Hey, I’m Ana.

I was born in Bryansk, Russia in 1994. I do not remember a bit of it! I moved to Vladivostok some time later and have most of my toddler-age memories there.

A few things I recollect include: burying candy wrappers under glass in the sand, walking over a frozen ocean, and smashing my fingers in a door at my grandmother’s office. Unfortunately, those memories have all been permanently translated to English in my mind. One major personal goal that I hope to achieve in college includes picking up my native language and culture.

My interests reach far and wide and change frequently and sporadically. A few of my former subjects of obsession, in no particular order, include: reading, tennis, volleyball, health science, dance, guitar, cello, Lincoln-Douglas debate, quantum physics, etc. My most recent interest has been nutrition science and cooking. After much research, I have come to the conclusion that sugar is evil. Shout out to Primal eating!

I’m not sure what will catch my attention next, but at a place like CC I know something will come up! I chose to attend Colorado College after attending a summer half block as a junior in high school. I had never heard of a liberal arts college before, only a liberal arts degree. After completing the course, History from a Philosophical Standpoint, I knew I wanted to go here. Leaving Colorado was not really desirable for me, and so I applied pretty much everywhere in the state, just as a backup.

One fascinating facet of astronomy is the phenomenon of black holes. They are a Pandora’s Box begging to be opened. If only we knew what was inside, we could answer so many questions in multiple fields of science! Of course, I am more interested in the theoretical physics side of these phenomena. (CLICK ME!)

I realize that we are specifically focusing on astrobiology, but I am also very curious to learn what the field of astronomy all encompasses. I have not given this specific field too much thought, other than its applications to the theoretical physics stuff I’m interested in. EIther way, I am excited for the course to begin; I am excited to dive into a new wealth of information.

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