taking advantage of career development opportunities.   
Lisa Strawbridge has taken a role with the Financial Aid team as the Assistant Director of Student Employment. Lisa has been a key partner in our compensation processes by ensuring accuracy in many of our critical processes.  She has brought a supportive spirit to all of her efforts, and we’ll miss her in HR but look forward to partnering with her in her new role.  
Ginger Jurecka-Blake will be moving to Vassar in the role of Associate Vice President of Human Resources and Chief People Officer. Ginger has been a key partner in our Workplace Culture efforts. She has led the team in its efforts to update our talent acquisition, feedback, leadership development, and HR Information technology process. While this is a great opportunity for her, we will miss her commitment to and impact on the CC community.   
We will be using temporary support to backfill Lisa’s role and will be posting for Ginger’s position soon. 
Visit the HR Updates page to check out past editions of the People Connections newsletter, along with recent updates from HR.

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Save the Date for the Board of Trustees Virtual Townhall

Don’t Forget the Board of Trustees Townhall

The Board of Trustees Townhall is coming up soon! Remember to tune in to the virtual townhall on Tuesday, Feb. 20 from 2:30-3:30 p.m. to hear from the Executive Officers of the Board and President L. Song Richardson as they report out on the February Board of Trustees meeting. We encourage you to register for the event.
A recording of the townhall will be shared with the campus community the following week.

The Work of the College Series is a year-long program of events with four goals: (1) clarify organizational structures and decision-making processes; (2) offer campus constituencies the opportunity to dialogue with leadership about campus affairs; (3) increase decision-making transparency in hopes of building trust; and (4) build community.

The Work of the CollegSeries consists of:

  • Community Conversations (dialogue about specific topics)
  • Roadshows (presentations and Q&As)
  • Board of Trustees Town Halls (informational updates)
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Career Center Newsletter 2/14/24

Career Center Highlights

Questions Corner: Your Questions Answered!

This week’s question is:  How do I get a Work-Study job?
All on-campus student employment is compatible with federal work-study awards. You can find Work-Study jobs through Handshake under the “On-Campus” filter. For more information, go to the Student Employment website.

Pro-tip: Review our resume and cover letter resources. To have application materials reviewed, schedule an appointment or visit the Career Center during drop-in hours (Monday-Thursday from 1-4 p.m.).

Have more questions?

Attend drop-in hours between 1-4 pm Monday-Thursday or schedule an appointment on Handshake to meet with our Career Consultants!

Emma Fairburn, Megan Mrkonjich, Sarah Reinbrecht, and Leah Brown (Left to Right)

Emma: Arts, Media, and Communications  
Megan: Science, Research, Outdoor Industry 
Sarah: Competitive Business and Technology 
Leah: Careers for the Common Good (Education, Non-Profit, Government, International Careers, and Service)
We support all students regardless of pathway! If your interests do not fit with a listed pathway, schedule a getting started or general questions appointment to receive career guidance.

Highlighted Resources

Pathway U

Exploring career options and deciding on a direction can be overwhelming, particularly when you have diverse interests. Thankfully, PathwayU simplifies the process. In just 20-25 minutes, it assesses your interests, values, personality, and workplace preferences. Afterward, you receive a comprehensive explanation of your results and guidance for future career planning. 
  • For PathwayU platform guidance, watch this video.
  • After you complete PathwayU, check out the Career Center to learn more about our resources.  

Public Interest Fellowship Program (PIFP)

Check out the job postings and get your application submitted this week.

The Summer Fellowship is open to all CC students.

The Yearlong Fellowship is open to August 2023, December 2023, and May 2024 CC graduates.

Check out the available fellowships at:
Questions? Reach out: 

Summer Internship Funding

Do you have an unpaid internship?
Apply for a Summer Internship Funding Award to make unpaid (or underpaid) internships more financially possible. Your internship does not need to be accepted before applying for funding. 
Eligible internships could receive:
• A minimum of 8 weeks & 240 hours = $2500
• A minimum of 10 weeks & 400 hours = $4000
Details about eligibility and expectations can be found on the Funding

Poster Contest

Have an eye for design? Want to create something that can go in your portfolio and maybe win a gift card along the way? Enter the Career Center Poster Contest for a chance to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card! More details can be found here

Upcoming Events

Generation Teach

Date: Tuesday, February 20, 2024; 2:00-3:00 p.m. 
Location: Mierow House
During the Teaching Fellowship Informational session, we can discuss details of the fellowship, how to apply, and the benefits of joining. Register on Handshake!

Equitable Advisors Info Session

Date: Tuesday, February 20, 2024; 12:30-1:30 p.m. 
Location: Career Center Carriage House
Join alum Scott Cunningham to learn about Equitable Advisors and their opportunities. Register on Handshake!
Passion to Action Workshop Series
  • Panel #1: Community Partner Panel 
Date: Tuesday, February 20, 2024; 5:30-7 p.m. 
Location: Tutt Library, Room 201
Arts & Crafts, Office of Sustainability, and the Career Center are teaming up to bring you a 3 part series on building a sustainable creative career! Join us for Workshop #1 as we bring local community partners (Concrete Couch & Who Gives a Scrap) to campus and start to dive into the possibilities of incorporating creativity into your career. Register on Handshake!
  • Panel #2: Alumni Panel
Date: Thursday, February 22, 2024; 5:30-7 p.m. 
Location: Cornerstone Arts Center, Screening Room 131
Join us for Workshop #2 as we welcome alumni who are working in the intersection of arts and sustainability. Hear from Han Santana-Sayles, Roo Smith, Luka Carter, Mary Alice Ewing, and Sam Cadigan about their experience at CC and how they’ve been able to create careers in the arts and sustainability. Register on Handshake!
  • Panel #3: Putting It All Together 
Date: Tuesday, February 27, 2024; 6:30-7:30 p.m. 
Location: Career Center Carriage House
Join us for the last workshop of the series where we talk about portfolio development, documenting your work, and professional practices. Register on Handshake!

National Park Service and U.S. Department of Agriculture Virtual Information Session

Date: Wednesday, February 21, 2024; 1-2 p.m. 
Location: Virtual (Register on Handshake for Zoom the link) 
Join representatives from the National Park Service and the U.S. Department of Agriculture to learn about federal careers in natural resource management and biological sciences. The representatives will give presentations, answer questions, and review opportunities for students and recent graduates.  

Crafting a Fulfilling Medical Career: Insights from Dr. Vinh Chung

Date: Wednesday, February 21, 2024; 4:30-5:30 p.m. 
Location: Career Center Carriage House
Join us in the Carriage House at Colorado College to hear Dr. Vinh Chung discuss the medical field as a calling and create a fulfilling career in medicine! You can also learn more about Vanguard Skin Specialists’ pre-health program. Snacks and refreshments will be served. Register on Handshake.

Charlie Blumenstein Internship Information Session

Date: Thursday, February 22, 2024; 12-1:15 p.m. 
Location: Tutt Library, Room 201
Come learn about this CC-only internship dedicated to water and wildlife conservation at The Nature Conservancy’s Carpenter Ranch near Steamboat, CO. Register on Handshake

Office of the Governor Executive Internship Information Session

Date: Thursday, February 22, 2024; 2:00-3:00 p.m. 
Location: Palmer Hall, Room 17
Meet with Constituent Services and Community Engagement team members and hear more about the Governor’s Office Internship program! The Governor’s Executive Internship program works with diverse and talented students and growing professionals to develop their skill sets and expand their understanding of state government, institutions, and functions. Register on Handshake!

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