
I work with farmers in developing countries to explore issues of equity in payment for ecosystem services schemes such as the carbon market. I work with scientists affiliated with ICRAF to understand the differential impacts of climate change mitigation and adaptation on women and the poor.  My commitment to a participatory action research approach has led me to work closely with the local communities and organizations to identify questions that are relevant to them. I am also interested in better understanding the the pro-poor outcomes of REDD+ projects, focusing on drivers of participation and how participation affects outcomes.

My desire to partner with local communities has led me to start research projects here in Colorado. I am working with communities in Pitkin, Mesa, and Garfield counties to understand how and why communities collaborate around natural resource management issues on federal lands. Additional questions I am exploring in the region are related to understanding how we can foster resilient rural communities and what trade-offs may occur in the process.

Student Opportunities
Interested students should email me to discuss senior thesis ideas as well as summer research opportunities.


Lee, J. Farmer participation in a climate-smart future: Evidence from the Kenya Agricultural Carbon Project. Land Use Policy. 2017

Lee, J. et al. Bridging organizations in agricultural carbon markets and poverty alleviation: An analysis of pro-poor carbon market projects in East Africa. Global Environmental Change. 2016. 

Lee, J. et al. Implications on equity in agricultural carbon market projects: a gendered analysis of access, decision making, and outcomes Environment and Planning A. 2015