Sci-Fi movie review



This visually stunning cinematic work by Danny Boyle is a chillingly sad and somber depiction of a future mission to keep the sun alive. The cast does a very good job of creating realistic human emotion in the circumstances they are under. A team of international professionals embarks on a mission to drop a city sized nuclear bomb on the sun to keep it from burning out, and in turn, save earth. During the last attempt the ship disappeared, now Icarus 2 is the last chance there is. The film develops a more upbeat and thrilling edge during the final quarter, balancing out the slower yet ethereal build up. The soundtrack, done by John Murphy, perfectly fits and adapts with the movie in an animated way.

I’m a fan of many of Danny Boyle’s films, specifically Trainspotting and Shallow Grave.



The direction is captivating and the cinematography is astonishing. Some of the digitally rendered scenes of the sun were incredibly beautiful, as was the soundtrack. I suppose the fact that I saw this movie in  Without giving away the ending, the only part of the movie I was not fully impressed with was the final scene as I found it too cliché. Although some find the beginning of the movie too slow, I recommend it to anybody that thinks they will enjoy the imagery and is interested in the gripping ending.

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