My First Post

Hello readers! If you don’t already know, this is a blog about physics, especially pertaining to astronomy and life in the universe. I’ll be focusing primarily on scientific topics, although this blog will also include a review of at least one science fiction book and one science fiction movie.
But before I get into any of that good stuff, I think I’ll answer the burning question on all of your minds: who the hell am I?
My name is Forrest Corcoran and I’m a first year student at Colorado College. My first year class at Colorado College (which uses the unique Block System) is…you guessed it, topics in Physics: Life in the Universe.
Before taking this class, I took two physics classes in high school. The first was a remedial physics class that I took as a sophomore. It covered the very basics of physics, such as basic mechanics, electromagnetic theory, and wave mechanics. The second physics class I took was a senior elective where I focused on the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics.
Although I’m currently a physics student, my primary interest in life is not science. I plan on majoring in business or economics. I feel, or at least hope, that my interpersonal skills and “fiscal understanding”, for lack of a better term, will benefit me well in either of these two fields.
I was born and raised in a suburb in Connecticut, just outside of Hartford, in the town of Farmington. For those of you unfamiliar with the geography of Connecticut, (almost all of you I assume) here’s a map of the area.,Hartford,+CT&gl=us&ei=SAslUpXIIuGNygH6nYGYCg&ved=0CCwQ8gEwAA

At the ripe age of 14, I left my cozy little hometown to attend boarding school at Phillip’s Exeter Academy, where I spent four years living and learning in Wentworth Hall dormitory.
I played both football and lacrosse in high school, along with a short, two-year stint on the JV hockey team. Of these three sports, my passion was always lacrosse. I play four years on the varsity squad and attained the rank of captain my senior year. I’ll be continuing my lacrosse career here at my new home in Colorado Springs.
All of this having been said, I feel it’s imperative to purvey one important detail about myself: I am NOT a “lax bro”; I’m a lacrosse player. I don’t wear pastel shorts and lax pennies, rain or shine. I don’t have long hair, or talk like a meathead with marbles rolling around in my skull. I hate the stereotype that follows lacrosse players around like a plague and I try to avoid being that guy every chance I get.
Hopefully this gives you, as the reader, a general sense of what type of guy I am, and a little bit about my background, both in and out of the classroom.
Getting back to the topic of physics, I suppose I’ll let you know what I hope and expect to get out of Topics in Physics: Life in the Universe. My hope is to attain a greater understanding of what makes us, as humans, the way we are, from a biological stand point. I also hope to better understand the broad and unknown universe in which we live.
I recently became very interested in the topic of extraterrestrial life from the now infamous YouTube video in which a former Minister of Defense for the Canadian Parliament, Hon. Paul Hellyer, speaks in front of the US Congress, claiming to know of many different alien species, at least four of whom have been visiting earth for thousands of years. He goes on to even name several of the species and the solar systems from which they derive. While this all seems very shocking, it is nothing compare to his statement that at least two extraterrestrial are working inside the United States government. Here is a link to the entire 25-minute speech.
The idea of extraterrestrial life has been glamorized by moviemakers and science fiction writers to the point that aliens are often lumped in with Bigfoot, the chupacabra, the Loch Ness Monster, and the Easter Bunny. However, it is my distinct belief that intelligent alien life must exist somewhere in the universe. I can only hope to live long enough to experience the finding and realization of life outside our solar system.

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Hey, I’m Ana.

I was born in Bryansk, Russia in 1994. I do not remember a bit of it! I moved to Vladivostok some time later and have most of my toddler-age memories there.

A few things I recollect include: burying candy wrappers under glass in the sand, walking over a frozen ocean, and smashing my fingers in a door at my grandmother’s office. Unfortunately, those memories have all been permanently translated to English in my mind. One major personal goal that I hope to achieve in college includes picking up my native language and culture.

My interests reach far and wide and change frequently and sporadically. A few of my former subjects of obsession, in no particular order, include: reading, tennis, volleyball, health science, dance, guitar, cello, Lincoln-Douglas debate, quantum physics, etc. My most recent interest has been nutrition science and cooking. After much research, I have come to the conclusion that sugar is evil. Shout out to Primal eating!

I’m not sure what will catch my attention next, but at a place like CC I know something will come up! I chose to attend Colorado College after attending a summer half block as a junior in high school. I had never heard of a liberal arts college before, only a liberal arts degree. After completing the course, History from a Philosophical Standpoint, I knew I wanted to go here. Leaving Colorado was not really desirable for me, and so I applied pretty much everywhere in the state, just as a backup.

One fascinating facet of astronomy is the phenomenon of black holes. They are a Pandora’s Box begging to be opened. If only we knew what was inside, we could answer so many questions in multiple fields of science! Of course, I am more interested in the theoretical physics side of these phenomena. (CLICK ME!)

I realize that we are specifically focusing on astrobiology, but I am also very curious to learn what the field of astronomy all encompasses. I have not given this specific field too much thought, other than its applications to the theoretical physics stuff I’m interested in. EIther way, I am excited for the course to begin; I am excited to dive into a new wealth of information.

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Blog 1: Introduction

My name is Gareth Hardwick and was born in Seattle, Washington in March of 1995.   My mom is a lawyer and my dad worked at Boeing.  He had a small telescope that we would use to look at other stars, planets and galaxies at night.  When I was around 12 he bought a much larger telescope to use at our cabin.  With the new telescope we could see much further into space, usually I would just spend my time panning endlessly between stars and planets in no particular order. My uncle collected rocks, especially meteorites, and he even gave a small fragment of one to me when I was 10.  In addition to stargazing and looking at rocks, I spent many hours building model rockets and airplanes, usually crashing them spectacularly.  This served as my introduction to physics and astronomy. 

My first formal education in astronomy occurred in my freshman year of high school when I took both physics and astronomy both semesters.  While my physics class was less than challenging, my astronomy class was very difficult; I was the only freshman and the only student who had not taken calculus.  Fortunately my teacher spent lots of time outside of class helping me so that I did not fall behind.  Finally I took an advanced physics class my senior year (I went to a private school so we had no AP or honors classes, they were all supposed to be taught at around that level) which challenged my much more.  Because we got through our textbook so fast we spent nearly a quarter with no schedule, on a sort of independent study, I chose a topic involving astronomy, in particular the formation of planets, stars and solar systems.

            Aside from academics I spent my middle school and high school years as a nationally ranked cross-country skier and biathlete.  Mountain biking, mountaineering, backcountry and downhill skiing take up the majority of my time away from school, though I also hike, trail run, backpack and do many other outdoor activities.  When I am not doing any of the above I usually draw or paint.

            I still have not decided on a major, one of the reasons I selected this class was to see if I would want to major in a field similar to astrobiology.  Aside from astronomy my other interests are physics, math (especially calculus), drawing, and painting.

            I hope that by the end of this class I will have a better understanding of astrobiology, but mainly, a better understanding and clearer idea for what I want to major in.  Right now I am very divided between what seems like to possible routes, math and physics, or art.  Which ever I choose to major in I will probably minor in a subject of the other field.  Hopefully this class will start to show me which of these two options I will take, though I cant even say that this with much certainty.

            It is hard to choose one part of astronomy over another, but what interests me most is the space travel.  Possible this is because of my exposure to flight and rockets at a very young age, but whatever the reason, I am fascinated with it.  Travelling though space is the coolest thing I can think of doing.  I spent the later half of my astronomy class researching space travel and even got into a bit of special relativity, though I barely scratched the surface of that field.

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All About Me

My name is Chris. My hobbies include woodworking, sailing, reading, swimming, hiking, and everything in-between. Life in the Universe was my first choice, but I did not know about the point system. I was put into Russian and Eurasian studies which I would have thoroughly enjoyed. However, luckily I was able to switch into this class which I cannot wait to begin. While I was not great at physics in high school, this time around I think I will get it down.

The most experience I have had with astronomy is about as much as I have had blogging- none. The most amount of stars I have seen, apart from projections inside planetariums, was probably during this past week on my NSO Priddy trip. I have seen all three MIB’s though, so I feel somewhat prepared for this class.

I am not leaning in any direction, as far as my major (goes). I am interested in everything, aside from history I guess. Right now I am undeclared.

I was born and raised in the great city of Cleveland, Ohio. It is a great city, except a little too touristy for my liking… no, just kidding. It’s obviously not, it’s Cleveland. Our weather is ridiculous and our river caught on fire, but in all seriousness, my hometown is the best place in the world. I have a twin sister, an older brother, and a younger sister. I spend my summers on Lake Erie racing small sailboats. I go skiing in the winter but am planning on snowboarding this season. I come from a small private high school: University School. It has about 400 students, of which 7 are currently attending CC, which if you ask me, is crazy. My future aspiration, I suppose, is to make bank. Money over everything. Just kidding. But seriously maybe. I don’t really have a plan.

I hope that this class will help me figure out what I want to do in this life. Maybe I will help discover aliens or analyze rocks. I don’t know right now.

One part of astronomy that really interests me is how one can use the stars as a map. For example, the North star is a guide to go north, but I don’t know anything else.  Something else interesting is the fact the the universe is infinite. It is a hard idea to grasp.

That is all.


The above picture was taken a couple days ago on the summit of Pikes Peak. I made the hike with my NSO Priddy trip. It was amazingly gratifying to get to the top and I plan on hiking more fourteeners in the future.

ImageAbove is a picture of Me sailing on lake Erie this past summer.

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