Thursday, July 25

What’s it like to date in South Korea, China, Japan, & India

South KoreaClean up and dress up! How you present yourself is very important in Korea!Potential partners can be met at club activities or arranged meetings with people from other universities or majors. (dating within your major is rare – might get awkward if you break up)Confession is direct and may be from either party – girl or boy!Matching clothes and couple jewelry are big. PDA is ok!Celebrate anniversaries such as 100 days, 6 months, etc.Couples always out and about on dates – dating is more active! (not much Netflix and chill)If you break-up, that’s it! No such thing as relationships breaks in Korea!If you see this relationship resulting in marriage, don’t anticipate living together before then! It’s rarely done in Korea.
ChinaGet to know potential partners through studying together and communicating through WeChat!If all goes well, guys ask girls to become their girlfriend! (Rarely done the other way around)Go on dates where friends may be called upon to help analyze their relationship. (Guys always pay!)The standard of what is sought after in girls is light skinned, rich, pretty; and for guys is tall, rich, and handsome.Girls who aren’t able to marry after 30 are considered “leftover girls”.International relationships are seen as a good thing!
JapanMeet potential partners in class or school events – having knowledge on other parts of the world will make you more attractive!Invitations to meals together gauge compatibility/ interest.To become an official couple a confession will be given by a boy or girl – traditional phrases for confession include ‘the moon is pretty tonight’ & ‘The world without you would be the August without summer vacation’.  Popular date spots: big cities, summer festivals, holiday illuminations – usually pay dutch and less PDA!Celebrate anniversaries such as 100 days, 6 months, 1 year, etc with gifts!
IndiaMeet potential partners through social networking! Friends of friends for example.Text to meet up and hang out with a group of friends to gauge interest and compatibility – make sure to be good to the friends as they make or break relationships!Be honest about your past because they will make sure to find out to know what they are getting into!Start courtship rituals.

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