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A Daily Digest for Colorado College

Today at CC Digest for Students

A Daily Digest for Colorado College

Today at CC Digest

A Daily Digest for Colorado College

Today at CC Digest for Students

A Daily Digest for Colorado College

Today at CC Digest

A Daily Digest for Colorado College

A Message of Gratitude

Dear Friends,

As we reflect on 2023 at Colorado College, we would like to share a few words of gratitude for our wonderful community. 

We are grateful to Colorado College students, for your love of learning, curiosity, passion, and commitment to a more just world.

We are grateful to our faculty and staff, for the many ways you educate, mentor, and support our students each day.

We are grateful to CC parents and families, for the deep care and concern you demonstrate for students.

We are grateful to our remarkable alumni, for the impact you are making on the world, and all the ways you engage with CC.

We are grateful to our community partners and donors, for your collaboration and generosity toward this remarkable place.

And, finally, we are grateful to our own families, friends, and colleagues. Thank you for your support and friendship, all year long.

We’re wishing you a happy holiday season and a wonderful new year. May you spend time with loved ones, be in community, rest and rejuvenate, and care for yourselves and each other.  


L. Song Richardson and Kurt Kieffer

Colorado College

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Career Center Newsletter 12/20/23

Career Center Highlights

Questions Corner: Your Questions Answered!

This weeks question is: How can you use your winter break wisely?

In addition to relaxing, you can use your winter break to make progress with your professional pursuits. 

As a first step, the Career Center recommends reflecting on your professional goals. Consider what kind of opportunities you’d like to have during the upcoming semester as well as the upcoming summer and what action steps you can take to achieve those opportunities. For ideas on what steps to take, look at the Career Center’s action plan to getting a job. Also remember that the Career Center has a number of resources on our website, including resumes, cover letters, interviewing, and more!

Additionally, winter break is an ideal period for skill development. If you’re not already registered for a half block class, apply for and complete a career building opportunity. One CC-specific career building opportunity is the Level-Up Program. For more skill-building ideas, look at the Career Center pathway pages for resources specific to different industries. 

Winter break is also a great time to build and check in with your network. To build your network, you can connect with alumni, professionals, or even family friends in an industry you’re interested in. Attending networking events or virtual meet-ups is another way to build your network, and Handshake is a great place to find these events. Want help networking? Check out the Career Center’s networking guide, and once the Career Center staff return from Winter Break on January 4th, feel free to schedule an appointment with us through Handshake.  

Overall, the Career Center hopes you have a restful break that helps you feel excited about your upcoming classes and opportunities. We look forward to seeing you in the new year!

Have more questions?

Attend drop-in hours between 1-4pm Monday-Thursday or schedule an appointment on Handshake to meet with our Career Consultants!

Emma Fairburn, Megan Mrkonjich, Sarah Reinbrecht, and Leah Brown (Left to Right)

Emma: Arts, Media, and Communications  
Megan: Science, Research, Outdoor Industry 
Sarah: Competitve Business and Technology 
Leah: Careers for the Common Good (Education, Non-Profit, Government, International Careers, and Service)

Public Interest Fellowship Program (PIFP)

PIFP Fellows can expect… 
  • Paid work for social change
  • Meaningful projects and significant work experience in public interest fields
  • A high-quality experience in Colorado 
  • A built-in cohort of PIFP peers Mentoring
  • Networking Opportunity 
To learn more, join us for an information session: 
  • Mon., Jan. 29, 4pm @ Zoom   RSVP 

    *RSVP in Handshake (via Single Sign On) so we know to expect you and for Zoom links. 

    Come meet PIFP Partner Organizations: 

  • Thurs., Jan 25, 12-1:30pm, Worner Center 

    Check out the available fellowships at :
    Questions? Reach out: 

Upcoming Events

Level-Up Program 

Date: Friday, Janurary 5-9, 2024
Location: Virtual

The Level Up Program is a remote, primarily asynchronous opportunity for Colorado College students to apply and develop their technical skills by working on a technical project. Projects will be created in response to one of three prompts, all of which center around AI. Prompts will be shared during a kick-off event, happening on January 5th at 1pm MT. The first 12 groups to register by completing the google form will have the opportunity to meet with an alumni for feedback on their project. Register via Google form by 11:59pm MT on Friday, December 22nd and on Handshake

Case Interview Workshop with Marc Cosentino

Date: Wednesday, Janurary 10, 2024; 1-4 p.m.
Location: Virtual

Join Marc Cosentino, author of Case in Point and President of Case Questions, for a workshop on case interviewing. RSVP on Handshake

Student Success Stories

Have you secured an internship or job this summer, been accepted into a post-graduate program, or been rewarded for an academic or research achievement? The Career Center would love to celebrate you and your achievements! Fill out the Student Success Story form in our bio to be featured next on our Instagram! 

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Today at CC Digest for Students

A Daily Digest for Colorado College

Today at CC Digest

A Daily Digest for Colorado College

Resource Website Regarding the Israel-Hamas War

Dear Campus Community,

CC leadership understands that the Israel-Hamas war continues to have significant impact on members of our campus community. In an effort to support everyone, we have developed a dedicated webpage to centralize communications, actions, and resources.

This webpage serves as a comprehensive resource hub, providing up-to-date learning opportunities, relevant messaging, and avenues for community engagement.

We want to ensure that members of our community feel safe, supported, and informed. Please visit this page regularly for information about CC’s campus response, and how we are working to foster a healthy environment for dialogue and understanding among those on our campus.

Wishing you a restorative and restful holiday season.



Dean of the College and COO

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