All About Me

My name is Chris. My hobbies include woodworking, sailing, reading, swimming, hiking, and everything in-between. Life in the Universe was my first choice, but I did not know about the point system. I was put into Russian and Eurasian studies which I would have thoroughly enjoyed. However, luckily I was able to switch into this class which I cannot wait to begin. While I was not great at physics in high school, this time around I think I will get it down.

The most experience I have had with astronomy is about as much as I have had blogging- none. The most amount of stars I have seen, apart from projections inside planetariums, was probably during this past week on my NSO Priddy trip. I have seen all three MIB’s though, so I feel somewhat prepared for this class.

I am not leaning in any direction, as far as my major (goes). I am interested in everything, aside from history I guess. Right now I am undeclared.

I was born and raised in the great city of Cleveland, Ohio. It is a great city, except a little too touristy for my liking… no, just kidding. It’s obviously not, it’s Cleveland. Our weather is ridiculous and our river caught on fire, but in all seriousness, my hometown is the best place in the world. I have a twin sister, an older brother, and a younger sister. I spend my summers on Lake Erie racing small sailboats. I go skiing in the winter but am planning on snowboarding this season. I come from a small private high school: University School. It has about 400 students, of which 7 are currently attending CC, which if you ask me, is crazy. My future aspiration, I suppose, is to make bank. Money over everything. Just kidding. But seriously maybe. I don’t really have a plan.

I hope that this class will help me figure out what I want to do in this life. Maybe I will help discover aliens or analyze rocks. I don’t know right now.

One part of astronomy that really interests me is how one can use the stars as a map. For example, the North star is a guide to go north, but I don’t know anything else.  Something else interesting is the fact the the universe is infinite. It is a hard idea to grasp.

That is all.


The above picture was taken a couple days ago on the summit of Pikes Peak. I made the hike with my NSO Priddy trip. It was amazingly gratifying to get to the top and I plan on hiking more fourteeners in the future.

ImageAbove is a picture of Me sailing on lake Erie this past summer.

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