The universe and a few other things I find interesting 2013-09-03 03:17:26


Hello people of the internet. This is my first blogging experience ever. My name is Emilio Izquierdo and I was born and have since lived in Santa Cruz, California my entire life. Last week I made the move to Colorado Springs to further my education at Colorado College. This will be a blog that follows me through my first college course, which focuses on life in the universe. I have never had any formal experience with astronomy except a few nights backpacking out in the expanses of Escalante and admiring the beauty of the Milky Way with zero light pollution. I plan to study economics here, but I feel that my real passion lies in entrepreneurship. My interest in this field began two summers ago when I attended a program at Stanford that focused on business and entrepreneurship. Since then I have always had the idea in the back of my mind to be part of a start up.

As I said earlier I am from the coastal town of Santa Cruz. No this does not mean I surf, as many will ask. I do enjoy mountain biking though and luckily I have moved from one town with amazing trails to another with even more possibilities. Another passion of mine is music, but not in the sense that I play any instruments. I do however spend quite a lot of time searching for new music and trying to discover new artists. I’m always up for checking out something new.  I would also describe myself as a very hands on person. I love doing ceramics to help me get my mind off of school or other stresses. All of the jobs I have had to this point in my life have also been hands on such as construction or working this past summer for a mechanical contracting company.

All though I did not plan on taking this class I am very excited for it. Space and what is out there besides us have always been topics that interest me. Through this class I hope to learn more about what exactly the cosmos is and what is necessary for life to exist in it. The idea of where the Universe ends or if it does has always fascinated me. It’s one of those things that causes my mind to be instantly overwhelmed when trying to process.  If it does end what is outside of that? Is there a shape to the universe? The general topics of the boundaries of the universe are ones that I would love to learn about in depth.

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