The SuperGalaxy

In the final paragraph of my last blog, Life Lies in Orbits and Atmospheres, I mentioned the recent analysis of Super-Earth Gliese 1214b and the low mass star it orbits, Gliese 667C. My own disclosure of information regarding this star and its planet was rather brief. Considering the new information about habitability in this star system, it is only fitting I expound on this topic.

Our solar system has three planets in the habitable zone: Venus, Mars, and Earth. There may be extremophile life outside the habitable zone on the Galilean moons of Jupiter or on Saturn’s moon, Titon. According to modern scientific discovery, life only exists on Earth and may have existed in the past on Venus or Mars. Unlike our solar system, Gliese 667C is one star in a three star system. Seven planets orbit Gliese 667C and it was believed that only one planet orbited in Gliese 1214b’s habitable zone. But, a cooperative of astronomers from around the world recently discovered another two planets in the habitable zone of Gliese 667C. These three planets are SuperEarth’s, giant terrestrial planets four to five times the mass of Earth. They do not possess any super qualities nor are they the breeding ground for super heroes, as neither of these hypotheses has yet been confirmed.

What is super is the recent discovery that Gliese 1214b, one of the trio, is surrounded by “a water rich or hydrogen dominated atmosphere with extensive clouds.” It would not be super if the atmosphere was composed primarily of hydrogen because it would create conditions inhibitive to the survival of life, much like Earth’s very early atmosphere. Fortunately, upon further spectroscopic evaluation of the atmosphere -to supplement previousRayleigh Effect analysis- scientists believe that it is more likely a water dominated atmosphere. This presence of water vapor allows scientists to accurately approximate how and where the planet formed in its solar system.

Also, and more intriguingly, because water vapor is a Greenhouse Gas it could foster a Greenhouse Effect sufficient enough to maintain a warm surface temperature. Warm surface and atmospheric temperatures are conducive for liquid water to form. Even though we still need much more evidence to scientifically prove that liquid water exists on Gliese 1214b, the thought tantalizes. If scientists confirm the presence of water vapor, it means oxygen exists there, which is a necessary element for the formation of life.

Most of this is personal speculation and optimism. For now, I am free to speculate about the habitability of this beautiful blue SuperEarth. Even if liquid water is not present on this SuperEarth, the possibility for solar systems similar to the low mass Gliese 667C system is extremely high because 80% of stars in the Milky Way are low mass stars. This fact makes me ponder not whether other worlds have liquid water, but how many worlds have liquid water.


“A SuperEarth With a Water-Rich Atmosphere.” Astrobiology Magazine. Helen Matsos, 6 Sept. 2013. Web. 30 Sept. 2013. <;.

“One Star, Three Habitable Planets.” Astrobiology Magazine. Helen Matsos, 26 June 2013. Web. 30 Sept. 2013. <;.

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Cyborg Astrobiologist

Last month an international research group reported its progress on a new technology which might forever change the way we explore the surfaces of extraterrestrial planets. As we are focusing on Mars (and consequently the Spirit, Opportunity and Curiosity rovers) in class, I figured this would be the perfect topic for Wednesday’s post.

Headed by Patrick McGuire of Berlin, this team has been investigating autonomous modes of robotic research in an attempt to make extraterrestrial exploration more efficient. As it is now, thanks to the distance between us and other planets in our solar system, as well as the speed of modern means of communication, there is a severe lag effect in rover operations. For example, it takes about 14 minutes for a simple movement command sent from Earth to reach a rover on the surface of Mars. As you can imagine, this makes the exploration of the Martian surface an incredibly slow and tedious process.


In an effort to speed things up, McGuire and company have been working on a new technology, referred to as “Autonomous Computer Vision”, that enables a computer to recognize oddities in the patterns of a landscape. The hope is that eventually they will be able to program a rover to pick out strange geological features on the surface of other planets without having to refer back to Earth for human confirmation, which at the moment is a half-an-hour ordeal.

As of last month, working in an abandoned, “Mars-like” mine site and using only a laptop and a cellphone camera, McGuire’s team was able to write a program that, by differentiating color shading and examining pixel redundancy, could classify images that a human had identified as either “normal” or “unique” with 90% accuracy. Using only a laptop and a cellphone camera.

The term “Cyborg Astrobiologist” comes from the fact that McGuire’s team essentially “trained” the computer to recognize shapes. They would take a series of pictures and then label each as normal or unique, and submit the classifications to the computer, which would store them for memory. As they processed more and more images, the computer gradually became more refined in its definitions of normality. Thus, the technology can be called the combination of mechanical and biological systems, hence the “cyborg”.

The greater implications of such technology are perhaps even more interesting than its practical applications to space rovers. The fact that even prototype technology exists that enables a computer to, in all practical sense of the word, see, makes you step back and wonder how long it will be until androids have conquered the globe. Well not really, but you can see the connection. Research that will enable a robot to operate autonomously in response to purely optical data is a significant step towards a self-sustaining, functional platform. Now all it needs is an artificial brain and… bam. iRobot. Just something to think about.

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MAVEN and the Atmosphere of Mars

Mars has always been a planet that sparked our interest as humans to explore. Long before space exploration it started out as assumptions of civilizations or fictional Martian invaders such as in War of the Worlds, but now-a-days we know better (hopefully). Over the past 40 years we have sent quite a few probes, and more recently, rovers to the Red Planet. In the past 10 years some of the most notable projects sent up have been Spirit, Opportunity, and Curiosity.

Curiosity rover on the surface of Mars

Curiosity rover on the surface of Mars

Currently one of the main aspects that scientists are studying is the atmosphere of Mars, or the lack of one. A recent study of Martian meteorites done at Oxford compared with rocks sampled on the Martian surface by Spirit, suggests that Mars at one point had an oxygen rich atmosphere. This atmosphere would have existed around 4000 Myrs ago, which means that Mars would have had an oxygen rich atmosphere far before that of Earth’s that is estimated to have formed only 2500 Myrs ago. Today the atmosphere on Mars is almost only carbon-dioxide. So what happened to it? There area few hypothesis that include: erosion by solar wind, a collision with a body large enough to blow away most of the atmosphere, or loss due to low gravity and particles reaching their escape velocity. To hopefully answer the question once and for all NASA along with the University of Colorado and UC Berkeley created MAVEN or Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN probe.

A Dipiction of MAVEN

A Depiction of MAVEN

MAVEN’s mission will be orbit Mars and use instruments such as the Solar Wind Electron Analyzer (SWEA) and Neutral Gas and Ion Mass Spectrometer (NGIMS), along with many more, to measure the impact of solar wind on the planet’s atmosphere as well as it’s composition. Eventually comparing these measurements to ones made one the surface by Curiosity NASA hopes to reveal what happened to the oxygen and water that once was abundant on Mars.

There is one small issue though. Parties in our government stupidly decided to use the new budget as a bargaining chip, which has now caused a shutdown that includes NASA. The launch window for MAVEN is from  from 1:47 p.m. to 3:47 p.m. EST on November 18, 2013. Essentially if the shutdown lasts for more than a few days the building of MAVEN will be delayed enough to miss the launch window. This would be quite unfortunate considering the total put into the project if almost $650 million and the launch would have to be rescheduled for 2016. By then the solar cycle will have greatly reduced the results of the mission, as pointed out by a NASA employee. Hopefully those politicians get it together so we can continue exploring and furthering our understanding of science and the solar system.



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Back to Mars: an Anticlimactic Discovery


So I’ll be frank with you: there is no methane on Mars. Absolutely none. Zip. Zilch. 1.3 parts per billion, by volume (2)… nothing.

This is what the Curiosity rover recently discovered and NASA reported in September, this year (1).

Well, guess that means we hang up the lab coats and put away our sterile wrenches and find a new hobby for all the NASA nerds.

Yeah, right.

LIke any good scientists, we will not give up the search without at least three confirmations: the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter in 2016 and another Curiosity-type rover in 2020 will have to take a look, for themselves (2).

While we wait, here are some more reasons for us cosmic romantics to keep our hope in Martian life, well, alive:

1) Mars has a very low escape velocity so methane doesn’t stick around, too long. Just because there is no methane, now, doesn’t mean there wasn’t any before.

2) Underground pockets. If there is no methane in the atmosphere, perhaps it is in the underground pockets which we are hoping exist and which we are also hoping contain life. These pockets would allow for water in the liquid state, assuming the planet is still warm enough on the inside.

3) Pending…

So, it may not be so probable that life exists, or has existed on Mars, after all. Between the lack of atmosphere, frigid temperatures, and extremely varying axis, Mars may not be the most stable environment for the formation of life. Do not fret, though! We still have plenty of time (relatively) to think up some more questions before we attempt to send the first humans in 2023.





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Astronomers Created the First Exoplanetary Cloud Map


Scientific advancement has allowed researchers to focus on analyzing exoplanets (planets outside our solar system) now, as opposed to simply discover their existence. With the help of the new Spitzer telescope, Astronomers were able to create the very first cloud map of an exoplanet. This exoplanet is Kepler-7b, a large Jovian gas giant originally observed by Johannes Kepler himself.

The important advancement for the field comes with how the Spitzer telescope enhanced the usefulness of Kepler’s discoveries and observations. Spitzer collected infrared imagery of Kepler-7b, therefor estimating it’s temperature. It is relatively cool for being almost twice as close to it’s star than we are to ours. The planet is extremely non-dense; in fact it is less massive than water. Kepler made observations of visible light, and likely unknowingly observed the reflection of the star of orbit off the planet surface, rather than the actual planet. The clouds on the planet explained this phenomenon. Using Kepler’s data in conjunction with data gathered by Spitzer, we have the power to study the make-up and other details of extrasolar atmospheres.


This is Kepler-7b (which orbits the star in 5 Earth days):




NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory. “First cloud map of a planet beyond our solar system.”ScienceDaily, 30 Sep. 2013. Web. 1 Oct. 2013.


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Kepler-22b: A Habitable Planet?

NASA’s Kepler mission to discover exoplanets has recently reported over 1,000 planets beyond our solar system.  Of these, only 10 are Earth-sized planets orbiting in its parent star’s habitable zone.  Within this selection, Kepler-22b is the smallest of these 10 planets.  On December 5, 2011, NASA’s Kepler mission confirmed Kepler-22b to be the mission’s first potentially habitable planet discovered.  This is because it orbits in its sun’s habitable zone, the area around a star where liquid water can exist.

A diagram of Kepler-22b’s orbit compared to the inner solar system.  Source: Wikipedia

The planet is from the constellation Cygnus, a whopping 600 light-years from Earth.  So any goals of reaching this planet are, unfortunately, extremely unrealistic.  Compared to Earth, it’s radius is roughly 2.4 times the size of our planet.  Despite its relatively similar size to Earth, the composition of the planet (solid, liquid, gas) is still unknown.  The orbit of the planet is estimated to be around 290 days, not that different from Earth.  Kepler-22, the host star, is a bit smaller and cooler than our sun, but it is of the same classification as the Sun, a G-Type star.  According to NASA scientist Doug Hudgins, “This is a major milestone in discovering Earth’s twin”.

Artists rendering of Kepler-22b.  Source: Wikipedia

Planets are discovered with the Kepler spacecraft by studying stars and looking for transits of planets.  That is, when a planet crosses in front of its parent star, in this case Kepler-22.  Kepler requires three separate transits of a planet before it can be verified as a possible planet.  22b’s first transit came only three days after the mission began, and the final transit came in the holiday season of 2010.  Further research is then done by ground based telescopes and the Spitzer Space Telescope.

Overall, the amount of exoplanets discovered as of December 2011 had increased by 200 (140%) since February of the same year and more planets are being discovered all the time.  Who knows how many planets have been found since.

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So, after re-reading some of my last post while trying to decide what to write about for today’s, one of the points I made about the Bene Gesserit stood out at me. At one point, I said that…

“In today’s world of morally restricted politics and science, a project of this nature, the breeding of human beings, would be impossible.”

As I was interested in how Herbert portrayed this concept in Dune, I decided to do some research about its application to the real world. I very quickly discovered that my preconceptions couldn’t have been more wrong.

Upon Googling the “breeding of humans”, the first page that appeared on my screen was on the field of eugenics, which as it happens, is defined by Webster as, “The science of improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics.” So, scratch one for me. As it turns out, eugenics is a very real and, at least at one time, practiced form of genetic manipulation. The next revelation: eugenics has actually seen wide support throughout history from many world leaders, the most prominent, of course, being Adolf Hitler (oh yeah… the whole “perfect race” thing…).

After that clicked, I figured I had found my answer- guiding human bloodlines has been practiced once in the real world, and has resulted in all of the expected dystopian side-effects (i.e. mass segregation, forced sterilization and genocide). However, as I read farther, it didn’t take long to realize that this wasn’t quite accurate either. Originally proposed by Francis Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin, in 1883, the idea of mankind taking over where evolution had supposedly “left off” spread around the globe surprisingly quickly. By the beginning of the 20th century many countries had actually enacted eugenic policies, everything from birth control to marriage restrictions to forced sterilization or pregnancies. The practice, in its varying forms, has been supported by many influential figures throughout history, including Winston Churchill, H.G. Wells and Theodore Roosevelt.

In the years leading up to World War Two, eugenics actually saw it’s “Golden Days” when genetic policies were implemented in Sweden, Canada and the United States (in New York City, even), mostly dealing with the treatment of the mentally ill. Then, however, came the rise of Nazi Germany, and with it Aktion T4 (the systematic euthanization of the mentally ill and deformed infants), and the segregation and eradication of the Jews (the “genetically inferior”), and all of the dark sides of eugenics that are popularized today. In a few years, Hitler effectively put his black stamp on the name of eugenics forever.

Despite this, I was surprised to learn, the core philosophy of eugenics lives on, and with the rise of modern genetic technology, we are still encountering the ethical dilemma of genetic alterations today, in the form of “made-to-order babies” and cures for genetic diseases. How do you actually define genetic manipulation? And what defines a genetic disorder? Where is the line between medicine and eugenics? Is eugenics in itself immoral, or does it result in immoral means of implementation? These are questions that many are still trying to answer.

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Life Lies in Orbits and Atmospheres

There are six very specific biological requirements for life. These biological requirements apply to all life on Earth. In looking for extraterrestrial life scientists must establish a set of conditions that would make a planet or other celestial object habitable. There are many unknowns regarding possible conditions of habitable worlds because scientists can only study life on Earth and the specific conditions it has evolved in. Life that has not been discovered could exist in conditions previously thought to be uninhabitable.

When looking for life scientists first look for habitable worlds leading them to generally focus on exoplanets or planets outside our solar system. Why do scientists favor exoplanets? Could life exist on asteroids or moons of exoplanets? Life could exist on moons, in fact Jupiter’s moon Europa and Saturn’s moon Titan may harbor microbial life deep under their frozen surfaces. But moons simply are not an astrobiologist’s first priority because locating a small moon is unfeasible. It is much easier to find and then study much larger exoplanets.

Asteroids are also very difficult to locate because of their small size and their variable orbits. This does not completely undermine the possibility that life may exist on or in an asteroid. Life requires consistent conditions to survive. Due to the variability of their orbits, asteroids ’exposures to solar radiation and asteroids’ temperatures randomly fluctuate. This compounds the fact that asteroids lack atmospheres to protect life from solar radiation and to maintain a habitable climate.


Variable orbits of asteroids in our solar system.

Unlike asteroids, exoplanets have steady orbits these steady orbits create stable conditions that allow life a chance to develop and thrive. A consistent orbit does not ensure life, as the lack of life on all planets in our solar system, besides Earth, illustrates. Planets must orbit at a specific distance from a star; not too far and not too close. If the radius of an orbit is small, signifying the planet orbits the star closely it will be too hot on the planet for liquid water to form.

Also, great amounts of solar radiation will bombard the planet damaging any life that exists even in the absence of liquid water. If the radius of an orbit is very large, meaning the planet orbits very far away from the star, it will be too cold to harbor any life. These low temperatures are caused by a lack of solar radiation to heat the planet up. “Too close” and “too far” are relative terms that depend on the type of star a planet orbits. Inevitably, every solar system has a “too close” and a “too far”, but these distances vary depending on the type of star being orbited.


Habitable zone of our solar system is highlight in blue.

A “just right’ orbital radii do exist and scientists call this range of “just right” the habitable zone. In the habitable zone, planets receive just the right amount of solar radiation to produce temperatures conducive to the formation of liquid water. Being in this zone, is the first characteristic of an exoplanet that an astrobiologist’s note when looking for habitable worlds.

The second characteristic, astrobiologists consider is atmosphere.  An atmosphere must be composed of water vapor, because all known life requires water and the ample protection water vapor provides from solar radiation (any Greenhouse Gas will provide ample protection). It is possible for life to exist in atmospheres composed primarily of other substances such as carbon dioxide. Earth’s early atmosphere consisted of mostly carbon dioxide. Finding an atmosphere composed primarily of water vapor is a bonus because finding an atmosphere any significance is highly unlikely in and of itself. To determine the composition of an atmosphere scientists study the Rayleigh Effect. This is the change of wavelength of light once it strikes any medium. In a low hanging atmosphere composed of water vapor, the Rayleigh Effect is significantly weaker than in a high hydrogen based atmosphere because a lot of light misses the low hanging one entirely.

Recently scientists observed this phenomenon on the planet Gliese 1214b , which orbits the low mass star, Gliese 667C. The discovery of an exoplanet in a habitable zone is very unlikely. So the discovery of an exoplanet in the habitable zone that has a water rich atmosphere carries incredible significance. Its very discovery means that there are probably other exoplanets like it elsewhere (statistically very likely because the Milky Way is 80% low mass stars) and more importantly it means there could be life on Gliese 1214b.


“A SuperEarth With a Water-Rich Atmosphere.” Astrobiology Magazine. Helen Matsos, 6 Sept. 2013. Web. 30 Sept. 2013. <;.

“One Star, Three Habitable Planets.” Astrobiology Magazine. Helen Matsos, 26 June 2013. Web. 30 Sept. 2013. <;.

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Titan’s Atmosphere Shown Promising

converted PNM file


Titan in Natural Color. Cassini spacecraft April 16, 2005. NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Since the Voyager mission to Saturn in the 1970s, we have long known that one of its moons, Titan, has been a promising location in the search for life. Not only does it have water oceans (albeit frozen over), it has been shown to have organic molecules known as “thiolins” form in its upper atmosphere. The molecules are forms of carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen that, when exposed to sunlight, can transform into the building blocks of life.

In April, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory published an article in Nature Communications with the findings of a recent study. They were able to show that enough sunlight filters through the Titan atmosphere to allow the formation of these molecules at much lower altitudes than previously thought.

This provides promising information! By forming lower in the atmosphere, they are able to condense on chunks of ice and even seep into the oceans where they would be able to form amino acids and nucleotide bases. The ingredients for life can now come together!


NASA Team Investigates Complex Chemistry at Titan

Photochemical Activity of Titan’s Low-Altitude Condensed Haze

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory



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The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy: Political Commentary or Just Another Good Read?

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams is the first in a series of books based on Adams’s popular 1970s radio series of the same name. First broadcasted on BBC 4 in 1978, by 1979 the first book was already published and had become an international bestseller. Its Monty Python-esque humor has made it a cult classic and it has since been immortalized in plays, comics, and multiple movie adaptations, the most recent being a 2005 blockbuster starring Martin Freeman and Zooey Deschanel. The question is: was it all for good fun, or is there an underlying message conveyed by Adams?


The story follows Arthur Dent, an anxiety-riddled man living in rural England. One day he wakes up to find bulldozers ready to knock down his house to make room for a bypass. As he lies in front of them, warding off the construction workers, his friend Ford Prefect comes and drags him away. As it turns out, not only is Arthur’s house about to be demolished, so is the Earth! Ford is actually an extraterrestrial traveling the stars doing research for The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (a play on The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Europe) who managed to get trapped on the Earth for the past 15 years.

Just before the planet is vaporized, they sneak onto one of the space ships, only to be discovered and thrown out into space a few million light-years later. Luckily, they are picked up by another ship just in time. On the ship they meet Zaphod Beeblebrox, his companion Trillian, and the depressed robot Marvin. Zaphod is actually the President of the Imperial Galactic Government who has just stolen the state of the art ship to search for the lost planet of Magrathea. They eventually find the planet and, after narrowly escaping its millennia-old defense systems, land.

Magrathea used to be a land of infinite wealth and luxury. It catered to the wealthiest of the galaxy by making custom made planets. Now its desert surface is, well, deserted! Arthur eventually encounters a native who tells him of the Earth’s true origin: Millions of years ago, a race of “hyperintelligent pandimensional beings” created a supercomputer to tell them the meaning of life, the universe, and everything. After ten million years, it pronounces the answer to be 42 and proceeds to tell them that it does not make sense because they never knew the question in the first place. It then designs an even greater computer to find out what the question is: the Earth. The beings hired Magratheans to build an “organic computer” where the beings, disguised as mice, experimented on humans. The planet was demolished five minutes before the question was computed, however, and the mice had awoken the Magratheans to build a second Earth. The book ends with them escaping both space cops chasing Zaphod and the mice after Arthur’s brain.

Is it as Simple as it Seems?


Now, as funny of a story as it may be, there are striking similarities between aspects of the book and England in the 1970s. Times were tough. Political tensions were high, energy crises rampant, and a recession was triggered by increased inflation. Trade unions were striking, unemployment was rising, and the people of the United Kingdom were panicking (Sandbrook; “Economic History of the United Kingdom”). If one pays close attention to the details of the book, a clear line can be drawn from Adams’s writing to the time period in which it was written. Uses of the phrase, “Don’t Panic,” the parallel between prime ministers of the time and Beeblebrox, and comparisons of England to Magrathea are all signs that not only is The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy an entertaining novel, it is also a political commentary on the economic and political environment of the time in which it was written.

Little Green Pieces of Paper

The first (and perhaps most compelling) example that the novel is a parallel between Adams’s universe and reality is the way in which he describes Earth and its inhabitants. “This planet has – or rather had – a problem, which was this: most of the people living on it were unhappy for pretty much of the time. Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most of these were largely concerned with the movement of small green pieces of paper, which was odd because on the whole it wasn’t the small green pieces of paper that were unhappy” (Adams 1). This describes the unhappiness of humans with our monetary system and the economy. During the recession, the United Kingdom had to receive a very embarrassing bailout from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) (“Economic History of the United Kingdom”). This general despondency is reflected in the ways in which he portrays earthlings, comparable to the British.

Anxious Arthur and a Panicking PublicImage

Another argument is Adams’s use of the phrase, “Don’t Panic.” It is “[i]nscribed in large friendly letters on the cover” of the fictional guide (3). Arthur frequently refers to it throughout the tale: “’I like the cover,’ he said, ‘”Don’t Panic.” It’s the first helpful or intelligible thing anybody’s said to me all day’” (53). Now, the repetition of the phrase certainly helps Arthur, but would it not also reassure the people of the UK? Panic was an everyday occurrence in the lives of the British. At one point, the government instituted a three-day week to ration energy during the 1973 oil crisis. The year of 1978, when Adams was broadcasting and writing, was also the Winter of Discontent (Sandbrook). By seeing that if Arthur could control his anxiety everything would work out in the end, Adams was sending a message to the public to stay calm and confident that all would be well.

A Useless President


A comparison is also drawn between the prime ministers of the time and President of the Galaxy, Zaphod Beeblebrox. During the 70s, Edward Heath came to power promising a “quiet revolution” of the economy of the country. When the miners striked and the oil crisis began, all hope of this “revolution” disappeared Furthermore, James Callaghan was forced to continually devalue the pound and failed to get Britain to join the European Union multiple times (Sandbrook). Adams turned this into a satire with the position of Galactic President. “The President in particular is very much a figurehead- he wields no real power whatsoever… The qualities he is required to display are not those of leadership but those of finely judged outrage” (39). He describes the President (or, alternatively, the PM) as one who does not actually help the general public at all. He goes on to draw a direct comparison between Zaphod and Heath: “He has already spent two of his ten presidential years in prison for fraud,” referring to Heath’s fraud in his promise of a revolution. He also compares Zaphod and Callaghan: “If there’s anything more important than my ego around, I want it caught and shot now” (97), which tells of Callaghan’s false confidence he could get the country to enter the EU.

Magrathea, Land of the Forgotten Image

A final example is the direct link between the UK and Magrathea.  Magrathea once was one of the greatest financial powers in the galaxy, much like Britain. It made planets just as England claimed colonies. When the galaxy went into recession, like Europe, it completely shut down all its manufacturing, similar to how all trade unions went on strike. When the characters first arrive, they do not find the legendary planet of wealth, but rather a desert wasteland, much like the economic environment of the United Kingdom. However, Adams does give hope by saying that the planet’s inhabitants will wake up and be successful when the economy of the galaxy improves (which, according to Magrathean calculations (and the shifting political power in late 70s England to Margaret Thatcher) should occur soon) (Adams 152-153; “Economic History of the United Kingdom”).

There are many more examples one could find, but for the purpose of brevity, these are four main examples of the connections between Adams’s fictional universe and the reality of 1970s Great Britain. During a time of economic depression, when for the first time in decades the UK had more immigrants than emigrants (similar to the dolphins leaving Earth in the novel (156)), people needed a little hope. Adams provided this by entertaining the public with his comedy and optimism. His use of the phrase, “Don’t Panic,” as well as promise of an economy picking up (Magrathean calculations) gave people hope while his comparisons between Beeblebrox and the Prime Ministers of the time and witty observations of humans provide satire to simultaneously comment on and distract from the problems of the era. It would be interesting to reread the book in the context of other decades as well, such as 1940s or late 2000s. The greatest part is that this story, despite its messages, transcends the decade to continuously be a source of entertainment to people of all ages and cultures.

Works Cited:

Adams, Douglas. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. New York: Harmony, 1989. Print.

“Economic History of the United Kingdom (1960-1979: The Sixties and Seventies).”Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 20 Sept. 2013. Web. 20 Sept. 2013.

Sandbrook, Dominic. “Why Does the 1970s Get Painted as Such a Bad Decade?” The 70s. BBC Two. Apr. 2012. BBC News. BBC, 15 Apr. 2012. Web. 20 Sept. 2013.

Photo Credits as well as an interesting multimedia presentation on my points and a classmates views can be found in a Prezi Presentation by following this link:

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