Thursday, July 25

Meet this year’s Asian Studies CPCs!

Riley Hutchings – Chinese CPC

Favorite Food: Xiaolongbao (Chinese steamed buns)

Hobbies: Reading and cooking; hiking if not during pandemic


Office Hour: By appointment through email; flexible in time

Our new Chinese CPC is Riley Hutchings from Portland, Oregon. Riley graduated from Colorado College with a degree in Economics and a minor in Chinese in 2019; she worked for a year and came back to CC this year as the Chinese CPC. While she considers herself the outdoor type, she also enjoyed staying inside during quarantine. When asked what was her greatest accomplishment in the past few months, Riley stated she was happy as she got to read a lot of books she liked for fun. 

As a non-native Chinese speaker, Riley wished to stay neutral and not to represent Chinese culture herself while holding events. She plans to bring in speakers who grew up in Chinese culture and create a platform where students can have conversations with them. According to Riley, students can look forward to various online events this year, such as calligraphy sessions, virtual meals, and regular language tables where students can get to know each other, practice Chinese together, and learn about Chinese culture. Although there is still great uncertainty regarding next semester’s plan, the Chinese department will actively prepare for the traditional Chinese New Year Celebration as well as the study abroad program in Shanghai during Block 7 and 8. Last but not least, Riley wished to share a message with students: the professors really care about you and are here to help, and please feel free to use any opportunity and resources provided by the department. 

Machi Niiya – Japanese CPC

Favorite Food: Sushi, Ramen, Karaage (Japanese Fried Chicken)

Hobbies: photography, watching movies, skiing


Email her to schedule zoom office hours!

Machi Niiya, the Japanese CPC, was born in Miyagi Prefecture and grew up in Tokyo. She earned her master’s degree in Linguistics at International Christian University (ICU) and studied at Middlebury College before coming to CC. She became the CPC last year when Ryota Sakurai, the previous CPC, reached out to her as the CC Japanese program has a strong connection to ICU. Currently quarantining in Saitama, near Tokyo, Machi has been keeping busy reading Japanese mystery novels. 

While Machi will not be hosting events this semester, keep an eye out for possible zoom “conversation rooms” to drop in and practice your Japanese! Look out for other virtual events coming from the department and hopefully in-person events in the second semester. Machi views this experience as the beginning of her future opportunities of studying and working abroad and looks forward to continuing working with students even from across the world.

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